The thing is, it’s you who constantly does it to others. Apparently, something about your reading comprehension or logic or associative memory isn’t working properly.
Anyway, here’s a brief history of you and strawman:
- February 8 to Altair: Why locking people at bottoms of ranks is bad (graphically) - #7 by Carnivore-2587
- same day, Altair: VS Syndicate's podcast is out. We have a 3 class meta - #146 by Carnivore-2587
- 5 hours ago, Dim: Can we speed up the release of the doomkin nerf? - #32 by Carnivore-2587
- February 24, Killuminati: Utilize That Ignore Function - #55 by Carnivore-2587
- February 28, Mallenroh: So, is mage gonna' be better this expansion? - #32 by Carnivore-2587
- 24 hours ago, Dim: Dust refund Ci'Gigi please - #51 by Carnivore-2587
- 2 days ago, Hazama and Orion: Playing a netdeck copy pasted from others makes me feel bad - #9 by Carnivore-2587
- 12 days ago, Altair: Next Patch Theory - #53 by Carnivore-2587
- 6 days ago, Cramer: Can we put the Pass further away from the side of the board - #9 by Carnivore-2587
- 13 days ago, Elchar: HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism - #364 by Carnivore-2587
- 11 days ago, Scrotie: Bots, Cheaters everywhere in Arena - #20 by Carnivore-2587
- April 23, Derkan: Yes the game is that it finds..a worthy opponent - #11 by Carnivore-2587
- March 3, Fuglarg: BGs:benefit of 4 choices smaller than u think - #33 by Carnivore-2587
- March 1, SwampFace: Just before the reset - #7 by Carnivore-2587
- February 1, Scrotie again: They should delete the ability to "lock" a Rank - #41 by Carnivore-2587
- January 29, Scrotie again: I thought they were joking about Velarok - #19 by Carnivore-2587
- Fuglarg again: Enough with your nonsense about what "has to be nerfed" - #19 by Carnivore-2587
- January 6, Scrotie again: Why do Mages have EXCLUSIVITY of "you'll win by round 10"? - #14 by Carnivore-2587
- January 4, Swampface again: So a pack is only worth ~100 dust on average - #10 by Carnivore-2587
It’s basically a who’s who of the forum - and that’s only a first page!
Others were probably smarter than to attempt to talk to you at all.
Don’t even get me started on “cognitive dissonance”
You probably used that term (incorrectly) more times than it was mentioned in any psychological article together since it was invented
P.S. Not only am I not the only one, as you said above, but I’m not even the winner! That “honor” belongs to scrotie, the strawman king