Not a single user received those legendary golden, epic golden, common and rare golden cards from the new achievements in the patch 20.0

So all these achievements jumps on the screen a beautiful pack of 4 or 5 golden legendary cards as rewards, but when the user go back to his card collection none of the rewarded golden cards (including legendary, epic, common and are) are part of their collection.

-Demon hunter victory
-Druid victory
-Hunter victory
-Mage victory
-Paladin victory
-Priest victory
-Rogue victory
-Shamman victory
-Warlock victory
-Warrior victory

-Great victory

-The murlocs and pirates achievements.

I obtained and opened all those achievements chests, that theoretically gave me around 30~50 golden legendary cards, apart from the epic golden cards and etc, the game shown me all these golden legendary cards on the screen, a lot of rewards, but I don’t have them in my card collection, not a single one.

Please, FIX this.

Here is my technical report:

Here is a reddit thread with more users confirming this issue, although the thread focuses only in the “Great victory” achievement, but all the other victory achievements (those that gives golden legendary cards at level 6 for winning 500 ranked mode games for each hero) are affected too:

I didn’t receive any despite having way more than 10k wins. Probably a bug, it seems the game is quite full of them right now.

Yep… I collected all the rewards, golden commons, rares, epics. Then I go and check my collection and not a single card of those is in there… Feels bad

Didnt receive any either.

How do i check them in my collection? I can’t see them

Nobody was supposed to get them. They’re for the core set and will be available when it launches.

This isn’t a bug. It’s abysmal communication. Just like with the change to a single casual mode.


I opened all the hero victory achievements for all heroes, including the “Great victory” and the murlocs and pirates achievements.

When opening these chests I’ve been rewarded with packs of 4 or 5 legendaries per each achievement, honestly around 30 or 40 golden legs, crazy, I was fast clicking the screen so I didn’t noticed if they are part of the “core” set, but if that’s the case then THE DEVELOPERS MANAGED THIS IN THE WORST WAY…

Why release a patch that you know it will cause a lot of confusion to all end-users?. Because in the rewards it does not say anything like: “these golden cards are not available until 30 March so don’t expect to see them in your collection”. Why don’t just temporally disable these achievements until the expansion release???.

In the same way as the devs implemented these new achievements, they also could hide them or disable them, they could did any logical thing to avoid this confussion to users, but instead they preffered not to do anything about.

What a very bad communication IN-GAME from devs and how they did things in the worst way by releasing a patch that literally will falsely reward a big amount of users and they will feel rewarded just by a moment, to later feel the opposite thing, a disgusting and very dissapointing feeling when they see none of the golden cards are on their card collection.

And this is how Blizzard, a multi-millonaire corporation with the best workers can manage to do things?. Can I laugh now?. This is very amateur and faulty way to do things.

Ginger, you put it best.
Communications and management of expectations have been pretty poor and even with covid that sort of stuff should be easy to get right.


Yeah. Bugs I understand. Software teams are always understaffed and pushed to meet unreasonable deadlines. In a massive update you’re going to get lots of bugs.

But knowing some exist and not sharing them in the client screws over thousands of people who play the game but aren’t hardcore enough to follow it online.

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necroing this thread because this issue is STILL not fixed

i started playing the game again after a long break and forged in the barrens is out already, i earned TONS of golden cards from achievements but none of them show up in my collection

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Did you go to the rewards track and claim them? They don’t appear in your collection automatically.

This issue is still occurring for me. I have recently unlocked the golden version of the “SI:7 Agent” card through achievements but it is not useable in the Classic format. It will only show in my collection when I am on Standard or Wild formats, even though the normal version of the cards show up in Classic.

That’s because it’s not a Classic card but part of the Core set.