Hello, friends. My name is Kith and my ring fingers are kinda busted:
For most tasks, the twist of my fingers doesn’t really get in the way. However, I’ve found that playing games like HOTS can cause discomfort and even pain if I wind up using the W key too often, causing me to avoid certain characters that use W-based abilities regularly (Sonya, for example).
Of course, I can always just make a new Hotkey profile that switches the W and E keys, but then I have to pop open the Menu to switch to a new profile every time I play a character that I do or don’t need to do that for. When you’ve like me and you’ve got ten different profiles to suit the unique quirks of each character you enjoy playing, screwing around in Options gets old fast. I’ve given up on playing a couple characters I really enjoy because I don’t have the time or the patience to fiddle with the options every time I pick them.
To remedy the situation, I request the ability to specify Hotkey Profiles to be automatically equipped for specific Heroes or add Hotkey Profiles to Hero Loadouts. This would not only benefit myself and other players with interactive issues, but it would also benefit players that play characters with non-standard control schemes (like Samuro, The Lost Vikings, or Gall) by allowing them to customize their controls to their liking without impacting other, more traditional characters.
A couple of them were likely from me, given that I’ve asked for it on both the old forum and on Reddit. I was hoping with the new forum, maybe it’d pick up a little more steam and public support.
Yes. I always have to change hotkeys because for example, Tyrande can heal herself with Q, and I bind Target-Self Q to my thumb mouse button… But on Auriel I want to Target-Self R, for the iceblock thing… So I have to change the key. It’s always the thumb button but I want to use it on different keys on different Heroes.
And this is related but different. On Jaina, the quest thing always appears on the first slot of the activates, and then if you take the talent that gives you like a boost it also becomes activate. But I always have to drag the first activate to the next slot.
I know it’s like the most stupedest thing ever, and I think that adding that kind of stuff, which are super little changes kind of require a lot of stuff that has to be done, plus changing a little makes other things change and stuff…
But I wrote it because the thread was here.
I also want to make the spellbar disappear. And the portrait. Of some Heroes. And add hotkey to open map on full screen like in World of Warcraft. And be able to make small map disappear.
Having Hotkey Profiles would solve this pretty handily, I think. You’d be able to bind specific buttons to specific slots and as long as you remembered what order you got the Extra Abilities in, they would always be the same buttons for you.