My suggestions to improve Fenix's Talent tree

Hi, I’m gishki, the best Fenix player in the world according to me. Today I want to talk about some changes that I would make to Fenix to help his talent tree.
Since the last Fenix patch, he became not OP anymore but at a high cost, he lost most of his talent diversity, becoming in a more boring hero.
Currently, his playstyle is kinda the same every game since any Phase Bomb oriented talent is lame and to fix that I have some suggestions.

First, let’s talk about the level 1 tier:
Advanced Targeting is the best option right now and the talent is good, however, the other level 1 talents are the ones who need a buff.
Arsenal Synergy used to be super good, but after a lot of nerfs now is so lame at the point it doesn’t do anything, furthermore, his late talents don’t synergy with this talent at all so here comes my first change and that is buff the damage bonus from 150% to 200%.
Mobile Offense is overall good, at least for Repeater Cannon, but for Phase Bomb, the talent does too little, so, I’d change the talent to: After moving, Fenix’s next Basic Attack does more damage to heroes; 35% more with Repeater Cannon and 45% more with Phase bomb.

Level 4 talent tier:
Target Acquired is the indisputable dominant talent of this tier and I’d nerf it a little, changing the speed bonus per basic attack from 10% to 8%, making the number required to reach the 40% 5 instead of 4.
Inhibiting Energy is still not a good talent, so I’d buff it by increasing the slow from 30% to 40%.
Emergency Protocol is a talent that I like a lot so I’d not buff it with pure numbers, instead, I’d add a passive effect: When Fenix’s shields are below 40% Fenix gains 10% of movement speed.

Level 7 tier:
Combat Advantage is a good talent and I like but it may need a slightly buff, changing the bonus from 35% to 40%.
Warp Warfare is completely ok.
Diver Power: Weapons used to be my favorite talent at this tier before it was changed, now it adds too little power and I think it could benefit with a small buff, so I’d buff it by increasing the damage bonus from 40% to 50%.

Talent 10 tier:
Purification Salvo is ok so no changes for it.
Planet Cracker is more noise and flashy effects that actual damage so I suggest to reduce his CD from 100 secs to 70 secs since his damage is nothing impressive and the only actual benefit to choose this ult over PS is the global range.

Level 13 tier:
Adanium Shell is good but I’d add a passive effect: While Fenix’s Warp isn’t in CD he gains 10% of armor.
Dampening Field is good but a slightly buff would be good. I think increasing the spell armor from 25% to 30% would be great.
Rapid Rechange must be deleted from the game, it simply doesn’t work with Fenix.
Auxiliar Shields is ok.

Level 16 tier:
Offensive Cadence is too good because Repeater Cannon builds are the meta right now but I hope that with the changes I propose the other level 16 talent would become more popular so there will be no reason to nerf this talent at all.
Photonic Weaponry is not a good talent right now and I suggest to divide the bonus to spell and AA damage, something like this: Fenix does 15% more spell damage and 25% more basic attack damage when he has shields from Shield Capacitor.
Arsenal Overchange Is a talent I like a lot but I think it was a bad idea don’t make it synergize with Phase Bomb so I propose to change it to: Fenix’s basic attacks from Repeater Cannon reduce his abilities CD by 0.5 secs and the basic attacks from Phase Bomb reduce his abilities CD by 1.25 secs.

Level 20 tier:
Secondary Fire is good but I’d add a passive effect: Increase the slows of Plasma Cutter by 10%.
Singularity Charge is ok.
Unconquered Spirit could benefit from a CD reduction from 120 to 100.
What do you think about my suggestions? Please share your thoughts.
Until next time!

Image made by soursticker.


That’s not how Dragoons work. =[

Going to bed soon, will look at after I wake up.


I think these changes would push Fenix back into over tuned state again. according to heroes profile, he has the highest win rate of the ranged assassins.

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I want that skin for Fenix so bad xD



I still firmly think he has been OP all this time. I worked hard to get to the #1 spot on the Fenix Hero leaderboard on Hotslogs. I still hope they can restore the site data. But it was not that difficult to get +70% on him in Ranked.

As for OP’s suggestions, the true sleeper OP talent that constantly goes unchecked is Offensive Cadence. I wonder if devs have any idea how much damage this deals even against bulky tanks when you go in with Warp Warfare (+175% Auto Attack speed, plus if you have Adanium Shell you take 50% less damage)

You can wipe any hero alone after 16 fast, even heroes like Yrel, Stitches, Diablo or Artanis that think you misclicked by warping next to them. I’m stunned they haven’t touched this.

Also, Unconquered Spirit should stay at 120s cooldown, it is one of the best talents in the game. It does not only grant a shield, it nullifies all of the incoming fatal damage (if you got hit by a powerful ability that could be thousands of dmg)


Or how about make it so that if Fenix is full health, 50% of all healing received will still regenerate his shields.

Example - Lt. Morales wouldn’t normally be able to provide any value to the Fenix if his health was full and he picks Rapid Recharge. Now Morales can directly heal his shield instead of waiting for him to lose health.


How about we just get rid of shields and make it a second HP bar instead?
For all shields.

Seriously, shields are not meant to be health. A hero that has healing that can heal up shields would be interesting as a special part of a healer.

But if you want to buff shields by making them able to be healed, you’ll need to nerf everyone with shields.

I doubt they will even touch Fenix considering he’s quite a good assassin right now.

Little bit of a late reply, but this functionality would be exclusive to Fenix if he picks Rapid Recharge.

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