STOP matchmaking according to deck

Why enemy have decks pool, depending on the deck you play?


I also tend to think like that. I was facing a lot of reno priests, then I crafted Grizzled Wizard and Sir Finley and teched my deck, that was 2 days ago, and until now in about 40 games I haven’t queued into a single raza priest.


This is part of the Blizzard algorithm. Make you face hard counters to your deck you get frustrated and then reach for your wallet for more packs to “improve” your experience



Blizzard always have made considerable efforts to rig games in a way it’s deceptive for the Chinese market while still getting a lot of $$ from players.

This is what they call hmm, balance…

But it’s blizzard, no body cares anymore about them…Lately they just get shamed, they have fail after fail after fail, the forums are usually full of cries.

No point in discussing more about this sh@t fest company Blizz has become.


yep, exactly. you can face only DH then when u you queue with a hard counter suddenly all you face is greedy control matchups you have 1% chance to win since all your tech is anti agro


Game is rigged. This fu***rs want you to lose so new players get hyped by winning to lure them to consume.


waits for the white knights to show up

its been known for years. its so blatant too.


“white” knight here with a simple advise: use a deck tracker and then show us the statistics from 100 games of each deck version


I’ll do it in his stead, the moment you’ll pay me same hourly wage I have at my work for all the hundreds of hours it takes to provide what you ask for. Hope you have few hundred thousands of dollars to spare.


sry to break this to you but someone has to: you are severly overestimated your own value.

if you use a deck tracker when playing you will accumulate enough data over time, or even better, you can use the already collected data. interesting enough this data show no traces of your claims


I don’t use any tracker for ranked play, so I have no data. Therefore, I would have to collect it from the scratch.

Nope. I may be overestimating the time it would take me. Not my value though. That much is pretty clear from the wages my employer pays me.

This one is clearly true. No game data could show that I am willing to provide you recorded games if you pay me.


with an average game time of 9 min, 100 games would take 900 min or 15h. with your claimed salary you are claiming to earn $6667/h.

My average game time is between 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the deck I play

You asked for 100 games for every deck, not 100 games, so it would be 1 400 games in my case

Still, couple hunderd thousands was an overshot, I admit. Now that I actually did the math, it would be only about $127 212


i used my average game time for control warrior from my deck tracker so most games will in fact be faster.

you dont need 1400 games to prove your pattern. your hypothesis is that by changing cards blizzard will change your matchups, which would show a pattern already after 300 games as each deck version would have a significantly different matchup spread


Ok, if 300 games is enough for you, that would be $27 260 please.

Buuut I am thinking that XtheMystic might be willing to do it perhaps for lower cost :wink:


lets assume you actually made over $600/h, then you would be placed among the top earning CEOs in my country. and then you would certainly not have enough time to hang around and troll in this forum, so please, no more lies. :slight_smile:


I spend no more than 5 minutes a day on this forum in average, possibly way less. Today it might have been 15 minutes, but there were weeks and even months I haven’t visit this forum. And I certainly do not troll.

I don’t lie. If you don’t believe me, that’s your problem.

Edit: also, it’s slightly over $300/h, not 600. So, what was it about the lies?


To assume there is some sort of matchmaking algorithm going on assumes quite a bit that people may not realize

Here’s some questions:

  1. How would the matchmaker know which meta decks happen to counter a different meta deck? It would have to be programmed in. But then would the entire 30 card listing be programmed in??

  2. And then, what if that listing changed? For example, if the matchmaker decided that secret rogue counters pure paladin therefore match all pure paladin to secret rogue, what happens when people start playing whirlkick rogue instead of secret rogue? The matchmaker would have to be updated

so then 3.) How often would the matchmaker’s listing of meta decks have to be updated? Well you would assume at least daily, because new iterations of decks come out at least daily. So since the AI is not able to learn this on its own, that would mean that Blizzard is paying employees to constantly update the matchmaking algorithm with the latest iterations of meta decks, and then linking those meta decks to their hard counters each day

and 4.) How would this affect queue times? So now the matchmaker can’t just match you to someone else queueing at your rank, it would have to stall while it looks for someone else queueing at your rank who is playing a deck that it recognizes counters yours. So naturally queue times for everyone would go up

The reason I personally don’t think this is going on, is I know greedy blizzard would never spend the money to pay employees to sit there and update the matchmaker algorithm with the latest decks in real time. They are far too greedy with their money for that. They can’t keep enough staff to market and balance their own game correctly, much less tweak some sort of matchmaker algorithm

Just my 0.02, but I’m willing to keep an open mind on the idea


ngl this might be the first time i agree with something you have written.

but not only would they need to do all you described, they need a big team of players playing constantly to gain correct statistics on each matchup and how it differs with 1 card difference to be able to update it each day, these players also need to be high level players to gain correct statistics. furthermore they also need some way to hide this code so it isnt visible in any statistics, they would also need to pay huge payouts to all statistics sites to keep the pattern a secret. they also need to hide all these costs from their stockowners which in itself cause huge issues and opens them up to fraud lawsuits. all this just to mess with a selected few forum members so they spend an extra $40 on the game.

statistically possible? technically yes.
in any way feasable? no, just like dreams luck in minecraft, just because its technically possible it doesnt mean its in any way feasible.

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Now I have a question as well.

Seeing these threads about rigging, I start to feel that I must be a chosen one, for I have never experienced that teching cards leads me to not encountering the archetypes I have teched for.

So how can you explain that other people don’t experience this issue? Did I bribe Blizz employees by any chance? Did I throw enough money at the game?