This game is rigged as hell

I understand well that you got owned and the best you can do is post troll emotes because you’ve lost any chance of looking intelligent in this thread.

It was a serious question that you hand waved away because you don’t have a reasonable answer and your whole argument crumbles without a reasonable answer to the question of why you can’t show evidence.


People like being judges. They like to say “Show me the evidence”.


Arm chair barristers, the lot of them.

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This is hilarious. :rofl:


LMAO, if you can prove it over any significant span of games, yes, i will.

If your proof is ten games wide i hope you understand you’re the ridiculous person.

It must be a sad life indeed not knowing how to find the truth about things.

Tip, it starts with data, not anecdote

This means less than nothing.


Here we go…

Conversations will last long.

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In your opinion.

I’m old. I have seen a lot of stuff.

I didn’t write it all down, or videotape every interaction I have ever had.

Did I not have my experiences?

I have been posting here since Mean Streets.

I see A LOT of people who make the rigged claim. Yes, a lot of it is confirmation bias and bad luck.

But just like they can’t say 100% rigged, you can not say 100% NOT RIGGED.

Too many people have the same experiences. But you need a video camera over their shoulder and miles of data and ChatGPT confirmation to believe anyone is telling the truth.

Again, ridiculous.

I have played a SIGNIFICANT number of games and have seen a SIGNIFICANT amount of weird crap outside of random and bad luck. Mostly deck composition match ups and the subsequent immediate change up of my opponents when I change a deck or its composition.

I don’t need to PROVE IT to you. And the fact you need proof is an issue you need to deal with when you assume all humans you interact with are lying to you.


Specifically what are you finding funny?

The fact that you don’t understand why the source code isn’t your answer? The fact that you don’t understand why the burden of proof always rests with the affirmative? The fact that you can’t even define how or what is manipulated in a testable way?


You may have had, or you may have not. The point is if you used your old age to study a bit about philosophy, you’d know that senses betray us every day. Humans have a ton of innate bases, and particularities that give rise to failure to objectively understand or assess a situation. Meaning that your particular interpretation of anything is worth less than the poop i scrapped of my shoes because someone else can’t confirm them and you might just be a crazy guy, as far as anyone knows.

That’s why countries do a census and scientists use studies. To have actual factual data they can analyze, not a random guy musings. Not even a 1000 random guys musings. What you think you have experienced may or may not have happened. You’re not a reliable source of information. No one in particular is. Information is a reliable source of information.

It’s not ridiculous. You just don’t understand how to pursue knowledge. It’s okay, many people don’t.

Actually, i take it back. The chatGPT bit reeks of old people. It’s not okay.

You need to prove something if you’re claiming things mate. The actual issue here is that you don’t even know how to know things, and you think whatever your common sense is can pass for actual facts. It can’t.

I’m sorry you didn’t learn these kinds of things, but you have the whole of humanity knowledge in your hands, you can educate yourself.

Also, the problem isn’t that people are lying to me. They more likely simply don’t have any basis for their knowledge. It’s a common theme.


Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous!

My personal rigging theory :grinning: — although it is very much a ‘what-if’ kind of writing, you might like it nonetheless.

By the way, Blizzard introduced ‘pseudorandom’ number instead of actually random ones back in WC3… ironically, with the purpose of decrasing the (apparent) impact of ‘RNG’ events. I could find only this reference nowadays:

So they definitely have a track record in this area.

Speaking of which:

Quite possible.

What is ‘advertised’, anyway? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

A typical example of gaslighting and laying blame, by the way. :grinning:

And another example of those forum psychics, clairvoyants, telepaths and experts in every field in the world. :rofl:

Anyone asking for ‘evidence’ should first provide evidence that they are not a murloc. Oh, and then provide evidence that their evidence is evidence, because I’m still not convinced. :rofl:

PS In case it wasn’t clear enough — and so on: provide evidence of evidence of evidence… :grinning:

This ‘evidence’-mania is really getting… old, as Americans put it colloquially — sorry for my bad English here. :grinning:

Nah, mon: more like monkeys repeating some cliches from second-rate newspapers that they consume, thinking it is a source of ‘information’.

And what is that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Some kind of authority for the forum warriors? :rofl: Take a look at this, for example:, or at a photo of a ‘perfect girl’ allegedly generated by a neural network (very scientific, based on a lot of data):

:rofl: That’s worthy of the highest award in epistemology.

:rofl: Another forum ‘guru’…

… thinking somebody here owes them anything.

Oh, I’d ask for the definition of those, but I see no point on this forum.

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You said a lot.

A lot of opinions and inaccurate things with help from Grammerly I’m sure.

Doesn’t mean you’re right and I continue to disagree with your arrogant standpoint.


erm… seems like noone is criticising or judging blizzard anymore…
Yall just doing that to each other… :sob:


First, I don’t believe you are over 25 and if you are infact older than that, you haven’t looked at anything you’ve seen.

Then there’s a huge likelihood that your memory is faulty. It’s just how memory works. It’s a widely known fact.

The problem is that these two things are not the same.

You should really take some time to understand why you don’t have to prove that it is not rigged.

If you’re really actually an old person, check this out and apply it to your idea about how people remember the same things and that’s suddenly evidence…

Actually, if you want it to be anything more than your own delusions, you do need to prove it.

No one is doubting your saw things you saw, though, we are not down with your interpretation of what you may have observed. It’s an important distinction, actually.

This right here is the line between educated and uneducated. It has little to do with school and everything to do with how one approaches stuff.

I don’t think you understand this term if you think the scientific method is gaslighting, lol. Asking for evidence beyond anecdote before believing wild claims isn’t gaslighting.

Using terms like gaslighting in a context like this is pretty ignorant.

Several issues here.

First, one can’t prove a negative. So you would have to prove someone was a murloc rather than the other way around because the assumption is that humans are the only persons using these forums.

Second, denying the claim that evidence is required solely on the basis that the requesting party is a murloc would be ad hominem and not a valid counter claim. Their request for evidence of wild claims is fair no matter their species.

And because you are asking for evidence of a negative, which is invalid, you never will be. That’s literally the point here - that one can’t prove something isn’t because you can always undermine the evidence that something does not exist.

Honestly, what’ getting old is the stupidity of the people that lack basic comprehension of the differences between faith and reason.

Only because it contradicts your faith.


Tell me you got absolutely destroyed in a discussion without saying it.

I’m sorry the facts hurt you.

Whatever, Cartman.

Wow you definitely sound old asf.
I believe you.



What does not require any more proof is that Blizzard is far from pristine.
They have been caught telling fairy tales before.
This thread needs to end, though.
Without evidence, the Op has no case.


How so? It proves it happened and is no longer hearsay. You want people to believe you? Prove it. It’s 100% relevant.

Not once for these kinds of arguments have I seen people provide anything besides stating as such on these forums.

You getting owned is quite entertaining indeed.

If you don’t care (hard to tell if so since you’re constantly posting here about it) then no, you don’t. If you want to convince the people who disagree with you, yes you do. It’s that simple.

The only rigged part of the game is the matching mmr as close to your opponent. That’s it. If anything else is going on, y’all need to put it on these forums or somewhere for all to see once and for all. Go on already or just put down and walk away from something that makes you guys come up with crazy theories.


Trying to use irony, let alone more advanced thetoric tricks such as reductio ad absurdum, on characters completely oblivious to the concept is a waste of efforts… Unless you use these forums as a platform for writing exercises. :grinning:

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Demonstrating absurdity is a waste of time with anyone who is convinced they are right.
That conviction makes them both deaf and blind.

What an amazing comeback.