Remember, if you came to HotS thinkin

People like you are what killed off this community. 0 balls, 0 guts, 0 accountability, all day long going with “it’s just a game”, “it’s just QM”, “it’s just unranked”, “it is just ranked master” etc.

Too bad blizzard decided to listen to you (probably because they are also 0 balls, 0 guts, 0 accountability).

I would say 25% of the games are unwinnable 45% of the games you can carry by sheer skills and 30 % are heavy swing or luck in favor of one side ( still does not completely decide the outcome just put the chips in one team favor) thanks to the MMR system.

By 25 % i give this example from last night i queue late night my team is made of 4 diamonds 1,2,3 ( 3 premades) against 5 masters 1-3K range. I am 5K points so the game reason to put me with this team was

  1. I am 5K points highest in game so it insist on me carrying.
  2. 3 of my teammates are premade

So far so good but what it does not account is that the premades insta lock carry roles and i’m left with filling so there is no way i can complete point 1. above.

Results in 12 minute loss at least i lose 187 points but still the time is lost put the queue search 7 minute on top of it and you get 20 minutes of wasted time for a 90% chance of losing the game even before you pick your first talent.

Can it change? Absolutely no with the amount of people playing this game that is impossible and will continue to happen just gotta deal with it and accept it.

No reason to post on forums and crying about things you cannot control just do your best and grind your teeth in the end you will move forward.

What? Right NOW we’re talking about me… but this thread is not about me. It’s about the fact that the game is “more about luck than it is skill”

The match you brought a clip from is literally one of those matches that was unturnable. Why was it so? Because i failed to poly ETC 1 sec earlier at lvl 3?

No because as soon as i saw a glimpt of “Hmm maybe we could actually recover” i hear the allied death sound just 10 sec later. The opponents played like one body. They were in sync. We were not. So we lost not becuase i failed to sheep but that we had 2 players that were like the 2 popped tires of a car that messed up the handling of a Car.

yea this is what i was trying to point to, not sure how this one is getting overlooked.

What? I would not play this game for this many years if i had that mind-set. I don’t like getting allies talking like you just talked about. Especially if it’s ranked.
I would however say “it’s just QM” if i entered QM to practice a hero or trying to master a certain combo with a certain hero. But even tho i’d say that i wouldn’t willingly and intentionally cause the loss by not giving a F.

I’m absolutely positive, that you get matches every now and then, where your “potato” allies just does way too big of misstakes throu out the WHOLE match. wrote them in big letters. Whole match, makin you think “maaan this guy”.

Let me also add some affixes to that scenario, you are out of range, you wouldn’t have been able to reach him in time, and he made that misstake at a odd timing on the other side of the map while not even being a soaker or a bruiser.

Maybe you think in the lines of “alright i’ll try to expect that s#¤t now” and somehow a couple of min later. Magically that same guy still manages to get himself killed in a odd way you wouldn’t been able to save.
Sometimes it almost looks like those type of allies are just so skilled. Like they have mastered the arts of being bad so well that they pull of PoG plays in reverse. HotS should add a MvP screen in reverse, split the screen and show MvP player to the left and the LvP (Least valuble Player) to the right.

Of course, but it isn’t the crap shoot you are claiming. I don’t feel like a helpless pawn in most of my matches, I feel like what I do does have an impact on the outcome. If you don’t, you really may want to review replays and see where you can be assisting the potatoes to make them less potato-y than the enemy potatoes. The reason I like playing tanks and healers is that there are mistakes made by my team mates that I can fix.

Sure, if they make a bad rotation and get jumped, it sucks, but if my whole team dies and I did not do everything I could to prevent it, that is on me.

Yes of course, you as a tank or healer will always strive to rotate or atleast position urself where you can reach a player in time if he mess up. But i’m talking about those loss matches where that player is actively causing the loss unintentionally. Like they cause the loss not knowing that they’re doing it.

I’m not talking about matches where you could’ve saved, im talking about matches where you CAN’T save cuz as i said they’re playing in a way where they’re playing as if they’re trying to appear on a Least Valuble Player leaderboard unintentionally.

Players like that is not even uncommon, especially in Plat.

That is the extreme minority of my matches. It absolutely is not even half, much less the majority of them. For the third time, watch some of your replays and see if you really are in reach of the player most likely to make a mistake when you are healing or tanking, and if you take action soon enough. I have seen far too many tanks and healers just give up on their team mates, when they could very well have made the extra effort to protect and counter-engage.

This has actually been my focus this season, how can I not just do my role, but make those around me more effective. I have been watching my own replays to check my positioning as a tank, or my use of CDs as a healer, so see what deaths might have been avoided had I just did something different.

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This thread is about “luck” (because you made it that way), but a lot of us disagree and talk about “you”, because our point is, that 1 player can have a huge amount of impact if they play well and thus we highlight your missed opportunities that are basically you passing up on potential positive impact just because you’re not good enough.
Our point is that you shouldn’t complain about your allies and blame them and luck because if you’d play better you could overcome the obstacles their badness creates.

Who came up with these percents?
It doesn’t look scientific.
If 40% of games are unlosable why ppl have below 40% wr?
If 40% is unwinnable why do ppl have 60%+ wr?
(And I’m not even talking about thr bottom/top ppl.)
You have a lot more impact than 20%. But even if it would be 20%, why blame allies and luck when someone didn’t even max out their own influence?

He sure is.


I’m not a pro player and I won a ton of ganes with AI. I don’t see it as low chance.


On the contrary even GM’s can have lose streaks, it was proved, when one dev posted his 16 games lose streak, so it’s kinda true that luck can be factor and you shouldn’t understimate. But you’re right skill is also an important factor. So in the end the better player will climb over time after a large amount of games.

But since this topic is probably so old like the game, maybe I remember the people that I made an suggestion how to fix this issue:

Short info: it’s basically Hearthstone’s matchmaking system.

ok maybe you are a superior player. When there’s a AFK people say “open” and every sits inside the base until the game is over.

How do you win ton of games where you’re the only player out and about and 4 players are sitting in base vs 5 people actually playing?

maybe usa/eu servers are different than korean servers where it literally becomes 1v5.

Having losestreak (or winstreaks) does not prove that luck is a big factor tho.
From all we know he could have a bad day and underperformed.

In EU ppl rarely sit in the base. Even when there’s 1 player who says “we should give up, let them end” most the times they still play because the rest disagrees.

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ahh that’s good

The playstyle is definitely different region by region.

how do i link a picture?

I wanna show you a screen shot i just fired up the game and 1st game, enemy team has a afk and their entire team sitting in base.

lol this happens literally almost every other game on our servers.

Even Fan who are considered one of the best right now showed his match history in silver and guess what. His match history look like mine and yours. A few wins here and there and 5 loses in a raw all of the sudden. But he dont cry about 50% force matchmaking.


Share it somewhere (like imgur, discord, etc) and post the link here between two of this: `

And if in a Region everyone gives up on the first afk it sure is luck based. But the game then decided by the players and not the MM.

Of course it doesn’t “prove” it… It’s not that simple.

The argument is like this basically, this is what i hear when you guys defend this:
Win matches are unheard of.

But when you lose:
“hmm specifically you as the Morales didn’t play like Rank#16 Cris at that team fight, i know you couldn’t have played like a GM just then but you had to be able to. So yea the verdict is you should get better, specifically like GM #16 in Platinum to win”

Ok sure gimme a month just let me complete studying Math 5 and i’ll invent hyperspeed engines and we’ll travel the stars.

You know, admitting that you’re not GM lvl won’t magically make the game luck based nor will justify your mistakes. I mean, everyone can make mistakes and no one expects everyone to play GM lvl, but if you’re not in the top, you shouldn’t blame your allies for not living up to your expectations, since that’s unfair because you don’t live up to theirs either.
They’re bad but so are you. I mean you’re Plat so above average, but you and your allies do Plat mistakes and getting angry on them but not yourself is just hypocritic.

Or if you say you get angry on your mistakes as well I say otherwise: getting angry at ppl of Rank X for doing Rank X mistakes is silly because you’re Rank X as well with the same Rank X mistakes.
Why expect more from your allies. Why getting frustrated that they’re not better than their place. If you’d be good it would be your job to carry them, but you can’t cuz you aren’t.

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You’re writing in light of that replay, and it will “magically” make the game luck based. You’re not seeing it cuz you don’t want to see it. Just now i faced a 3-4 man premade 2 matches in a row and we got our A!&€s handed to us.
First match we had tiny chance, like very close to non existent.
Second match my team was FAR worse than the last one.

Doesn’t work dude… I picked healer that match, like there’s no way the end resault could’ve been any diffrent even if i played like a Master BW healer with those 4. No-way at all.
Doing better applies for all matches but that doesn’t “magically” mean that the game is skill based and the lack of it being the reason for the loss.

The MM set up those stages… not me hand selecting opponents and allies for myself.

I don’t get this argument you have. “If you lose it’s only cuz of you out of the other 4”
You stick to that argument as if it had any truth to it what so ever. I can’t even think of a argument with more holes in it than this one… it lacks all the possible nuances it could have.

The thing is, no one is saying that. What people are saying is that while it happens, to state that the only reason you cannot climb is your team mates is false. People who are better than their rank climb. Those who aren’t, don’t. However, this is something that doesn’t show up in 10 or even 100 games for most people, but will show gradual changes over time.

If your rank is static, you aren’t improving.



All I’m saying, that if you’re better than “those who drag you down”, you’d be dragged down a lot less often.
Getting better is an option and if getting better “counters luck”, than it was not luck to begin with.

You’re right, its not scientific. Its anecdotal evidence based on mine and others own experience with the game. Of course there are gonna be outliers on any bell-shaped curve.

What the key point is, why did I lose the game? Everyone can play better in a game. But if one of your assassin teammates has the same hero dmg as your healer (Anduin)… its a good indicator of what went wrong.

Talking about how he could play better is like having your car not start… and then you point out how he has a flat tire. Technically you’re right… but unless you fix the engine, the flat tire is irrelevant.

Absolutely true. Otherwise there would be no GMs and we’d all be at the same level. But if you lose 4 games in a row and have a 55% win rate… it’ll prolly take you 8 more games just to get back to the where you were. Too grindy for me.

I used to watch Not Paradox and Fan vids on youtube in hopes of improving. As I did start to climb I realize I still had the same amount of games that seemed hopeless as I did when I was low lvl. The solution truly is to play a boatload of games… but you’re gonna have to wade through a lot of crap along the way.

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It’s not an indicator of what went wrong, it’s an obstacle which you need to overcome if you want to claim you’re better.