30K Sl assassins tier list March 2021

No way Maiev in SL is A tier. In coordinated teams yes. But just going into SL, you can forget about your team following up on what you do. Same for Kerrigan and Tracer. I think they’re biased from having played against Nic.


Kel’Thuzad is C tier? I mean, he’s hard to play but we’re talking about high level meta here.

Gall in tier D? That’s weird and AGAIN depends on the team.
Jaina?.. that’s weird.
Others kinda make sense.

Yeah, Jaina is definitely a solid assassin. If you don’t know what Mage fits, Jaina is a good pick regardless.


Seeing Jaina being Tier D makes this list untrustworthy… Another proof that good players have their own bias and should be looked carefully at their lists.


I can agree that Probius and Nova are tier D.
But Kerrigan A tier?
Those lists are bias of Pro players and also about master league only.

It’s true Probi is sufering because of the current meta but D tier is ridiculous, I would place it on high B or low A.

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Probius really? I remember a lot of threads, where good players says probe is op, but hard to play. So he is probably like Medivh and how can that be bad?

Well, ok.
That makes sense. Still, Probius isn’t S and isn’t D.

Ultralisk doesn’t know how to play Mephisto and that’s their best reference. EU doesn’t play him much.

3 of them don’t know how AA Jaina + Blizzard build is good now. Her PvE puts her in B-A.

Same thing for Azmodan. His split push build is insane, yet they don’t want to recognize how strong he is in SL, even in master.


Back when the strong tanks were the meta he was S tier since no one could touch him but the bruiser meta really affected him since now the enemy can get near him so he’s no longer S tier but he still excels at doing his job so definitelly not C or D tier.

Every since they did a minu rework to him he hasn’t been all that impressive. Good probius players will maintain their 60%+ wr but thats true for anyone playing their best hero. He’s much easier to deal with now.

As for jaina that checks out as well. Putting her below nova is kinda funny but she’s a glass cannon relient on her tank for setup/kills. Her only defensive tool is unlocked through fighting which can be countered. Her ult is either predictable or underwhelming until 20. She brings dmg and waveclear to the table but that doesn’t say much for assassins these days.

I wouldn’t put too much stock into these tier lists. Metasheep are always the worst. These are always more about feels than anything else,

He’s not consistent, and doesn’t easily fit into a comp.

Remember, this is for storm league.

Jaina barely exists in the meta. If you want follow up burst, Orphea is just as good, with baseline sustain, and doesn’t shred through her mana. KT has AoE without the super long cooldowns etc. Most mages give more and better value than she does.

Like I said, it’s hard to find a reason to pick Jaina over another mage.


Maiev is great against any team with a lot invested in melee. She can be weak against heavy CC but can manage with a good tank to help engage.

Kerrigan is way better than I expected. Her damage and stickiness is great. She’s still not that tanky and vulnerable to heavy CC. With a good tank and healer she’s excellent in the 4 man. She can also do camps and clear waves pretty fast now.

Tracer is… well, Tracer. She’s okay but needs a good player that knows how to weave in and out. A good team that can pull attention away from her is how you make Tracer difficult to deal with. Her mobility is too much for a lot of the roster in 1v1 situations.

I think Mephisto is ranked too low. His recent set of buffs should put him up in at least B tier. The most surprising thing to me is how high Zarya is valued in an assassin tier list… Jaina also feels under ranked here but I guess I can understand why.

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If my comp lacks cc, because we have Stiches and not Mei, ETC or Joh, I would prefer Jaina. Ring of Frost is really powerful in the right hands a bit comparable to Gravitation bomb, even though it’s weaker, but it is still a single spell.

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Jaina is better than most seem to be aware. Her slows can be punishing, she can take camps, clear waves and she sets up allies well in team fights. That’s a lot packed into a mage. Her main problem is how easy she can be to dive if the rest of the team is bad at positioning for her.


But if your CC is your Heroic, it’s still less value than a KT who can stun multiple targets as a basic ability.

She also has to play closer than other mages, and so puts herself at more risk, with little mitigation.

Based on your logic cc heroics are bad, because cc abilitys are cheaper? :joy:

Logical fallacy here. You know very well that he means that relying solely on a Heroic for CC is worse then having baseline CC.

Still, gotta say I’d much rather have a Jaina on my team then a KTZ, especially if I wasn’t like, top 500 player in the world

No, based on my logic, if you pick a hero for their CC, it shouldn’t be on a 80 seconds cool down. Both KT and KTZ have stuns and roots on basic ability cooldowns. SO if what you want is a mage with CC, why pick jaina over them?

These heroes have their heroics on top of their baseline CC.

When did I imply CC heroics were bad?

I want A.

  1. Hero C gives me A on a 14 sec cd.
  2. Hero Y gives me A on a 80 sec cd.

Why would I pick hero Y?

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