Probius rework - Elgishki's version

I realize this thread is the target of necromancy, but I can’t help to do a little of my own. I also thought it would make sense to change Probius to a support. Most people didn’t like the idea in my thread.

Excellent formatting, I like the ideas.

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Prob needs a reworek because it’s weak. His abilities are divided into two completely different game styles that don’t work together.
I think we should decide whether we want to:

  • Pylons and cannon
  • Rift, Disruption Pulse, Null Gate

Same. I want more power and control diverted into his cannons as opposed to just bombing ppl with rifts all the time.

He needs quality of life changes to lower the CD of and place more cannons and pylons quickly.

Also I’ve always wanted probe to have the ability to warp allies to his current location or to where ever there is a pylon field as an ult which has always been an iconic protoss ability and would suit him as a support

Nah. If you’re going to change Probius why not change him to an actual probe? Instead of keeping that weird non probe-like kit, let him summon a warpgate into a lane, have it function like Aba’s nest talent, but stronger. It will summon a zealot that will push down the wave. Make his turret way more important… let him have charges of it, make it deal more damage, more health. Get rid of his W and Q, have his turrets be his main way to deal damage.

It could also be cool if you could control the zealots starcraft style, so they can also engage during teamfights. Make probius this very defensive command type hero who sets up a bunch of defenses and can create a small army to do the fighting for him since Probes aren’t really that much of a fighter.

For a talent for warp gate, maybe you can even teleport the zealots… maybe even stalkers right on to a pylon charge field so you don’t need to have your gate near the area to get value from it.

To replace his abysmally awful slow field ult, I’d replace it with a stargate, or a Robotics facility. It will summon a void ray, or a Colossus down the lane that it’s near, and like the zealots you can control them.

Keep the other ult, as it is still pretty strong.

If you think that having summons that push down a lane would be too strong like that, you can make it to where those summons do not passively soak exp, instead they need to get the killing blow. And since you will be able to control them, there will be a lot of skill in place trying to keep them alive while also last hitting. And of course they will be on a duration but a long duration but the duration is to keep you from cheesing.

I love those rework ideas. This mineral mechanic, baseline shields by pylons, support talents. Amazing.

But I still think he needs the second charge of his trait.