Epic introduction!
I like a lot the Protoss guys, the 6… the 5 of them that are in the game so it’s natural I play all of them. I’ve already talked about the changes I want for Alarak and Fenix. I still haven’t talked of Zeratul but he only needs tweaks and it is hard to talk about Tassadar’s rework. So today is the day to talk about Probius, who needs something else that just mere tweaks, he needs a rework, a proper rework.
Why to rework Probius?
Probius is a unique hero with cool ideas on it but he was made for a different kind of game, he was made for specialist HotS so it is natural that in current HotS his mechanics feel kinda old and clunky. So, in order to bring the Probe to the modern work, I've been thinking about a rework for our little mechanical buddy.
How do you plan to rework Probius?
Probius right now is in the border lane of OP and useless, even more than Tass, since in the right situations Probius became GOD. Also, there is that problem with Probius mechanics that make him a lone wolf instead of a team guy so, the idea of his rework is to work in the said areas to turn Probius into [Drum Roll] a support!
All right so let's start with his rework:First, let’s change his trait from:
Warp In Pylon
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Warp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field. Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time.
Warp In Pylon
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Warp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field that grants allied Heroes 28 Shields per second, up to 112. Shields persist for 2 seconds after exiting a Pylon Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field. Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time.
Enemy Heroes and Minions drop Minerals when killed. Collect them to increase the amount of Shields that Probius can gain in 1 for each Mineral (Max 1000 Minerals).
Yes, I have merged part of Gather Minerals and Shield Battery into his base trait in order to improve Probius’ gameplay.
The first one is because Gather Minerals is super fun and also combines with the Curious Probe theme. The second one is to re-classify Probius to the support category.
Now let’s take a look at his Abilities:
Disruption Pulse
75 Mana Cooldown: 3 seconds
Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing 142 damage to all enemies it passes through. Hitting the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage.
Disruption Pulse remains the same since it’s as perfect as Cell or Kars.
Warp Rift
150 Mana Cooldown: 6 seconds
Open an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then slows nearby enemies by 25% lasting 9 seconds.
Armed Warp Rifts explode when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 261 (+5% per level) damage to nearby enemies. Stores up to 2 charges.
Warp Rift
150 Mana Cooldown: 6 seconds
Open an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then pulls nearby enemies towards the radius of his center which slows by 30% lasting 9 seconds.
Armed Warp Rifts explode when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 140 (+5% per level) damage to nearby enemies. Stores up to 2 charges.
The changes are hard to explain but there are basically like this:
Current Warp Rift
New Warp Rift
And when the new Warp Rift is armed it drags enemies to the radius of his center just like Johanna’s W but on a minor scale.
Don’t worry, the enemies that are pulled are not dragged to the center of the Warp Rift so they are not slowed… unless those enemies are enough stupid to walk in that direction.
Also, I’m reducing the damage as compensation for the utility.
Photon Cannon
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Warp in a Photon Cannon that deals 105 damage per second. Lasts for 13 seconds.
Must be placed within a Pylon’s Power Field. Deactivates if it doesn’t have a Pylon powering it.
Now Photon Cannon has a button to manually select targets (1).
Photon Cannon
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Warp in a Photon Cannon that deals 80 damage per second, can see over obstacles, and reveal nearby Cloaked units. Lasts for 13 seconds.
Must be placed within a Pylon’s Power Field. Deactivates if it doesn’t have a Pylon powering it.
Yes, I merged the remaining part of Gather Minerals to make the ability more supported oriented.
Worker Rush
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to gain an additional 50% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early.
Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground.
Worker Rush
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Activate to gain an additional 30% Movement Speed for 6 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early.
Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground.
The heroics remain the same but I would like to increase in one second the duration of Null gate to make it more useful.
Now you must be thinking: “You changed a lot Probius, you ruined it!!! Where is the damage? Where is the damn damage!!?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”.
Geez, I know, I know. One of the issues with Probius is the high amount of damage he can do to non-Heroic enemies at the beginning of the match and the poor amount of damage he does to enemy Heroes at later parts of the match. So, in order to fix this, I changed his Talent tree.
The new talent tree basically is:
1-Damage/Path tier.
/// Warp Resonance❢ Quest: Hit Heroes with Warp Rift explosions.
❢ Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, Warp Rift gains 1 additional charge.
Warp Rift does 1 more damage per Mineral.
Hitting 20 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions makes them drop 3 Minerals.
Photon Barrier
Photon Cannon gains 0.25 damage and 0.75 of HP per Mineral.
Hitting Enemy Heroes with two shoots of Photon Canon makes them drop one Mineral.
Particle Accelerator
Disruption Pulse deals 5% more damage for each enemy or Warp Rift hit, up to 25%.
Minerals increase the damage of Disruption Pulse in 0.5 per mineral. Hitting Heroes with Disruption Pulse makes them drop 1 Mineral.
AS you can imagine, these changes are made to make Probius less a lone wolf but without killing his value as a solo laner. He still can gain a lot of minerals by solo lanning but also he can gain a lot of minerals by participating in Team fights.
4-Support/Pylon tier.
Spell Defence MatrixPylon’s Power Field grants allied Heroes 10% Spell Armor. The Spell Armor can stack with other Armors.
Physical Defence Matrix
Pylon’s Power Field grants allied Heroes 10% Physical Armor. The Physical Armor can stack with other Armors.
Acceleration Matrix
Pylon’s Power Field grants allied Heroes 10% Speed Movement. The Speed Movement can stack with other Speed buffs.
7-Survival tier.
/// Nerazim ProtocolCooldown: 50 seconds.
Activate it to gain 30% of Spell armor and to Gain Stealth for 4 seconds.
Unstoppable Worker
Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Activate it to become Unstoppable for 3 seconds.
Observer Protocol
Increase the vision of Photon Cannon in 75%.
10-Heroic tier.
Same as the current one but with Null gate lasting one second more.13-Even MORE damage tier.
Echo PulseDisruption Pulse now returns to Probius 1.25 seconds after reaching its target, dealing 75% damage on the return trip.
Hitting enemy Heroes with Disruption Pulse reduce the Cooldown of Pylon in 0.5.
Tower Defense
When Photon Cannon damages an enemy Hero, its cooldown is reduced by 1.25 seconds.
Hitting enemy Heroes with Photon Cannon reduce the cooldown of Pylon in 0.3 seconds.
Rift Shock
Hitting an enemy Hero with Warp Rift explosion increases Probius’s damage against them by 20% for 10 seconds and reduces the Cooldown on Warp Rift on 0.75 seconds.
Hitting enemy Heroes with Warp Rift explosions reduce the cooldown of Pylon in 1 second.
16-More support tier.
InterferenceEnemy Heroes hit by Warp Rift detonations have their Spell Power reduced by 25% for 5 seconds.
Bright Explosion
Enemy Heroes hit by Warp Rift detonations are Blinded for 1 second.
Stunning Particles
Hitting enemy Heroes with Photon cannon slows them by 25%.
20-Storm/Pylon again tier.
The two heroics remain the same and Shoot 'Em Up and Probius Loop disappear to give room to:///
Perfect Pylon
Pylon now gains all the level 4 talents.
Powered Pylons
Pylons now receive the same amount of Shield that Probius receive from his own Abilities. Probius now receive 10% increase in Spell damage for each active pylon.