Gold Card Rewards For Ranked Wins Missing

I was notified that I had achievements completed this morning so I went to look and it showed one for ranked wins. I clicked it and was given a nice number of gold cards as well as at least 8-12 gold Legendaries or whatever the reward is for about 5500 ranked wins. Excitedly I went to my collection to check them out and found that none of them were there. Please help.


Same here.

And here:

And here:

They will give them to us once they fix it right?

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Also to me. I got a lot of golden and find none of them. Also in my collection where I went to check the crafting thingie is shining like when I can disechance stuff but I cant and in my decks under priest and demon hunter it says 0/16. What does it mean BLIZZARDDDD???

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I also confirm I have this issue too.

And If I purchase a card pack to get some repeated cards to disenchant, I can disenchant them but the crafting button still shinning after that, like if I could disenchant more stuff, but I cant.

Maybe this bug deserves its own thread for bug report.

When I logged in also it gave me like a demon hunter pack that looks like the one from the book of heroes but I never actually got that

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Same issues for me, hope they’ll fix this later

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Same issues. Dozens of golden cards (rewards of progress achievement) are missing after the patch. Please fix it.

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Same here! Not sure what’s going on.

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Same happened to me on European server. My name is Blackbeard38, plz help us…

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Same Here, rewards of progress achievement are missin. South America Servers.
Get 5000 wins and all rewards never apear on my collection.

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I was also not able to claim some of them. Said I had already completed the quest, so I didn’t get the rewards.

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Same here. Got golden cards for up to 3500 victories + golden classic legendaries for several classes for 500 victories… and can see none of them in the my collection.

You will get the cards when expansion hits i researched for 5 mins and found other people who say that.

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The caverns below is so busted omfg. n1 deck in the world of all modes

I have the same problem and it says i can disenchant but I dot know what it wants to disenchant.

Yeah I’m having the same issue. I literally sent them a picture of the achievement for the ranked victories with the date in game for it and they said it doesn’t show on their end and I needed to report it here. Hopefully they fix this soon.

Well ticket support can’t do anything about it. The developers have to refund it to us.

i have the same problem

This is intended. These are Core Set cards, and are not visible in collection until March 30.

If you don’t know what the Core Set is, check out a couple videos I made:

This is the answer.