Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern

“I’m not complaining I am just ….” Proceeds to give the most rude complaint for a non essential product in the history of complaints

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lol this is how I know you don’t code. It is well know how much effort all of these types of things take.

Blizzard and hearthstone employees are widely know to be overworked and underpaid. The gaming industry has a history of developers with passions for gaming, accepting the conditions to work on what they love.

But Please do let me know where you work I’d love to know what cars (or planes haha?) to avoid

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Or, and go with me on this, have disposable income and happen to like what they made. No brain damage needed. Its a cosmetic. People spend their money on pointless stuff like this all the time everyday for things that will never matter, like certain brand and model shoes, haircuts, a handbag, a certain sports car, rare special edition video game consoles. Does having the Pikachu edition Gameboy color make a difference compared to any other gameboy color’s performance? No, is it a flex if thats what you have sitting in your collection should you decide to bust it out and show anyone? Yes. No difference if you spent money on Jordans, or a Gucci handbag, or had your hair cut, or went out and got a new BMW or vintage corvette… compared to the functionality of their average counterparts, no they arent different. A pair of converse operate the same as Jordans, a minivan transports you to work just the same amount of miles as a BMW or vintage corvette could, a Jansport backpack can hold the same items you’d put in a gucci bag. And a haircut is usually just as pointless as always as its just cosmetic.

But its a flex if you went the other way tho. and if you enjoy flexing in your own way, you do you. If that happens to be a Ragnaros skin for $60… so what? no one has to understand or even like what anyone else does as it is already, dont start trying to say otherwise now just because of this.


I am an automation engineer with python a ccna degree and work in automotive for a client that sells switches and routers to industrial partners. I code extensive testing mechanism using my networking knowledge to test both the front end part ( with python/selenium) both the back end testing using just python. Also develop small kmibs and mibs for the back end part using c/c++. Sometime work on the automation framework but I am not that into devops.

The only proof I can give you is that I know for sure your reply above is wrong because you don’t know what you are talking about, if you would have worked or understood how this business work.

Also do not use your ever lasting neuron to imagine something, I do not work in sales, that’s our customer part. He can sell the devices for whatever price he finds fit. What I think is exactly what I think about this skin, our products are expensive, but the amount of work put to develop that code the high risk of failures, the things we have to do in order to attain the level of security, not HIGHLY , it exceeds far beyond any kind of blizzard developer expectation.

I bet that if you tell me your router model I worked on the code for it in the past.

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Believe what you want, I am under a contract and cannot state to a random nobody on a forum with whom I work. You technically are a joke that just says “i know you don’t code , I know you don’t code” , like it matters for me tomorrow when I’ll start my day.

You still don’t know what you are talking about, you just invoked some random babbling from chat gpt probably and now you repeat like a monkey “I know you ain’t a programmer, I know it, I NEED TO BELIEVE IT”

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My router model is a commodore 64 using dial up. :nerd_face: :phone: :keyboard:

Jokes aside, the comment about needing to be brain damaged in order to find value in this hero skin was uncalled for is all. I get what you mean without needing to be that extreme about it. you dont find value in it which is fine. but a lot of people value things way different than other people all the time.


Right , any more trick questions ?

Well I ain’t gonna stop anyone from buying it, I am just stating that the value is not that high. Like I said before I would have bought something at a different value that is correct. I know developers/engineers are expensive this days but since the IT market is not doing so well right now 60$ for animated pixels is just bluntly insanity, don’t really care on what people spend their money though.

A fully developed AA or AAA game is cheaper and you cannot compare any skin in HS to the time and effort put into that game.

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I get your point. But I might find myself thinking this skin is more likely to get my money over something like another CoD clone game title or yet another Halo clone or war within wow expansion or anything else uninteresting to me such as Overwatch 3 or a diablo 5 down the line… but for now i am content not getting it.


You can get literally more value from a 7$ game like Halls of Torment lol :/.


that game is fun!!!

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Value is not that high TO YOU.

If you had just said that at the start I wouldn’t have even disagreed. I’m not buying it either!!!

I’m personally happy for a game I enjoy to find ways to make money that don’t make affect my game experience.

We have different opinions and that’s fine.

ButInstead you have insulted anyone who buys it, insulted the developers that made it, and insulted the company for pricing it.

Just be nicer and you’re fine

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Well , there are people that wrote their name with marble in the desert, for some people that’s not a value purchase, even though I understand that people do whatever they want with their money and value the purchase at whatever ludacris price they want, it still doesn’t make it right, it’s insanity.

Even Asmongold I think stated in a video that developers should not state ever that “this is the best value offer you can get” on a product, because the only people that set the value are the ones that buy the product, even so he did say that somewhere along the way you really have to be out of your mind to buy a 60$ pixelated art that will just get useless once they make another.

Maybe some people have a different conception about 60$ and do not miss them so much to begin with, I still find it technically insane, that ain’t gonna change, but it is what it is and consumers will consume.

And he Literally doubles down again on anyone buying this being insane.

Unbelievable. My dog shows more self reflection when he makes a mistake

I’m going to quit talking here before I go insane, but just reiterating I’m happy with the devs and business direction.

Thanks again HS team!

Good for your dog, you see now why I think people thinking like you are insane ? It starts by having self reflective conversations with your dog and then go insane on forums cuz your all mighty opinion is not the same as some nobody on there.

Good for you to thank the team, it avoids a lot of bans.

I agree, we should thank the HS team for being so transparent about the game slowly devolving into an overpriced, shallow experience like Marvel Snap.

When you can’t compete with other, truly good games in terms of gameplay, might as well throw everything at the art team and squeeze every last dime from the remaining loyal players.

Hopefully, this opens people’s eyes to what a joke the game has become.


I know I should leave this alone, but your lack of reading comprehension is really killing me.

I’m saying my dog is better at feeling guilt and reflecting on its mistakes than you are.

My point in the messages above is that we don’t have different opinions. Neither of us are going to buy the hero skin because it’s out of our price budget.

But when I heard this news; I was happy HS found a way to make money, even if it was not something for me.

When you heard this news, you insulted anyone who would consider buying it, and then you called the developers; “washed up”, “boob juice enjoyers“, and said “a drunk monkeys using chat GPT could make this skin in 5 days”

I’m not debating with you because I have a different opinion, I’m calling you out on being a dick.

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Make a yogg one thats rouge or mage and Ill spend 60 on it


I know, you are a big strong and independent women you can leave this alone at any time, but you just need to teach me a lesson right ? I know that you are trying to insult me in your pathetic way of trying to be smart.

I do not feel guilt because there is nothing to be guilty about and there was no mistakes done, in my opinion the devs are washed up, in the public opinion they are boob juice enjoyers ( see the scandal were blizzard employees stole breast milk), and yes a drunk monkey using chat gpt could make the skin in 5 days, would take probably 7 for someone like you though. So you want to call a foul here but there weren’t any. The only foul here is that I insulted the benevolent God’s who grant you your daily fix of pixels.

I know what you are doing, this is why I am returning it with the same spirit…You could kiss the boots of your favorite development team in the world all you want and thank them for whatever you want, we all can see the paid actor you are.

Also people are calling you out after your “Thank hs team”, and they are pretty much right, maybe you should call them d’s also for having the same opinion as me.

“the firelord greets you”
nah mate, its supposed to be “HI INSECT !”


The team went all-out with Ragnaros: his emotive 3D portrait oozes Hearthstone charm

My condolences. The skin looks like it has PlayStation 2 graphics and resembles something that game design students in their first semester in Berlin would produce. For a company like Blizzard, it’s an absolute embarrassment that something like this passed quality control.

As for the rest of the rambling about wanting to make Hearthstone as accessible and financially affordable as possible for as many players as possible, while pricing this disaster of a skin in a way that exclusively targets whales and not the 99% of core players – nothing more needs to be said.