Heroes of the Storm categorizes its many different effect types by giving a unique color to each effect type. For example, take this basic color palette (borrowed from Google Docs):
Many of these colors are used to represent HOTS’s various effects. From left to right, we’ve got Orange Physical Damage:
Yellow Energy:
Green Health and Health Restoration:
Light Blue Shielding:
Blue Mana and Mana Restoration:
Purple Ability Damage:
And Pink Energy:
But for some reason, despite being an effect with its own special calculations and interactions, we do not have a unique color for Percentage Damage:
When characters with special resources (Sonya, Valeera, Zarya, D.Va) get specific colorations to set them apart, it’s strangely inconsistent when Percentage Damage doesn’t get the same treatment. HOTS has three characters who rely very heavily on Percentage Damage as a core part of their kit (Malthael, Tychus, and Leoric) and a ton of talents that add it to a character’s abilities or attacks, but for some reason it doesn’t get a color of its own to reflect its special mechanics.
It’s easy to see why it’s a problem when you’re trying to gauge how impactful Talents like Total Annihilation or Corrosive Saliva are: they add Percentage Damage to an effect that already deals Ability Damage, but, because Ability Damage and Percentage Damage are both the same color, it can be very difficult to tell at a glance how much value you’re getting because it’s difficult to tell which is the Ability Damage and which is the Percentage Damage. It’s even worse for characters who have Damage Over Time effects like Lunara - it’s nearly impossible to tell how much value you’re getting from Invigorating Spores because enemies are constantly taking damage from Nature’s Toxin and the Percentage Damage gets lost in the noise.
Ultimately, there’s no reason for Percentage Damage to be the exception to the rule. It uses special calculations that other damage types don’t, there’s no shortage of Abilities and Talents that use it, and we’ve even got a spare color that isn’t currently in use for impact effects like these:
To solve these issues and better Heroes of the Storm in general, Percentage Damage effects should be given their own color of Red. It would not be a difficult change to make, taking maybe three minutes per effect total, and it would go a long way towards making many effects more readable and feel more impactful.
Edit: The lovely SamiSha hacked together a visual example: