Blizzcon wishlist and predictions

I expect another red shirt guy in the audiens, unless they have banned all red shirt guys from the stage.

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A marketing division that knows how to promote games and pick on trends correctly.
Those guys waited decades to do a moba and they still haven’t made an auto chess mode somewhere…

I wish for a cinematic, including their latest gal Qhira, in a battle with some fan favorites, like Tracer or something, show casing a glimpse of where some of our favorites are, and how they’re doing.

I know that’s kinda intense for the HotS production team, but it’d just melt my heart.

What I predict is angry disappointed threads…

Not to announce any mobile game

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I want to believe, but it’s hard to see that after the update. Who knows though, blizzcon 2018 was pretty terrible overall if I remember, so maybe they’ll go all out this year.
