Underbelly angler is op murloc

If youre still looking, I posted this a few weeks ago:

Thanks Bowser. I got trust lv 2 it says. When can i post links 3? What can i do with trust level 2?

Also note that cavern dreamer couldnt add itself to your hand at end of turn. Remember how op dreamer was? You can make the case angler is better in many ways.

You can post links to Blizzard sites at 2. You need 3 to post external links. (There may be some exceptions for Blizzard affiliates.)

Here’s a guide that shows both the requirements for and the abilities opened by each trust level:

There’s several classes in the game that are literally not capable of killing it on turn 1 or 2

Good thing Underbelly doesn’t come out on turn 1 and 2? Seriously, did you think that statement through?

Underbelly is never played on one or two because you’re risking it dying. It’s played on later turns with a combo.

Even STILL, every class can definitely come up with 3 damage on turn 3 or even 2.

if you are against a class that can’t kill it turn 1 or 2, why not play it turn 1 or 2 if you have several 1 cost murlocs

Explain to me what class can’t come up with 3 damage in the opening turns. The only one I can think of is Mage, who will kill everything with Flame Ward anyways.

Paladin, Rogue, and Shaman all have board presence by 3 (or else they literally lost) Warrior can bash it, Druid has Wrath, Priest has Forbidden Words, Hunter has Kill Command or Marked Shot, as well as a board presence sometimes, and Warlock has Spirit Bomb and Soulfire.

While it’s far from the most OP card out there, either changing it to 1/3 or making cards not be able to generate random copies of themselves would actually be a reasonable tweak and wouldn’t kill the card’s value.

Untapped Potential does!

Paladin doesn’t have ability to remove this card until turn 4 (or turn 3 with the coin) and then only if lucky e.g. if they get hammer of wrath, or a sword to equip and the shaman doesn’t have a taunt totem in the way (which they often do). Subdue doesn’t count. Consecration doesn’t work as that only does a meagre 2 points of damage. Maybe the 3 cost silence card (the owl) if they are lucky, but why would they have that when the 4 cost silence card is so much better.

If murloc shaman has the coin or first mover advantage then it is virtually game over before it has even begun. Can just keep throwing taunts in the way until they eventually get overrun and/or the shaman gets +3 mass attack blood lust.

Would imagine priest has the same problem together with any other class that is a bit slow to get going.

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he is really a 2 mana Archmage Antonidas

There is quite literally no reason to nerf this card. Balance needs to be looked at in terms of how oppressive/broken a deck is, and which cards are making the deck oppressive/broken within it. Murloc shaman was a weak deck that had no hope of success without a “broken” card. And the deck is still only considered average-strong within the meta. So there is 0 reason to nerf. This post seems like you got steam rolled by an angler and the game got out of control. It happens. Wait till you lose to the new-ish combo priest. Nerf norshire inc.

Make this card a legendary. The effect is very strong and it is easy to run out of removals vs murlocs.

Murloc Shaman would not exist without the card. You could just sweep their board once and the game would be over. They really need the card to get more resources.

I said board presence. Murlocs, man.

Shaman has lackey presence and murlocs.

Subdue and HoW don’t need to be here. And again, nobody is dumb enough to play Underbelly on its own. I’d say you’d play it turn 5, with Coldlight Seer. Underbelly doesn’t kill you the turn its played.

And guess what? Even if they do have a turn of Underbelly, that’s not a deal breaker. I’d say two is, which if you can’t deal with one in that long, concede.

Coin Angler is a strong play vs some heroes like paladin is completely helpless that early. So I guess the person not thinking statements through is you Cyclick.

because Paladin can’t flood the board in early game.

The best viable Paladin deck IS MURLOCS.

Ans by the way, Underbelly beating 1 class doesn’t make it OP anyways, its not getting changed.

Just beat a paladin murloc deck (as paladin). They got me down to 4 hp. If they had underbelly murloc they would of won for sure.

I can’t even take this comment seriously.

So you are trying to say underbelly is OP because if some other class had it for a specific deck you would have lost?

How many times would bloodlust and savage roar be OP because it would win zoolock games?

Take it as you will my man. Wasn’t meant for you.