No way TLV are B. Assuming the player knows what he’s doing, TLV is an S tier hero.
No Probius for this list!? Literally, he’s the best offlaner. He does everything faster and safer than anyone else while still working as part of the team.
Also, TLV B tier what the heck?
Zeratul is an offlaner? Am I missing something?
As long as Spin to Win is at its current state, TLV remains the best offlaner in the game.
Hogger is still S.
Leoric doesn’t deserve to be a prio pick. He’s a late hero and he only counters DW, Arthas and The Butcher in the solo.
Samuro in D is pretty laughable. They have JohannAYAYA, Munky, Pudgenox and Blademaster in EU, yet they don’t recognize how strong he is.
Falstad, even pre rework was C. Now, he’s A.
Fenix is A.
In master, he’s mostly played as the offlaner. He double soaks until 16, then proceeds to 1v5.
Qhira is worse then Illidan in offlane? What madness is this.
That’s how I play him considering I’m useless for 12-14 min. Zeratul is the Protoss equivalent of Murko, thrash at the start, OP at the end.
StW doesn’t make TLV easier to solo lane vs heroes, it allows them to kill people when they are together (3 in one lane, 2 TLV are not enough to kill someone, especially 1).
TLV are the best at double soaking, but macro pressure, most of heroes, double soakers can deal with them.
But yeah, TLV are S tier in Braxis, Volskaya, ToD and Dragon Shire.
Ah ok. Double soaking does make a lot of sense now that I think about it. Cleave has decent/good waveclear, and stealth and blink would make him hard to gank.
Zeratul Q is a decent waveclear and has a lot of tools to simply rotate and escape from danger scenarios, I think he’s very safe too when it comes to offlaning, though learning curve is his biggest problem if you are going to team fight with him which is needed past a certain level.
StW doesn’t need to one shot an offlaner to get value out of it. It chunks them even with only 2 procs and it’s only a 10 sec CD.
I’d put Sky Temple and Cursed Hollow up in there too.
Tier lists have to be one of the most damaging things to the community.
Because the people who need the advice the most aren’t looking at it objectively and usually the type of people who copy/paste builds from icyveins.
Even if he gives his reasoning behind it there are still so many players who will start using it as a Bible and not a reference sheet.
TLV is super good, but S tier is saved for heroes that are good in pretty much any matchup and map. That just isn’t really true of TLV.
I also don’t know why people take so much stock in these tier lists that always change depending on the patch and who posts them, especially when these top players don’t represent players like Phaseshifter.
Tbh u can make TLV work almost everywhere but BoE.
Just need a good 4 men for them.
I could make Tassadar work in pretty much any group, I still wouldn’t have called him an S tier hero.
For a hero that has less than 10% popularity, I just don’t see TLV as S tier, but who cares what I or anyone else thinks. Do what works for you instead of being gossipy about someone else’s tier list.
coughs in WoW and [raider .io] literally ruining dungeons
yeah tier lists are the definitive, end all be all, perfect form of gaming.
No I’m not salty that I get kicked out of HEROIC DUNGEONS for playing a non-meta class.
Artanis will always be S tier in my heart…
Isn’t Falstad pretty strong atm?
Glitched atm. Probably A or B tier once the W quest stops stacking on non-heroic targets.
My boy Malthael is in a pretty good spot.
It’s fixed since 12 days ago.
What isn’t fixed is Hammerang’s slow time doesn’t decay during Lightning Rod if Dishonorable Discharge is picked. It gets even worse with Crippling Hammer by slowing an enemy by 50% up to 6 sec instead of 2 sec.