ARAM is the wild, wild west and should have as few restrictions and rules compared to any other mode. It is this contrast to all other modes that makes it fun. I like mirror matches in ARAM as it’s rare to get them anywhere else. I like that I can use talents and builds that never work in regular modes but are highly effective in brawl.
That does not reward one 1 chest every week for playing.
The issue is stacking high tier heroes and not “mem” teams. For example if the enemy team was to have 3 Thralls they could be poking you with lighting all the time needing at least a strong AoE healer to even stand a chance, something that your selection may not even have. Multiple Azmodans is potentially worse as it becomes a race against the clock to win before the Azmodan build enough stacks to start deleting heroes and drowning even multiple healer comps under the insane damage. Li Ming is another example where by the Orb spam ends up unmanageable as there is no safe place to move anymore and each hit is 1.5k damage or more with as good as no cooldown.
Of course you can still win against these comps, but that is largely due to bad player skill not using their heroes correctly than their hero choices being bad.
Seeing how Brawls have no match maker, this really does not make sense. Your smurf gets matched the same as your main would.
Would need an early game win. Once enemies reach level 20 you lose because your healing vanishes due to at least 1 of the Xul taking debuffing Scythes. Hence why Xul is a high tier hero in Brawls.
Would only be possible to lose early game. Once the Zuljins stacked there is basically as good as nothing the enemies can do.
The all healer team comp can be lethal. I once lost to one which by the end had a Malfurion who’s trent was dealing 700 damage per hit. Unless you get some serious burst damage, or an Xul, they can pretty much stall forever.
Ghost Protocol for return
I miss when all 10 people could be the same hero.
You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never experienced a 10 Samuro match.
Are you seriously complaint about Brawl being potentially unbalanced? Lmao what?
I beat “op duplicates” many times.
Once I was Zul against two other Zuls and my team won.
I also really miss “10 Hero X” Brawls.
you ain’t seen nuthin until you’ve seen 3 mephistos oneshot the whole enemy team XD
i also once went against 3 Anubs, they were probably yelling “FOR THE SWARM!”
on a serious note though,
sometimes double picks can be extremely bad,
notably stuff that doesn’t stack, like having 2 Lucios,
you’d think both of them could heal, right? NOPE!
only one of their healing auras will work, and if they both use Amp it Up
at the same time, only one will work,
so you’re pretty much getting 1 healer for the price of 2.
Just lost to a pure support team. With 3 Decard Cains and an Uther.
How? Well he clearly was never designed to be duplicated. 24/7 root and slow. Late game it hurts as well with each of them managing over 80k hero damage by the end.
Basically imagine if Cain did not need to channel his sleep, or if all his abilities had 0 cast time and very little cooldown. Ouch. They even managed to beat Leoric to a pulp in melee.
The primary intent for Brawl is to be a fun, casual mode where crazy things can happen. While I get how the idea of making Brawl as fair and competitive as possible can be attractive, a lot of methods of doing so would result in changing Brawl from being a fun, casual mode to being something very different, which we have multiple other game modes for.
That doesn’t mean we don’t think it could, of course, use some improvements, but I think approaching it from this lens is a good way for good, productive discussion to be had on how to improve the mode. Keep the ideas coming!
Just for a good laugh. Who has the highest WR in brawls?
Why not? I kinda Brawl like it is, because it’s more fun and wanky and not like ranked.
Sounds awesome to me. Who was the last healer?
GZ with the promotion last month.
Other than my broken record of bring back the PvEs!
, only sugestion I’d have right now is allow swaps.
I agree. Seeing a team with duplicate strong heroes is defeating right at the start. There’s enough heroes in game to not allow duplicates even for important limited roles like tank and healer.
Not just skill but stuff like random counters being on the enemy team (occasionally) and people getting overly confident. It’s still exceptionally hard to win against teams with stacked heroes like Azmo, Chromie and Ming. Their range and power is just insane to the point you would need a very specific comp to stand a change at beating them.
exactly. stop trying to make brawl into something it’s not. seeing multiples of the same hero on the same team is what makes brawl brawl.
probably Lucio or Stukov,
there are annoying characters like Ming who win a lot of games,
but the quality of the healer is usually what determines a win or a loss,
and Lucio and Stukov are the healing gods of aram.
if one team has a lucio and the other has a deckard/ana/WM or something,
my money is on the lucio team, unless it is so incredibly stacked against him!
Zuljin by far. Followed by Deckard Cain I think.
I once fought triple Deathwing as Leoric.
Never before have I felt so powerful as a Leoric.
I hope you didn’t choose tomb as ult.