Infinite card generation. Discovery as many times as you need it. What could possibly go wrong?
I’m sick and tired of playing opponents that can simply pick and choose whatever card they need for whatever I do. Don’t have it in your hand? Didn’t put it in your deck? No problem. With vision of darkness you get to cycle through choices until you get exactly what you need to stay in the game. And for priest, that’s a lot of options
One time, I used Theo to steal it from my opponent’s hand, and they automatically conceded. So luck decided who wins and who loses again. If Theo doesn’t steal that card, I’m screwed
It’s just another stupid idea for a card from game designers that seem to have no shortage of stupid ideas
Yeah that must be it. The problem is me. Not the idiots running the show around here
Also, this is the typical response to anyone who criticizes any aspect of this game. Somebody inevitably will come out of the woodwork to blame the player complaining and make it sound like the problem is actually them. It’s just ad hominem. It’s old and it’s tired and we all see through it
Is it infinite card generation? In theory, yes. But is it as good as you claim? Not really. Because “cycling through choices” as you put it costs mana and if you don’t have the proper response for the current boardspace, you’re screwed.
It’s good against control decks, because you have several turns to find the best cards, but against an aggro deck, you need the right pick all the time.
Blood DK is unfavored against priest, that’s it. There are plenty of match up blood DK is favored against.
Blizzard doesn’t try to balance each individual match ups but the meta as a whole.
I’m not a huge fan of endless card generation usually. I think in this case, the card is fair. You need to play the minion first, to get the vision. Then, each turn, 3 mana is paid just to discover a card that may not be useful. Even with Love Everlasting in play, the visions cost 1, making them much more flexible. Still, you need to have Love Everlasting in play, and even then, the discovery isn’t always what is needed.
Just be glad that it generally can’t produce cards that will directly kill you though, since they took Void Shard away from Standard. So, at best the priest will be producing board control and heal cards, or maybe copying things from your hand/deck. The only real damage spell they can generate costs 5 mana for 2 damage, or 4 if they had an undead die last turn…
Play Theotar. Steal Vision of Darkness. Problem solved.
This card is actually weak and it only becomes useful with Love Everlasting, but even then it’s beatable, so nothing ridiculous. Priest was always known for card advantage and attrition games since the beginning of Hearthstone.
Also funfact: every class has access to infinite card generation with Fizzle and Zola, even tho priest and mage are the ones with special cards for infinite spells.
you are just a sore loser the card costs 3 mana and doesnt discount the cost of the card it generates on top of it you need to play a 6/6 6 mana without taunt or rush to get it
It’s going to take you a solid 3 tries on average to get the card you want because of the card pool. That might be good for Control decks when they need a few turns to build up a deck so you can prepare, but against aggro decks it’s near worthless. You might get lucky once or twice the turn you need a certain card, but overall you’ll be at a loss.
And this card gets worse with every new expansion. So, the card as it stands now is as good as it will ever be.
I agree. Also people here tend to ignore what’s happening with decks outside of what they see on hsreplay. Several players climbed to no 1 legend this week with this deck. And that card is absolutely busted. People here also forget priest is made to handle early agro. You don’t play her on curve against agro. You play her once you’ve destroyed the board and can comfortably discover every turn.
The only bad matchup for this deck is relic dh. Even that is not impossible to beat.
Also, yes people here with there thousands of posts will jump on you immediately for saying anything is wrong with the game and try to drown you in word vomit or with numbers. They don’t play in legend ranks. They just like to gaslight and gate keep.
only is used when you are talking about 1 why are you using to talk about one of the many bad match ups the deck has ? the list is bit longer…over 5 decks
its tier 3 for a reason dont you think?
i dont think youll ever find a 0 % winrate match up but 33% is low enough to think the chances are low
Ah I see you have access to hsreplay. That’s great. So not everyone uses that (see firestone.) Also it’s not the most popular deck to grind to legend and top legend with, so it’s skewed. Most people seriously climbing don’t want long games. If you’re close to the top though this deck will close the games out. So what I 'm saying is that isn’t really a true representation of this decks power level.
Play the deck yourself or watch one of the top players play it. You’ll see this deck has so many outs and usually you just steal and perform their win con. That’s the entire point of the deck. If not you disrupt and outlast them.
Relying only on hsreplay stats is silly. I had a 60% winrate with a hsreplay tier 3 deck last month.
And I won’t be replying. I hope his helps you get over your hsreplay bias and actually play the decks or watch someone who is good play them.
What an absolute ignorant take and complete lack of knowledge on what HSReplay stats give.
Somehow you think the data is bias and try to dismiss it because it doesn’t match the bias you want it to match.
It has tens of thousands, literally tens of thousands of games tracked of just Control Priest and the stats don’t lie. Control Priest isn’t that great of a deck and has a ton of losing matchups, and you want to act as if it doesn’t.
Just because YOU think it’s some top deck doesn’t make it true. The stats don’t lie. It’s a Tier 3 deck right now and there are lots of matchups that give it problems.
You obviously have zero idea of what the difference is between anecdotal data and what HSReplay data offers. The fact you even argue with anecdotal evidence to try to dismiss the stats shows you have no clue how stats work. What a joke.
Yeah, this. The meta has accelerated. Too many decks are running win conditions beyond swinging a board of non charge minions after hoping the opponent doesnt clear them for a turn. When lots of decks are able to hit you for 35+ damage from hand, control priest is trash.
I’ve already hung up my priest deck and made a hound hunter deck. Now i can just lorthemar + king krush these slow decks.
It has been this way for years though. Control style priest is only good against other slow decks and invariably gets plowed by aggro and combo. Paladin might be the worst matchup I’m seeing on my control priest atm just because they can refill the board so easily and cheaply. Sure, you can get lucky and draw your board clears and stay afloat, but while you do that, you are also not putting any pressure on paladin. A 3 mana discover more spells spell isn’t going to save you.
Sorry but, this isnt the truth of why control priests are losing to paladins. See, you CAN board clear aggro players to death. Paladins usually arent killing you on board.
They kill you with the weapon combo. It may not nuke you for 30 damage, but 22 is enough to close out a game.