Remember, if you came to HotS thinkin

That it’s a competitive game, you’re gravely misstaken. Just want to try to remind people that this game has to do with luck more than it has with individual skill.

Not saying that skill isn’t needed.
Im saying luck will mainly determine your success, individual skill will only matter in minority of matches. Matches where the inaccurate MM system actually manages to match accurately. That’s the only place where your individual skill will matter.

Luck = Main source of your success
Skill = Secondary source of your sucess.
It will forever be the secondary requirement for so long as you’re in any league below Grand Master.


This is for you:


Then dota 2 and lol are what? Casinos?


Other way around, HotS is more like a Casino than Dota and LoL.


Oh boi, here we go again… you just did this thread already: Just want to add this here again
If you’re an average player, luck can be the main factor.
If you’re below or above average, luck is overshadowed by your own skill (or lack of it).
Any human vs human game is competitive.

Stop being so salty just because you can’t climb higher. Stop blaming your allies you’re supposed to be better than and focus on your own shortcomings and wasted opportunities.


If I can get some 1/2 intelligent team mates, I would be Grand masters super platinum #1.

Signed, The OP


Everyone thinks they should be grandmaster and its the only league people dont make mistakes.
And when I see replays I see why people are where they belong
Speaking of luck and individual skill
How lucky was the enemy team when you thought your skill is good enough to 1v2 the mei and chromie on lvl 7


I got cringe. But at least it’s not all terribad. I saw like 3 good plays. And the rest is just… whelp, let’s say there were many things that could be done by our Uther to have a bigger impact on that game.

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Sad but honestly true. The match making is such a slot machine. The games are not decided by skill but what team gets the player who tilts and argues first. Its a sad experience and thus why I only play with people i know anymore to avoid such games.


LoL has RNG-based crit chance. Dota 2 has…well, almost everything in dota 2 is rng based. You have no idea what are you talking about.

Thats also my point, but hey self reflection replay analysis are borring :face_with_monocle:

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You have that all backwards. Yes of course there are some games someone with even GM skill can’t carry, but the point is that “luck” you speak of is the outlier for both wins and losses.

As players have proven time over, if you do have high skills in this game, that will be the biggest factor in determining how far up the ranks you climb. You can also minimize some of the “luck” factor by not queuing up solo and grouping with a team. That way you won’t have any random chance that someone will AFK or troll your game.

I’m just a lowly Plat, except for brief times in Diamond I know I’m in the rank I deserve and nobody is holding me back but me.

Some posters are coming down on you in a manner that sounds a bit harsh. Be that as it may, they are giving you good advice. It’s also not terrible if you don’t rise up the ranks, you may have reached your peak. I know I have and I still enjoy playing. If climbing is all that matters to you though, you probably should find another game. Best wishes.


Am I harsh? :stuck_out_tongue:

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You’re very direct. I’d be very frightened playing with you because I know my constant mistakes would annoy the heck out of you! You are really helpful so you would try to coach me and I think I’d give you a breakdown. :sweat_smile:


Have you seen Grubby’s stream? He’s 5k master atm, but plays a lot on his 1k master smurf with his wife who was platinum months ago, now D3, boosting involved, but that’s not my point. She’s a Brightwing main and she’s learning from him.
I’d see you learning from AnaBanana.


Haha,Nicely formulated I will steal this one

Lets ask Karabars who played with me, am I not that tough to play with right? I usually just do my own thing and type when we need to do something
You can always post a replay minky but then I know your secret identity :star_struck:

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Could have fooled me, the way everyone blames everyone else for losses and constantly point at stats.


I only saw the non-serious player side of yours, I guess. So overall, I’d say to Minky to give it a try. I don’t think you force “improvement” on those who didn’t ask for it.

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You sound ridiculous.
I am a competitive player, who tryhards in 90%+ of games (even in games, where people just try to “chill”).
I met a lot of people, who play like me, play to win, are competitive, etc.

Even when Hots is about team play, personal skill still matters.
Healer must be good enough to keep his allies alive, calculate his abilities with delays, choose who needs his help the most, etc.
Supports needs to use their tools well enough to justify their pick over other heroes (Zarya = hyper carry, TLV = global soak/map objective abuse, Medivh = anti-burst + dive by portals, Aba = Global support + macro pressure).
Damage hero must position himself good enough to maximise his possible damage and don’t die.
Tank must know how to peel, dive enemies or protect his team, zone enemies out, keep them on himself while his team fights, etc.

Mostly people can’t do crap when they are separated, but still there is a place for solo carry potential (solo laning for example). And when there are 5v5 fights, everyone’s skill matters.


I have played with you before, and I can’t recall any harsh words in game. Of course, this was on NA, and you were far more upset with trying to land Qs as Jaina with 200ms ping than anything I did on Anub. :stuck_out_tongue:

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