Tired of the people who only emote when they win

Such sore winners and it seems like that is the ONLY type of player Hearthstone has anymore. Won’t emote entire game (or respond to your hello emote) but once they win they all happy to emote you.

Wish we could permenetly toggle emotes off.

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A nice QoL change would be just not letting you emote after someones died, it’s frustrating when you lose and you get slapped with a sarky ‘well played’ while your portrait is shattering

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That’s what the mute button is for ?
Permanent would be great


I know, but I said it was a QoL change
Auto squelch would be lovely


Emotes are nothing. Battle bashes are just psychologically evil. A huge hand slap??

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i emote all the time… something troll and snarky. i want my opponent playing tilted and emotionally compromised so they make dumb mistakes and lose in embarrassing fashion.
i love it. live for it.
Don’t like it? squelch me or freaking play better.


Sorry to hear that you need emotes to help you win.
Your opponents must be babies to be so easily manipulated.


I emote hoping that I lose

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Always amazes me that people get triggered when an opponent says well played after a game.

Imagine in real life a person comes up to you to shake your hand to say good game and you just lose your mind and get triggered as if THEY’RE the ones with a problem lol


I hate your tone! I can imagine your @!#! face while typing and emoting.
And NO it’s not all in my head!!!


I mute all Bgs when i do remember to. I emote in constructed when the opp is slow.
Hello… hello… hello… (Love the mage haha)
I don’t play constructed v often tho. :joy:

That’s why I “automatically” mute my opponent the very moment the game starts. If you do it a few times, you’ll learn to do it unconsciously, trust me.

However toggling emotes off would be nice. I actually asked Blizzard about this a few years back but it isn’t likely to happen :stuck_out_tongue:

There are emotes in the game?

Add voice chat so I can berate my opponents in real time.


I thought it was natural to say well played or gg after a match is decided. I play BGs with a friend and say gl when we get matched and gg after the outcome.

It’s suppose to be a courteous gesture which is why so many people still do it especially in a card game. What do you do after a card game in RL? Assuming some of you actually have that experience

The only difference is you can’t say well played after the match is done. You have to do it just before it’s over


You must be new here and aren’t aware of the “AutoSquelch” topic we had that had 400 pages worth of posts or whatever of people whining.

Yes, there are a lot of babies in disguise. As the Joker once said “all they need is just a little push” and the water works start flowing.

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Pretty new, not quite sure the point of referencing the 400 post thread?
If tilting opponents is such a pleasurable fetish for you, real life games would be better?


Ha-ha, that’s what Diamond mercs would do quite regularly! :grinning:

“What’s sharper, your wits or your blades?”

Every Blood DK I see gets the worst in BM.

What’s bm?

20 charax