Tired of being dead turn 8

Accidently commentd here yeh i just lost to a shaman i think turn 6 with a massive board he had.

Other decks that can nuke you at turn 6 kinda reliably - frost DK, pure paladin, enrage warrior, undead priest, face hunter


I am kinda tired of the dead by turn 6 meta i rarely am upset but im sick of it oh yay i flooded the board before u did i win 3000 iq i am not a player at a low rank either so yeh.

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Honestly I kinda got used to it. I do not like it but what can I do about it? There is some really powerful stuff that allows certain decks to snowball really hard and really early.

Usually I try to either play similar decks that can pack a punch from the start or quite opposite where I try to deny them that snowball effect … so I can snowball after that :smiley:

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Look im just venting this is what the game has become but i wont be along for much longer unless they dial back the powercreep.

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It’s either that or let me wipe your board 6x over and delete anything you attempt to play.

So I don’t usually see this meta because if you’re playing one of these

Then the two players are fighting for board control and not just a smorc fest.

What is your early game that you’re so consistently getting rolled?

Honestly, I think totem shaman is really fun and it’s not even the best list out there right now. Deciding when you’re on defense and when you’re the attacker versus other board decks makes much more exiting games that discover->heal->stall repeat to fatigue.

Step away and take a break for a few hours or days. I hate to see you so upset. This isn’t to say I disagree with the points you’re making here and elsewhere. But, it seems to be really getting to you, and that’s not good.

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Atm I am playing enrage warrior (more straightforward one) and even against other board based decks its possible to overwhelm them to finish them on turn 6.

1 drop into Rolling Stone (mvp in my opinion) usually give you advantage on its own. Not to mention stuff like location + egg that allows you to trade + leave 3/3 body. Power Slider can turn the board in your favor pretty hard too.

Sure, its typical enrage warrior from previous set = its either OP or laughable depending on how your deck was shuffled and if you managed to highroll mulligan.

I still think people kinda think you can completely snowball and overwhelm just passive decks but it wasnt the case even in previous expansion where undead priest was able to t5 lethal with good draw pretty much anything. Its same now. If you snowball harder - you win faster.

I hate to say it, but I wouldn’t hold hope to this. They’ve come out and said they believe power creep is needed when new expansions are released.

I’m not saying kick rocks, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if you’re frustrated.

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It’s pretty close to needing a nerf. That infuse summon is a bit ridiculous. They may need to up the infuse cost on that.