Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern

No he could not…I for one would have bought many more things even in D4 if prices were decent ( I would buy skins for 0.5 dollars or a set for 3-4 dollars, I feel like those are fair prices for the quality of development the dev’s are putting in). But now in this particular time, I WILL not and believe me when I say it will not support this washed up developers with a random skin that costs 60$ . They just don’t worth that much, I mean with 60$ you can buy an entire teams worth of time for 5 years of development in a new game, not a skin that was designed by a drunk monkey in chat gpt in 5 minutes and implemented in 2 weeks… The skin itself, ehhh meh seen more beautiful things that cost way less.

They are fooling you by coating it in a marketing technique ( we want to losen the barrier of free players by milking the old players who want to have exclusive skins), ain’t no body taking that steaming pile of cr@p (better just bluntly say , “give us money because else Microsoft is going to fire us all”

i would have paid $25 for “premium” skin like this.

and i would have still considered that price gouging.

I understand that’s how they make their money, but regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the fact that they’ve dropped at least 3 different premium RARITIES for skins recently, regardless of the fact that Ragnaros is a neutral legendary but got saddled with shaman and warrior, every one of those skins this one included has had a stinker somewhere in their design. This is my same issue with understanding why people buy gibberish names accounts, I can understand the motivation behind it but if your end result looks like a walking talking happy meal toy, what’s the point?

Sounds like a Blizzard intern is trying to earn his (“his” because we know there’s no women allowed there) steps stripes and promotion

Sounds like a Blizzard intern is trying to earn his (“his” because we know there’s no women allowed there) steps stripes and promotion

It’s usable by both Shaman and Warrior, so not every class but still more than just Shaman.

As far as the price goes, it’s not required content, so I don’t care.


Please find a way to sell us your $60 Ragnaros AND give us our new expansion boards and expansion music. Expansion has never felt less fresh or enticing to play


It’s a Shaman Warrior, or a Warrior Shaman. The village had shamans and some of them were also warriors; or the village had warriors and one of them became shaman; the doctor of the army.


its hilarious that cosmetics are what makes or breaks content for you. Who cares about the quality of play when things are shiny right?

Holy christ lmfao

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The atmosphere plays a big part and that includes the visual and audio elements. If I was only interested in gameplay I’d play something else. Glad you got a laugh out of it though


I’m 100% in favor of “more premium” skins like this. I’m just disappointed in the Ragnaros choice. I wish it was Banshee Sylvanas instead


Lol if I had a blizzard check in the mail, I would be buying the Hero.

People like you talk like you’ve never played another card game. Do you understand how reasonable these prices are by comparison to Pokémon, Yugioh, MTG?

What are you complaining about, it has no impact on winning.

Just don’t buy it, Then thank the people who do because they let the rest of us see the skin and play this card game for free.

You’re all such choosing beggars, whining about anything and everything you can.

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In all these TCGs you have a real object you can resell, In Hearthstone you won’t get anything back when your done with it.

I agree to a point, it does seem like they keep pushing their prices higher to see if they keep selling. This feels more like a $30-$40 Item.

They cut back to 1 board a year to put more development time into “pay” things. I need to know how free to play friendly the “pets system” will be to see if the development time being relocated from boards to other things feels “fair”. The games popularity is somewhat determined by the free to play portion of players otherwise they wouldn’t keep readjusting to keep them happy


they have women working there. it’s gotten better since the days of sexual harassment and lawsuits from what i understand.


For me it’s inexcusable to whine too much about the design of the marketing of this product. The absolute BANE of online gaming nowadays is paying to get gameplay advantages; creating a financial dictatorship inside gaming itself; we have that in real life and games should be freedom intoxicating futureworlds.

Not just this: we should have MORE of this; release 1 billion dollar skins I don’t care; I won’t buy them as soon as you finance the game that way and keep out the “buy this to get 2 more options of Heroes in BGs” and “buy that and get all netdecks very early”.


People like you are so disconnected from reality

Do you have any idea how economics or businesses work? Have you ever developed code or built 3d models? Do you know how run a QA test pipeline and predict timeline and resource usage ? Do you know how much it would cost hearthstone servers of every player had a skin with this level of animation?

No, of course you don’t! But what you’re really good at is complaining online !

“60$ ToO eXPeNsIvE sElL 20x mORe fOr 3$!!!”

I guess Honda should just sell their cars for $2000 instead of 40,000, they’d sell 20 times more right?!?!?!

You armchair CEOs are so frustrating to see every time I go to a comment section.

Yes, actually I do. Don’t try to be smug, I bet you never saw a Jenkins automation pipeline in your life. Bet you never had a KPI on how many automated tests you should write in a month, or wrote a single line in your sad pathetic life. I write more code in a month than Blizzard developers in a year.

And I am not complaining, I am just saying you need to be brain damaged to support this level of development and buy a skin for 60 dollars.

I am not a CEO but yet I work in software development ( not gaming, something harder than what this so called hard workers do).

And as a matter of fact I also work in automotive, a single mistake from my part and probably the router that would send the wifi data to the plane you might be in from a trip might end up malfunctioning and you would end up you know…And still our manager doesn’t have the audacity to ask for 60$ extra salary from our PO…

So yes, I know better, and yes I can actually evaluate this level of work from a perspective that it’s actually accurate. The only one disconnected from reality is you since I am speaking from inside it.


Finally, a reasonable person who isn’t just ranting. Every point you brought up is fair.

You’re the type of person I enjoy having discussions with, we can disagree but still respect each others opinions

  1. reselling in physical TCG is not nearly as easy or Valuable as people think. I play Yugioh and Pokémon. Selling in person is completely determined by having a good card that is in demand, it takes work to show your binders to everyone and find someone that wants you $10 non relevant card.

It takes weeks to months to years to sell a card online, even below market value. Factor in shipping, taxes, and lost mail … the margins are tiny, there’s a reason card stores go out of business often.

As for 2/3 those are fair and subjective points. If you feel like the boards and hero skins aren’t cutting it for free to play, and that causes you to leave, they’ll have to adjust if the rest of the playbase thinks so too.

Personally I played this game since 2015, and can’t believe how many hero skins they give out now.

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Also you are comparing a Honda which is a car and has x more automated processes, y more safety regulations, parts that literally need to be built up and has a lasting value of 10-15 years to a skin that requires probably 2 boob juice enjoyers to open up a laptop for like 1 week.

Let’s be honest , you should have started with that and I wouldn’t even bother replying to you.

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What a coincidence, you both code, work in testing, and have automotive (or aviation haha?) experience to counter every example I gave! Incredible!!

Lol, to believe any of what you just said I would need some proof, because the way you speak I can’t imagine you’re over 13.

I’m currently trying to imagine you in a meeting with your boss, telling them to reduce the price by 20x to sell 20x more …

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