Brawl shouldnt have duplicate heroes, like 2 Varians or 2 Li MIngs in a team or Anduin on each team.
All heroes should be unique in a brawl.
Brawl shouldnt have duplicate heroes, like 2 Varians or 2 Li MIngs in a team or Anduin on each team.
All heroes should be unique in a brawl.
The duplicates (sometimes 3 or more too) is part of what makes it fun, though.
Triple Hyperion Raynor is hilarious.
My two Leo three Nova game though.
The glitch where if two diablos grab a dude he just kinda remains permanently airborne.
Double Mephisto games.
It’s brawl, man. Stop trying to balance it. It ain’t meant for proper balance.
Triple Deathwing is the fun.
I disagree. Seeing stuff like double Ming is cancer. It wouldn’t be hard to at least limit each team to unique heroes. It would make the mode more interesting and probably less cancer when one team gets OP duplicates.
Brawls would become a ton less fun without duplicates.
Why balance a mode that inherently defies balance conventions (IE random picks)?
I play lots of brawl and I hate duplicate heroes. Getting two broken dupe heroes like Ming, KT, Chromie, Azmo, or DW just to name a few is cancer to play against. I don’t want to be stuck in an at minimum 10-15 min game that’s a guaranteed loss all because of duplicate broken heroes. They could easily implement no duplicates and it wouldn’t hurt the mode at all. It would probably make matches more fun and actually competitive instead of BS stomp fests thanks to duplicates.
Half the reason I do brawls is hoping for a weird duplicate comp, like double Chromie or Whitemane.
Double Stukov is hilarious.
Brawl should have more drafting like mechanics. For example each team is given a choice of 15 unique heroes (not shared between the sides but still randomly selected) which they can ban the enemy heroes of or pick their own from. This would solve most of the problem of ultra high tier heroes and losing a match due to RNG.
If I wanted to play a “more draft like” mode, I’d play an actual draft mode.
Same heroes in 1 team is fun.
Unless its 3x Azmodan or Ming or so.
You can’t have it both ways. Most of the time when you see duplicate heroes it’s stupidly OP stuff like Azmo and Ming. I find the randomness in brawl fun. Like winning with triple tank, double bruiser or oddly assorted team comps. Doubling up on heroes is just dumb.
It’s a real pity though if a fun mechanic is completely removed because 2x ming or 2x azmo is more troublesome than something else. It’s the same for when it was possible for brawl to give everyone the same hero. It was pretty fun, but getting 5vs5 Tracer was kinda dumb and dull.
Not to mention annoying because it means that because your ally got X hero, who he might not take, that you could not get X hero, which is your main.
I never liked the 5v5 only one hero games. They felt really off to me. The issue is people will pretty much only double up on OP stuff or stupid stuff to meme. The outcome is the same regardless though. The games are almost always stomps. Either the meme team gets rolled for picking memes or the OP stacking squad rolls over everything. Occasionally I’ve won some meme games but those are rare at best and I play a ton of brawl. Maybe winning with memes is more common in groups but I’m doubtful of that.
This highlights to me that brawl could use some changes. It just feels poorly optimized just to enable unfun RNG comps. They could make a lot of changes or at least test some.
I wanted to weigh on on this topic because I only really play Brawl nowadays. I have a smurf account that I use solely for Brawls. I have played enough brawls to competently observe that overall, Brawl drafts are usually well balanced.
You may get the odd 2x, 3x, or 4x (I haven’t seen 5x in years), but that’s part of the charm. For instance, and it’s as simple as this: Most folks who play Brawl regularly (and I see the same names come up frequently which is also cool) know that taking a healer when one (at least) is presented in the draft usually leads to a better overall team experience. Brawl healing is great fun, too. Most folks will take a tank if the option is available. All this–it leads to really even match ups that really let you brawl against the other team.
Also, I seem to get fewer quitters in brawl. Most folks will play hard and try to win up to the point where the enemy is 3-4 levels ahead and is beating down your keep. This willingness to stick with it makes for many close games and some really excellent comebacks. Not to mention, brawl que times are faster, and the games are shorter meaning more chances to random roll 4x Ming and blow some noobs up!! Nawww mean??? And, if you’re on the receiving end of 4 mings, just fight hard and let the magic happen.
Lastly, I would support competitive traditional draft brawl format with a ladder system. Would be sick.
Well put TheLastBaron.
As for some wacky comps I’ve tried in ARAM:
Once I was KTZ against Stukov, Tassadar, Medivh, Medivh and Medivh.
Playing as Johannah for 3 Zuljins and a Morales was brutal as well.
I wonder whether those Zuljins were really duking it out, trying their best, to be the Zuljin worthy of Stimpack compared to the other Zuljins…
Also had a 2x Mephisto+2xSamuro+Lili game.
2x Mei vs 2x Blaze. Cold vs Hot!
I also had a match some time ago where the enemy was literally 5 healers.Double Kharazim and double whitemane and an anduin. Or something. My friend playing Azmodan got like 400 stacks on quest before level 10.
The rest of our team was ETC, Gazlowe and 2x Uthers. That’s’a’lotta stuns!
5v5 was horrible.
I still remember 5v5 Valeeras and another 5v5 Johannas.
Those games took like hour to finish.
As for 2-3 same heroes, its fun, ususally it are some brawl-broken heroes like Azmo or Zuljin, so the game at least ends quickly