Underbelly angler is op murloc

Yes and at 3 health is very difficult to remove in the very first few turns of the game (turns 0-3)

No, but it is not unreasonable to expect the board to be CONTESTED by turn 4. You are asking to have a 2-3 card advantage by not playing anything for FREE.


I have my ‘reporting for duty’ paladin hero power to play for those turns. That generates 1/1 minions for the very first few turns of the game and I just have to be content with that.

How do you find your trust level? I want to post links but it says omg git trust gud.

Yes, you do. You are making a choice to avoid spending cards the first few turns (putting you at a disadvantage) to have better mid and lategame turns (putting you at an advantage).

If you are not capable of accepting the pros and cons of the strategy you chose when constructing or picking your deck, then get another one.


Haha trying to pin the blame on my deck. The problem is with Underbelly Angler murloc being so op. The reasons for that have already been explained above.

Post your deck if your so confident. I can’t wait.

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You must be joking. I recognise an overpowered card when I see one and Underbelly Murloc is it.

No, what’s funny is a rank 20-18 player having so much confidence in themselves. Ever heard of the Dunning Kruger Effect?

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You’re literally playing a class that has few removal tools in exchange for the ability to generate strong board presence at all phases of the game. It is ENTIRELY your fault if you decide to do nothing and somehow fold to early pressure. I-

Ah. A troll. That explains a bit.


Whats funny is just how many of these op shaman murloc decks I see around that level

You lost the argument so just call the other person ‘a troll’, why not.

Here, seeing as you can’t use your google bar:



Sorry I don’t just bend over for you but that’s just the way I am

How did I lose an argument because you don’t know what a card is? :thinking:

Seriously, there’s a reason I chose River Crocodilisk as a generic-creature-for-the-sake-of-hyperbole. You’re either a clueless Hearthstone player that can’t google, or a troll.

Why should I take time to google it. It means nothing to me

I don’t need an apology, you are the one who cowers in ignorance; it has no affect on me.

Yes that is clear now that the truth means nothing to you. You are either a troll or so stunted in reason that no amount of discourse or reality could gift you an intelligent opinion or observation.

Obviously I respect your views and opinions about things, I just don’t agree with them. On this subject in particular (underbelly murloc).

Underbelly angler is fine. I occasionally play Murloc shaman, typically, Rogues, Mages, Priests, and Hunters ( and sometimes warriors) can destroy it very quickly. It’s typically good against paladins and druids; and sometimes other shaman.

If you are seeing a lot of Murloc shaman, trying running a different class.

Are you preemptively trying to shut down this argument because you know its right?

If you can’t clear a 2/3 a few times, you already lost the game. It doesn’t pull Murlocs off the edge. It’s a powerful card, but shut it down and a lot of the value is gone.