The game needs more 'disruption', OTKs and solitaires

When you think of the most fun elements in the game, much appreciated by the community, a few of them come to mind: OTKs ‘out of the blue’, UIS questlines (‘I just win’ and such), but also so-called ‘disruptive’ cards that manipulate the opponent’s deck, hand and so on. Some of the prime examples would be: Dirty Rat, Theotar, Patchwerk (some of them have rotated out of Standard and will be deeply missed)… Clearly, all of the aforementioned were the best and most fun solutions in this game — and that Ben Brode, who, with all his antics, didn’t cross these lines and explicitly refrained from releasing such cards, probably understood nothing of designing this game.

However, one could argue that there is not enough of such fun, and ‘disruption’ in particular, in modern Hearthstone. Why not print some cards that remove cards not only from the opponent’s hand or deck, but also from their collection? For example, you could choose a target, and it would disappear from their deck… forever, not even any dust left. Clearly, this would create some more opportunities for fun and engaging gameplay.

What’s more, cards that disenchant the opponent’s cards could be made uncraftable and accessible only with a Tavern Pass, which would make the game even more appealing to a broad range of players and establish a better game economy.