The issue “Some players may be brought to a blank screen when attempting to play The Dalaran Heist” has been resolved and should be live on game servers very soon.
We’ve just applied the following adjustments to the The Dalaran Heist solo adventure. You will not need to patch your game client in order to receive these updates.
Adjusted the rarity of some passive Treasures.
Slightly increased the power of the “Togwaggle’s Dice” Treasure.
Note: Togwaggle’s Dice does not randomize between 0 and 10, it increases or decreases the cost of cards at random.
Normal Encounter Adjustments:
Decreased the power of Vas’No’s deck.
Heroic Encounter Adjustments:
Changed the theme and playstyle of Sky Captain Smigg’s deck to be more aggressive.
Increased the cost of Anarii Duskgrove’s “Summon Protectors” to (3).
Increased the power of the following Heroic encounter decks:
The Amazing "Bonepaw"
Dagg Cruelmight
Dalaran Fountain Golem
Kazamon Steelskin
Valdera Highborne
Ol’ Toomba
Millificent Manastorm
Decreased the power of the following Heroic encounter decks:
Linzi Redgrin
Aki the Brilliant
Haro Setting-Sun
Anarii Duskgrove
Tala Stonerage
Disidra Stormglory
Ranger Ar’ha
Ungan Oddkind
Bookmaster Bae Chao
Fixed a bug that caused Queen Wagtoggle’s Hero Power to summon low-cost minions too frequently.
Fixed a bug where Xur’ios would use his Normal deck in Heroic mode.
Decreased the cost of Whirt the All-Knowing’s Prediction Hero Power to (1)
Decreased the power of Archmage Vargoth’s deck.
Decreased the appearance rate of Haro Setting-Sun.
Decreased the power of the following bosses’ decks: Carousel Gryphon, Applebough, Linzi Redgrin, Captain Hannigan, Xur’ios, Disidra Stormglory, Chomper, Anarii Duskgrove, Zuramat, Jepetto Joybuzz, Vas’No, Ranger Ar’ha, Tala Stonerage, and Kara Stamper.
Increased the power of the following bosses’ decks: Dalaran Fountain Golem, Lieutenant Sinclari, Flightmaster Belnaara, Nozari, Dagg Cruelmight, Sharky McFin, Queen Wagtoggle, Dazzik “Hellscream”, Draemus, and Madam Goya
Increased the cost of Applebough’s Apple Toss Hero Power to (3)
Increased the cost of Captain Hannigan’s Raise the Alarm Hero Power to (1)
Increased the cost of Chomper’s Chomp Hero Power to (3)
Decreased the Attack reduction on Haro Setting-Sun’s Darken Hero Power from -2 to -1
Decreased the cost of Whirt the All-Knowing’s Prediction Hero Power to (1).
Decreased the cost of Ol’Toomba’s Tales of Fortune Hero Power to (1).