Yeti in 2024? Theory

It has been 10 years since Chillwind Yeti, beloved 4 mana 4/5 minion with 0 text debuted. But I had a thought and it got me to wondering. What would Chillwind Yeti be in 2024? If 10 years ago it was (is) a 4 mana 4/5, take all power creep into consideration, what would Yeti have to be to see any play again? 4 mana 7/7, no text? Or would that be too strong? Or too weak? What would Yeti have to be these days for it to return to that special place in our hearts?

We’re talking about a neutral 4 mana 4/5 without text on it

There are no such minions anymore xD

But we still have “Tazdingo! Ha-ha-haa”

That is my point/question. Say neutral text minion comes back. What would a 4 mana have to be these days in order to see play?

6/6 is probably the threshold.
Anything beyond that it will see play in Warlock because of the location.

how are we not going for battlecry simply summon a 1/1 mech/beast mechanical yeti that has rush and a deathrattle summon a Chillwind Yeti. (for all the Feralas adventurers that know) lol

:grinning: It could be this: Worgen Greaser is OP .

Probably the latter. :rofl:

It’s ‘Yeah’ (well, actually, ‘Ye-e-es!’ [1] — didn’t hear that in the game that clearly, so I’m still learning something).


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Same stats but there would be text on the card. The text would say, “Battlecry: Summon a random minion that randomly casts a random spell on a random minion . Shuffle three Win the Game cards into your deck.”

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So if a 4 mana 7/7 no text would not be played currently…how big would Yeti have to be before it would see play unironically? 4 mana 7/8, no text?

Also,some Blizztard dev is probably going to read my post and think, “Wow that’s a great idea! We should put that card in the next expansion!”

Takes me back into the good ol’ times :smiley: :smiley:

:grinning: Not bad. However, if I may, a small addition: a RANDOM (say, 50%) chance that the opponent wins instead — that’d be PERFECTION. :rofl:

It literally doesn not see much play at all.

Some do complain about 3-mana 6-5 minions, though. :thinking:

Dunno… Zero-mana 15-15? :grinning:

:grinning: Then they should read this:


Classic afficionado here, and Taunt Druid featuring good old ‘Tazdingo!’ was one of my favourite creations there, btw.

But wait, did you edit or delete your post or something? I think I saw a suggestion to make it legendary just for the sound — to which I’d object: one copy is not enough when you could have two. :grinning:


Yeah I remembered some even cooler sounds xD

“Everybody, get in hereeee!”
“Guess whooooooooooo???”

I mean, if those aren’t legendary, than tazdinga is epic at best.

Oh, why did you have to mention some disgusting stuff? :thinking: If that’s what I’m thinking, it’s ‘Everyone’, by the way.

‘Shmuggle!’ Supposed to be ‘Sparkle’, but what can you do with those misheard lines… ‘Do-re-murgl!’

That would be my suggestion: ‘epic’ would do, but still with two copies. It didn’t make it into the previous post, though. :grinning:


Come to think of it, that was way too common. :crazy_face:

For those who’ve forgotten, the last season of Twist was a great opportunity to remember.

‘That toy’ is nothing compared to what ‘Everyone’ used to be. For the record: thinking of the whole meta, not someone’s personal favourites :rofl: — since ‘whoami’ was even worse when ‘everyone’ got out of there. :man_facepalming:

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I think that Yeti would be a great addition to the game again. I miss it a lot too. I also made a thread about it!

4/4/5 after a stats squish. The devs may be foolish not doing a stats squish every rotation.

On the other hand: too many people have a hard time getting RNG is a zero sum game.

Well it’s a zero sum game if you play a lot of games,

but most of them not getting it do play enough.