Hearthstone RNG Has to Be Rigged LOL

speaking of rng, they really ought to just remove all mini-bots except the windfury one, cause I swear mech rogue only generates that one

You say the exact same generic response without fail whenever you see someone so much as call out HS’s RNG.

Its stuff like this that just make you sound insufferable. It’s okay people are allowed to be annoyed at video games. And people are allowed to make baseless claims without evidence the same way you offer no counter evidence/argument to those claims too.


Not that any of the conspiracy theorists has ever admitted that counter-evidence is valid.

If the winrates of decks aren’t enough of a proof that things are random and balanced, and if you really think someone is orchestrating every game’s outcome, there is simply nothing anyone can say or do to prove you anything. It’s not rational.

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People still think this game is truly random heh.

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Now I played an interesting game vs a Warrior.

First, he tilted me by clearing all my stuff and then 2x freezing my 9/7 guy who got buffed by Symphony

It got me spamming well played out of tilt, and then i played the movement which burns 6 cards and burned Brann, Reno and Boomboss all at once

The guy just left

I wonder, why was the game rigged in my favor? I’m 100% f2p?

Ah, who knows with those blizzard agents

I never realized that spamming “tin foil hat” and “conspiracy theory” was actually evidence.

The plural of anecdote isn’t data. Where’s the evidence?

Now, people could direct quote from the matchmaking patent and have…but that gets handwaved away. The closest the deniers have ever come is acknowledging it IS used in bgs, but not standard…because reasons.

I used this a couple discussions back, and it’s become one of my favorites in this topic:

“Clarice, doesn’t this random scattering of sites seem desperately random - like the elaborations of a bad liar? Ta, Hannibal Lecter.”
-Silence of The Lambs

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Remember when they just called it History.

And people could read about it and learn stuff…

“necro bad”

lol Okay Agent Smit for brains.

The funny thing is you feel it coming,you already knew what it was gonna hit.

This is what convinced me of the game beeing rigged. Bad luck happens,but the fact that you can tell when it will happen. That doesnt make any sense.

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It’s just bad luck, almost never happens to me. I have played hearthstone since classic and can say hearthstone definetly isn’t rigged and is one of the most fair f2p games that exists!

Sorry on the 1/8 chance bad luck. That’s all it is, tho. Some uber bad luck with some frustration, and I totally get it. I would probably consider an uninstall if I was tilted enough in that scenario.

Oh, I’ve tired of doing those little exercises like calculating, how likely is it that the opponent hits the same 25% odds five (ten, twenty…) times in a row… every day that you play for years? Especially if it’s always the same ones pulling off these feats (you know, those guys somehow having, say, 90% win-rate with classic Freeze Mage against classic Armor Warrior, if you know what I mean) of incredible L (standing for ‘skill’)?

To me, it has long transcended from ‘suspicious’ to ‘kayfabe’ or ‘casino’, especially given that it’s obvious how rigging technology could be implemented in modern HS with minimal investment, why they would do it and why it would be profitable for them (repeating myself again, I know).

The same resident forum trolls who keep stalking anyone pointing out something obviously ‘suspicious’ with the same stock mantras, such as, ‘U just suck at dis game, git gud’, ‘wE sEe nO eViDeNcE’, ‘conspiracy theory’ and so on. Yes, there are these, too — not only those staunch apologists and advocates of whatever the corp does that we both know too well.

Even the particular characters having interjected above — these are the same old ones.

Interestingly enough, not necessarily.

I’ve written already how Blizzard initially implemented pseudorandom numbers instead of truly random ones, for the latter didn’t feel ‘random enough’ — in other words, the impact of an occasional lucky (or unlucky, depending on the perspective) event in a single game could be too big (think of those Blademaster crits, for example) and would be perceived as too unfair, thus they ‘shrank’ the distribution, reducing the likelihood of those (un)lucky streaks drastically, so that the game would be more consistent and dependent on skill, not ‘RNG’.

This has got nothing to do with what modern HS looks or feels like. It resembles more of a casino where you bet 20 times on red, and, of course, it’s black, then vice versa, and thus it goes on and on, but they keep telling you you’re just unlucky (interestingly enough, the house never gets this ‘unlucky’), there’s ‘no evidence’ and so on.

By the way, if there are seasoned players of games such as X-COM here, you’ve seen those 99% shots miss and such — because there are a lot of them, especially if it’s the ‘Long War’ or the like, so eventually even that 1%-chance event would happen. However, you’d generally expect shots with 90% accuract to hit 9 times out of 10 on average… Not in HS, however, that intuition just doesn’t apply at all.


Git gud

But seriously…git gud.

It’s not like I’m gonna click some spurious links, but just out of curiosity: what’s your region?


It can be a bit tricky to single out the right account among several sharing the same name…

Whatever the case, I can see only some lowly bottom feeders there… :grinning: Too lowly for such big words — and these might even be other players, who actually got to the leaderboards, at the very least, and not even you (it’s a rather popular nickname after all). So yeah, come back with your suggestions when you’ve learnt something about the game, sonny. :grinning:

True, true, I still have 958 people to beat

Sorry sensei, didn’t know you’re one of them

Also, I have people on the forum on friend’s list who spectate my matches and can prove it’s me

But somehow I don’t think it matters. As I’ve said, nothing rational about arguments like yours :slight_smile:


Really? Yeah this should be enough xD Hahahahahahah

Do you really think I would post a virus or something spurious on a forum and risk a ban? Such rational fears you have.

I play on EU

EU region, then?

Alright, let’s take a look at my favourite game mode among the recent ones:


That’s essentially the bot tier.

So yeah, it’s good that you know your place and address you betters with due deference. :grinning:


I’ve been playing casually, by the way.

Why ever not? Especially the latter part seems ‘convincing’. :grinning:

Yeah, figured out that much already.

So yeah, you’re ambitious — that’s a start, but git gud and learn to play, sonny, then we’ll talk about it. :grinning:

Top 1k legend is bot tier?

Yeah, no, I don’t think that a person who believes the game is rigged is ranked better than me. Sorry, I believe I’m entitled to my own suspicions, especially considering lack of any evidence.


In the late Classic mode on EU — yes, alas.

Real players would start to appear at about 300 or so, if memory serves… Nowadays it’s reportedly even worse, especially on the AP and also AM servers:



Yeah, imagine that. Those pesky weeklies are mostly not farmable in Mercs, like many of the dailies, alas. :grinning:

You are out of touch. Your memory might serve you well, but even if that’s the case, it’s a memory of a bygone era.

There’s 18 to 30 thousand players in legend every month now. It’s doubtful many bots reach it. Top 1k is already 11-star bonus MMR which no bots can possibly achieve.

It requires more than 60% winrate to reach it and even if every matchup was a bot, you would expect them to have 50%, not even close to 60%

It’s not like the bot situation has improved since. :wink:

I’m even putting aside the point that cheap Legend nowadays isn’t what it used to be.

Oh, you’d probably be surprised…