I could have sworn I’d seen a Zergling mount in the game already somewhere. So there’s that.
On another note I am just hoping that were still important enoug hto get a cinematic probably for the enxt hero release, which I’m guessing is going to be either Reinthart or Gromash
There is a Zerg mount. These take care of their fangs though.
My wish is for a Red Shirt guy to put Blizz in their place every year.
EDIT: My other wish is for all Blizzcon goers to wear red shirts and ask Blizz very obscure questions about lore that ONLY the hardcore would know about specifically to put Blizz on the spot for being human and not remembering every single detail.
Yeah, but they didn’t badly need to throw their players a bone in previous year. This is our first Blizzcon where they have something to be sorry about.
I hope so. Grommash would be the most acurate release considering he is extremly wanted and Warcraft III: Reforged is comming soon. Reinhardt would be cool too, yeap. I don’t care about Deathwing tbh. He is overrated.
Considering the general situation and budget left on HotS, I would be glad to see a new “big” Hero announced (like Deathwing or Grommash, that are both been asked for ages) and then a detailed roadmap on what we should expect for the first half of 2020. Maybe they could tease some more details about the incoming reworks (D.va and Tassadar).