Blizzcon wishlist and predictions

We’re 2 months and some days from Blizzcon… about to make our lists and check them twice and lets see if the developers think we’re naughty or nice:

Predictions and wishes we need to place, in hopes that development elves will finish with haste…

  1. I’d like to see a real panel and a mention in the keynote if for no other reason than to keep our shallow pool of hope alive.

  2. I expect to see ARAM as a game mode announced at Blizzcon with release during winter veil

  3. 2 heroes I’d like to see throw back to past glory days

  4. I would like a real Q&A with users giving us a roadmap to 2020.

  5. This is a selfish thing I keep asking for A zerg mount with a busted left fang so kerrigan can ride her pet zerg into battle.

What are your wishes and hope for blizzcon ???


Man i miss those voice acting stage for heroes now its been replaced by those overwatch VA

I could have sworn I’d seen a Zergling mount in the game already somewhere. So there’s that.
On another note I am just hoping that were still important enoug hto get a cinematic probably for the enxt hero release, which I’m guessing is going to be either Reinthart or Gromash


A more humble Blizzard, I’d love to see that. And not tell us we don’t know what we want, nor wonder if we all have phones. That’s it.

And a proper Diablo please. Even a Diablo 2 remastered would be awesome!

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There is a Zerg mount. These take care of their fangs though.

My wish is for a Red Shirt guy to put Blizz in their place every year.

EDIT: My other wish is for all Blizzcon goers to wear red shirts and ask Blizz very obscure questions about lore that ONLY the hardcore would know about specifically to put Blizz on the spot for being human and not remembering every single detail.


Its in there but its defective, its just a generic zergling not Kerrigans Zergling

see Transmission cutsceen

K I get now

All I want for Christmas is Moira.

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It HAS to be Deathwing. As much as I want Reinhardt and Moira. Deathwing is coming.

It apparently been deathwing every blizzcon year.


Yeah, but they didn’t badly need to throw their players a bone in previous year. This is our first Blizzcon where they have something to be sorry about.

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If you mean Qhira I am going to lose my mind Phase

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What? No. I meant the HGC cancellation and connected things.

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This is a year where if they pull out Deathwing I wouldnt be totally shocked.

After everything that has happened with Hots and with the backlash of Qhira, I would be indeed shocked if they dont pull out a strong name.

Curious to see it.

I hope so. Grommash would be the most acurate release considering he is extremly wanted and Warcraft III: Reforged is comming soon. Reinhardt would be cool too, yeap. I don’t care about Deathwing tbh. He is overrated.


An announced fix to the two maps out of rotation…

Considering the general situation and budget left on HotS, I would be glad to see a new “big” Hero announced (like Deathwing or Grommash, that are both been asked for ages) and then a detailed roadmap on what we should expect for the first half of 2020. Maybe they could tease some more details about the incoming reworks ( and Tassadar).

Oh yeah the HGC Cancellation right forgot about that one lol. Okay point made sorry for jumping the gun.

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The only thing I have any hope of actually happening is Percentage Damage getting its own color because the suggestion got dev attention during an AMA.

Other wishlist items:

Basically I want all of the QoL updates.

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Grom Hellscream. With a cinematic if possible.

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