Entomb is awesome against DW though. It’s one of the few types of “CC” That actually works against him.
Actually, before Deathwing’s last set of nerfs, I would say Deathwing had highest WR by far. (There was a period where I had zero losses on DW in brawl.)
Now I’m not so sure, ZJ is definitely a good candidate though.
Could there possibly be a “single hero” and “Full random*” hero mode option? If so, that could remove some of the cheesiness for those who don’t want it, while allowing people to also queue for the full mad funhouse mode (and people who don’t mind either can just go in either queue)
*Not including banned heroes… Or maybe including banned heroes if you want to go full wild
tomb makes DW a sad draggo, not only are you melting him with percentage dmg, but also his “unstoppable” status means nothing XD
i’ve been in a similar situation to the guy you responded too,
but i only went against 2 DWs,
but it was still hilariously fun
bullying them with percentage dmg and tomb
Deathwing is now taking therapy because of last nerfs.
I am writing to respond to your point about Brawl MMR. Based solely on anecdotal evidence (as I am not aware of a way to test this directly), I have found that Brawl match making DOES take into account some sort of MMR.
The only way I have attempted to test this is by experimenting on several smurf accounts. Let me start by explaining that my primary reason for creating a smurf account was because I have some IRL friends who play HoTS on occasion and they weren’t having that great of an experience playing against veterans with much higher skill. That being said, the smurf account I created to play with them matched us with players of roughly similar skill and account level. As I continued to test this, getting up to about account level 70 or so (playing only brawl), I noticed that I was playing more frequently against the regulars I usually play against with much higher MMRs on my main account.
This leads me to suspect that the game tracks and accounts for player skill in some fashion when calibrating match ups in Brawl. You might find yourself placed with folks with much lower skill on your team, but on the opposite team, I can almost guarantee that you will find someone with your corresponding skill level to fight. Brawl is really cool in this regard.
Take care, and Brawl more!
One time in brawl we had 4 thralls so we got the sundering lvl 20 upgrade and tried to make a square to trap the enemy team
One game we had 2 Cassia on our team, they both went Infinite Lightning at 20.
Pretty sure at one point there were 5 Ball Lightnings going, was hilarious.
Hello sir, we don’t expect you to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the game mode, but doing something small for us like fixing the score screen problem would result with a very positive player response and I believe it would require minimal amount of work hours.
The issue has been acknowledged over a year ago in the bug section forum so you might understand our disappointment over this matter that nothing is being done about it. It’s not all about numbers or the MVP screen but also the social aspect of it and including report user features.
Players that ruin the game through inactivity for both teams or act obnoxious in chat often get away with this behaviour and the good ones I’ll probably never encounter again because I can’t open up their profile to even send a whisper after the match.
As for game quality, we can all agree that games tend to become boring and players often start throwing accusations around when someone on the team ignores a healer on purpose. These matches are rarely fun for either side because one team will spend most of their lives farming globes or idling at safe distance in order to regenerate health. Unfortunately I don’t have a valid suggestion on how this can be changed for the better. Not picking any other role such as a tank is a complete non-issue just as hero duplicates or mirrors.
I don’t really expect you to match players according to their MMR value but it would be great if premade teams could be matched against other premades more often. This is a game mode where coordinated groups of friends can easily curb stomp their opponents and maintain insanely high win-rates. A random solo player might not repeatedly run into them resulting in a ruined evening, but matches could be slightly more challenging and fun for mentioned teams.
In recent memory, I played against a 4x Zarya team that utterly decimated my team which was a decently balanced composition. The sustain and never ending rain of Particle Grenades was simply too much. Maybe if we had a competent Auriel healer or maybe even a top tier Whitemane we could have accomplished more…
As to your 3x BW comp, wowzer you must have had a fantastic time on Tyrael. I had a 2x BW comp the other night and I felt invincible–I think I was playing Tassadar or something.
Right at the beginning of brawls I played on a team with 3 TLVs. They had a KT.
DW can function as a tank and damage so his win rate is pretty high. Zul’jin is also pretty high but he’s far from unbeatable since he needs a front line to really lay into teams and stack. I would imagine Mephisto has near the highest win rate. His AoE and ults are just perfect for brawls. From my experience Ming is also fairly easy to get wins with. Azmo and Chromie are both strong but I’ve had mixed results on them. They seem to need a supporting cast to really excel.
It’s less that there’s one or two really strong picks in ARAM, rather there are a few picks that are god awful in ARAM (like Nova or Murky for example)
Nova can work but she takes skill and most people can’t play Nova in a regular game. Murky does okay but if they have lots of AoE, CC or burst he just can’t do anything. I also never take Rexxar even though I love him because every time I take him KT is guaranteed to be on the enemy lineup.
Appreciate the feedback! I’ll echo nearly all of GriM’s observations and recommendations, but for the premade team point. I don’t brawl in premades, but I rarely suffer any serious setbacks as a result of premades. Usually a strong carry with a good healer can match up against premades if the rest of the team doesn’t create a feeding frenzy.
Aside from that, I’ll raise an additional issue for your review and consideration:
The issue is that during Brawl draft it is common (1/10 games, possibly more) for players to AFK and not select a hero. This isn’t a huge problem for the team if the other players have roles that can compensate, but it becomes a big headache when the AFK player has the only heal option, for example, and the game randomly selects 1/3 choices and that choice is not the healer. I refer to the healer role because typically that is the most essential role for the reasons described in GRiM’s post (fountain, globe waiting game isn’t really fun).
Given that issue, my recommendation is to implement something in the code that triggers upon a couple of conditions: (1) if the player does not pre-select a hero during Brawl draft; and (2) that player has the only hero of a particular role (currently depicted by a gold ring around the hero portrait); then (3) the game automatically selects the unique role as a default.
I think my recommendation would be generally supported by anyone who plays Brawl regularly and would not make any significant change to core Brawl mechanics. Let’s face it, we have all been guilty on occasion of queing up and quickly trying to take a bio break only to return seconds too late having let down your team for not picking a tank or healer, etc…Let’s fix this!
Thanks again for your attention to Brawls! See you in the Nexus, breh.
I think I have only lost two ARAMs on Murky in total, and a few weeks ago, we beat an Alarak/Zul’jin team with a double Murky. If your Murky is godawful in ARAM, it is probably them, and not the hero.
Edit: Huh, Heroes Profile does have stats for brawls. I know they can’t possibly be completely accurate, but it is interesting.
This can be said for pretty much every hero … to some extent. Some heroes are naturally weaker. I mean, some people will be like “PFfft, Zuljin isn’t OP in ARAM at all! OR even strong! I beat a Zuljin on ARAM easily.”
But who was behind that Zuljin…? Cuz I had an ARAM where we had double Zuljin. While I had 93x5 stacks on AA quest and 190 on the level 7 one, the other Zuljin had 31x5 on AA and 45~ on spellcaster one…
Oh, I definitely agree, but I don’t think Murky is as useless in ARAM as so many people seem to believe, and I thought it was interesting that he was pretty much middle of the pack on Heroes Profile for brawls. It looks like Illidan and Valeera are the heroes you don’t want people picking there!
And to my complete lack of surprise, Zul’jin and Deckard were in fact the top two. I love playing the old man in brawls.
Same. I mean, I do get what people mean. Murky doesn’t really have a lot of health. And he’ll have a hard time doing any damage if there’s no other frontliners to take some of the punishment. But he keeps the pressure on. I remember a match once… you may have been there, maybe? With 2 Murkies. Just the fact that no matter how many died during a teamfight, two murkies were ready to defend right away, made it super hard for them to push even after they won a teamfight. Throw in an octograb on an important diver type on their team or a good march at an opportune moment… etcetc.
But most people don’t get all that or so on. I have to actively advise people that Illidan is a really poor choice but people rarely listen and then you have to babysit someone who’s barely useful who only comes “Online” in the lategame.
I wasn’t there for that one, but I was your main tank Murky for an ARAM with you and Karabars! To be fair, we did have double healer, which makes a difference.
My entire purpose in life was to eat all of the toads and spiders, then Bubble it off.