Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern

Ragnaros is Heating Up the Tavern

Nathan Lyons-Smith here to share some insight into updates coming in 30.4 and beyond.

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60$ for a board?

thats one whole baldurs gate 3


it is a skin not a board, where in the article did you read new game board

Quote in article
1.) he sprawls over your side of the board(this just look like blackrock mountain board on your side)
2.)This is also the patch where all Wild game boards will be in rotation for the Standard format–and we have plans for a “Favorite Boards” feature to come later down the line, too.

I don’t see where it says new game board, I must have missed it


Does it make any difference tho? $60 for a board, or a skin or w/e.


Thanks a bunch for all the transparency! The hero looks incredible and all your hard work is showing.

As you said in your article, These are my favorite types of paid content, because it doesn’t make the game pay to win.

The price point looks super fair to me. Especially considering past hero costs, and board/playmats in other card games.

Even if I decide that it’s out of my current price range, I’m very excited to get to play against others using it!


I think they could have priced the Ragnaros skin at $50 USD and it would have been fine. They also made it 3 x 2 packs instead of 5.

Considering C’thun skin was/is $25 USD, I think this is a high price, trying to extract more $$$ from players.


sadly whales like Zeddy will purchase it making blizzard feel like they priced it “Fairly” at $60


Enough is enough, Blizzard. I’ve been playing your game since beta, and you have literally killed this game for money. You don’t care about balance or listening to your fan base—the customers who created you and helped you grow!

First, you take away little things and pretend it’s an error when it’s really greed. Things like duels and Twist, you power creep cards, and create bundles every week. You went from having a board every game to making us buy new boards. Are you serious? Look at this game: people are dead in 5 turns with aggro and broken combos. Modes are getting gutted constantly you promote!

When I first started playing, there were microtransactions, but they were for adventures you could buy with gold. You had devs who cared about this game and any game you created. Now, it’s all about money, money, money. Until you care about your fan base and not just your profits, I refuse to play this game anymore. I encourage anyone who is tired of this to quit too. If you agree, type out I quit to show how much you hate these changes.

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This Ragnaros skin seems like a Shaman portrait… but it should be usable by all classes I think… not just Shamans like Ragna… as for me as a Paladin only player it was a real fun to raid this boss in WoW in the old times. Molten Core. :slight_smile: It looks great… but not for this price and not until the game is full of more unfair mechanics like ever…

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60$? come on, make it more exclusive do it for 600$.



This skin is like the Signature cards concept, cool on paper bad execution, for starters for a 60$ skin looks cheap and lazy, you have a board a weapon interaction and a kill animation, the rest is not new, and the in game iddle and interactions are not worth it Rafaam or C’thun have way better iddle or interactions, for 60$ I want Rag to point where im aiming, for 60$ I want something more than a floating head when I emote “Hello”, for 60$ I want Rag come out the portrait and taunt my oponent, if im gonna spend 60$ damn dollars I wanna feel like the skin was worth that money and so far it isn’t


What a load of corporate nonsense. You really want to tell me that fancy animation, boring half board cosmetic and a hero skin costs 60$? Wth is wrong with blizzard these years jeez.


Um. No. There is no universe in which I pay $60 for this. I would not pay $10 for this. There is no universe in which I pay anything for this. I don’t want to face this. I don’t want to deal with the ugliness of this. I don’t like the 3D. If this is Mythic Skins, then thank you no, never. It looks like you put a lot of work into it but it is not for me.

I care about cosmetics, I want to buy more cosmetics, but I want cute hero skins. This and anything like this is a hard no for me. If this is what you think is premier… ugh… then it means I likely won’t be getting cosmetics that appeal to me. Oh well.


I agree. I won’t pay for this either. In addition I would request the option to turn off animations on opponent’s side of the board as this Ragnaros skin looks like it will cause seizures. I already regret paying for the Rogue MC Blingtron portrait, because when I lose a match, the animation is so bad it starts triggering the seizure activity in my brain. Suggestion: The option to turn off animations and emotes should be universal.


“Well done, The check is in the mail” - Blizzard

60 dollars is insane. I do like more communication from the team.


They wasted the budget on his victory/loss and attack animations and forgot to make his emotes look expressive. I get the same “feels like he jumps out of frame to punch you” aesthetic off of Rafaam’s skin, and that’s only $20 to be able to shake my fists around compared to $60!


Hating on this product is dumb; it’s actually one of the BEST ways to design a game and financially maintain it nowadays; and I’m saying it as someone who is purely F2P.

That’s because it has absolutely zero effect on gameplay; it’s pure cosmetics; well unless you count the psychological effect but it’s negligible.

Better than “pay us to have more choices in BGs” and better than “pay us to have all the netdecks fast”; way better; the most better.

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Whoever is buying this has some serious issues and really needs to check with his nearest doctor.

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Everyone griping about the price of this or complaining that things aren’t purchasable with gold or just in general think that “they made the game what it is” are so way off base.

A: The Price: its for players that have discretionary income to the level that $60 is what they spend on their lunch, so this cosmetic is nothing in terms of expense. Its just cosmetics and with it being the price it is will make the buyers feel part of an exclusive group of Hearthstone players that can whip it out much like the WoW players that spend their money in the wow store for special mounts.

B: Gold: isnt meant to be the method of getting everything in the game. It CAN be used to obtain most of the cards, minisets, etc… but not everything, and certainly not the things that actually cost the game company significant resources to make. Gold is just the little dopamine drip they make sure you can’t earn too much of too quickly and can’t really get everything you really want to use it on. Its the cheap drug addiction they make sure they maintain a limit of its supply. You are supposed to tire eventually of this and pull the trigger and use IRL money eventually is the goal. Always has been, always will be for any game that allows any amount of free to play. You CAN be 100% F2P and get almost all the things but its a very uphill endeavor to try and collect a full and complete collection (every set since original til now) using only gold starting today…

C: “the customers who created you(blizzard) and helped you grow!” : No, the customers are the ones that spent IRL money. The playerbase they established in terms of all the Free to Play players, is the market share of people’s gaming time. But all the free to play players while they are an integral component of the game’s success and progress, are not the ones that created blizzard. Blizz has been around a very very long time, and been thru many many incarnations. I was a customer of theirs when I bought their SNES title Rock n Roll Racing back in the 90s. I dont think Im owed anything nowadays because of that purchase. I got what I got out of the game and never expected anything else out of that transaction. It shouldnt be any different now, if you spent nothing, you should expect nothing in exchange. If you spend $60, then you should expect something cool like a Ragnaros Cosmetic for your Shaman/Warrior. Thats how things function these days and those days.

Either you like or dislike the cosmetic itself on the merits of the cosmetics of it… but all the rest isnt relevant at all.


I wish WoW did that more (and HS too). I don’t like giving advantages to players by paying more; it’s especially bad if they already pay; it’s like going to do a sport event and getting a better final rank by just paying the organizers.

Everyone should want more cosmetics and less purchasable gameplay advantages.

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