It has been 10 years since Chillwind Yeti, beloved 4 mana 4/5 minion with 0 text debuted. But I had a thought and it got me to wondering. What would Chillwind Yeti be in 2024? If 10 years ago it was (is) a 4 mana 4/5, take all power creep into consideration, what would Yeti have to be to see any play again? 4 mana 7/7, no text? Or would that be too strong? Or too weak? What would Yeti have to be these days for it to return to that special place in our hearts?
We’re talking about a neutral 4 mana 4/5 without text on it
There are no such minions anymore xD
But we still have “Tazdingo! Ha-ha-haa”
That is my point/question. Say neutral text minion comes back. What would a 4 mana have to be these days in order to see play?
6/6 is probably the threshold.
Anything beyond that it will see play in Warlock because of the location.
how are we not going for battlecry simply summon a 1/1 mech/beast mechanical yeti that has rush and a deathrattle summon a Chillwind Yeti. (for all the Feralas adventurers that know) lol
It could be this: Worgen Greaser is OP .
Probably the latter.
It’s ‘Yeah’ (well, actually, ‘Ye-e-es!’ [1] — didn’t hear that in the game that clearly, so I’m still learning something).
Same stats but there would be text on the card. The text would say, “Battlecry: Summon a random minion that randomly casts a random spell on a random minion . Shuffle three Win the Game cards into your deck.”
So if a 4 mana 7/7 no text would not be played currently…how big would Yeti have to be before it would see play unironically? 4 mana 7/8, no text?
Also,some Blizztard dev is probably going to read my post and think, “Wow that’s a great idea! We should put that card in the next expansion!”
Takes me back into the good ol’ times
Not bad. However, if I may, a small addition: a RANDOM (say, 50%) chance that the opponent wins instead — that’d be PERFECTION.
It literally doesn not see much play at all.
Some do complain about 3-mana 6-5 minions, though.
Dunno… Zero-mana 15-15?
Then they should read this:
Classic afficionado here, and Taunt Druid featuring good old ‘Tazdingo!’ was one of my favourite creations there, btw.
But wait, did you edit or delete your post or something? I think I saw a suggestion to make it legendary just for the sound — to which I’d object: one copy is not enough when you could have two.
Yeah I remembered some even cooler sounds xD
“Everybody, get in hereeee!”
“Guess whooooooooooo???”
I mean, if those aren’t legendary, than tazdinga is epic at best.
Oh, why did you have to mention some disgusting stuff? If that’s what I’m thinking, it’s ‘Everyone’, by the way.
‘Shmuggle!’ Supposed to be ‘Sparkle’, but what can you do with those misheard lines… ‘Do-re-murgl!’
That would be my suggestion: ‘epic’ would do, but still with two copies. It didn’t make it into the previous post, though.
Come to think of it, that was way too common.
For those who’ve forgotten, the last season of Twist was a great opportunity to remember.
‘That toy’ is nothing compared to what ‘Everyone’ used to be. For the record: thinking of the whole meta, not someone’s personal favourites — since ‘whoami’ was even worse when ‘everyone’ got out of there.
I think that Yeti would be a great addition to the game again. I miss it a lot too. I also made a thread about it!
4/4/5 after a stats squish. The devs may be foolish not doing a stats squish every rotation.
On the other hand: too many people have a hard time getting RNG is a zero sum game.
Well it’s a zero sum game if you play a lot of games,
but most of them not getting it do play enough.