Handbuff is unbeatable for Insanity, it’s 50-50 with sludgelock
Deathratthle is unbeatable for sludgelock, tough for insanity
DK-s in global are bad for warlocks, at least when I play them xD
I could, in theory, do better with insanity because toooooo many matchups are Druids, which I only have 52-53% against as sludgelock, but should have more with insanity
But when I tried, I just couldn’t make it in practice
P.S. VS is soo late with catching “new” decks on the ladder, yo
I’ve had 50+ winrate since the expansion came out with sludgelock, it’s still not on the list
and it beats all those deck fairly decisively. We’re talking 60%+ chance to win.
What Insanity loses to is the DK decks that have that direct damage to face with spells like I was talking about:
Corpsicle Rainbow DK
Frost DK (this is a newer developing deck)
Razzle Dazzle DK (which is just another mass damage deck replacing corpsicle with magma)
And in those 3 matchups, it only has a 45%-48% lose rate.
Notice Triple Blood DK isn’t even on the list. This is because it sees very little play it doesn’t even register. It’s so rare.
Either way, as you can see, Insanity Warlock does really well against almost all DK decks, except for those direct damage ones that are likely coming about in an attempt to combat the popularity of Insanity Warlock.
What those Insanity Warlocks are doing that likely you weren’t doing is using Tidepool Pupil to play Insanity like 4 times minimum. In longer matchups, like against Blood DK, it’s likely using Fizzle to get 5-8 of them. Nothing survives that.
I personally play something that resembles a Handbuff/Deathrattle mix. Insanity is practically unwinnable unless I get massively lucky or unless the Insanity Warlock draws terribly or doesn’t know how to play. There’s no way to stop the damage 4 Insanities do. I can have 30 health and 20 armor and it doesn’t care.
A lot. Do you use pupil at all? I do, it’s nuts. Stash Crescendo or Insanity in there and the game is practically over, especially if you hit Crescendo because you will Crescendo then Gemtosser and the game is over.
I’ve ran into this deck exactly once in the last 300 games. I think it might be more popular at higher legend.
The corpsicle one that first came out didn’t but I do know there are some running it. It’s definitely a good thing to run it in those decks imo. But nothing a single Crescendo doesn’t erase. I imagine this sucks as Sludgelock though.
I’ve seen more Triple Blood than Frost lol. Triple blood might come out on the next VS report though. It just recently started seeing more play this week because of Zeddy I think.
Do you play on mobile? I play on PC and run Firestone. I know immediately what I’m playing against as soon as I track the runes. If you’re running on mobile, you likely don’t remember which runes were played and if they were discovered or not.
You track which cards have which runes and if they were discovered or not. Similar to how you track if you are playing against a Reno deck and if they played a copy card that was generated or started in deck.
Ofc I use pupil. It’s the only reason the deck is back on the ladder. The deck’s highrolly. I’ve gone 10-0 with it and then lost 6 in a row, in various frustrating ways. The deck is very taxing mentally, and I suppose that’s why you don’t play it.
Yeah, 50% of the times, when I don’t stack some sludges to clear it up xD
No, on a laptop, and I also use Firestone. But…
That would require me to actually google all the decklists and check the cards in them until I learn to differentiate them xD
That’s too much effort. I like to play decks that usually finish the game before I even get to find out which specialization of a deck someone is playing
That’s a blessing and a curse at the same time xD
I’ll do that once the area clears out a little bit, and number of viable decks halves
Anyways, thanks for all the info. In the end, it’s not the matchups that make me avoid insanity, it’s the incredibly highrolly and frustrating gameplay
It hard because a few classes need be address use many cards not just class that could nerf and also buffs. We need a big balance patch after master with what we seen.
Once you see the tracker telling you 1 of each rune, you know it’s rainbow. Usually you know this by turns 5-7.
As soon as you see double blood rune, you can bet it’s triple blood so they have vampiric and will be gaining health, likely with a pupil in hand to double up on it.
There’s a few key cards in each that give it away too. If they play any rune card that isn’t blood and it didn’t start in their deck, Blood DK goes out the window and they won’t have vampiric.
Like if you see Hermaturge come out, that’s almost certainly triple blood dk because rainbow and other decks aren’t running that.
Can you actually believe I’m playing like evenly againnst ALL the 8 DK decks for literal weeks, and I thought it was all 2 different decks all this time?
Hahahha and I’m playing in top 500 xD it’s ridiculous xD
No wonder people despise aggro decks…we don’t have to know anything, we see something playable, we play it xD
Yeah, I was gonna say as an aggro player, you likely don’t see the different cards
This is part of the reasoning I have when I say Control decks take more skill. Although instead of saying skill, I’d rather say it takes more knowledge. I have to know everything and what I’m fighting against so I know what to play and what not to play. I can’t just go in guns blazing.
Aggro players are more like “here’s my combo, I’m playing it and dealing damage, it’s up to them to see if they can handle it”
Nah; you can make crucial decisions on round ~3; sometimes it’s the most subtle decisions. E.g. I recently won over a mage by using a Customs Enforcer on round 3; they wasted a couple of spells to get rid of it and were a bit weaker for a around or two; then another Customs Enforcer on round ~5 being a bit handbuffed on top just destroyed their resources.
You don’t make MANY decisions in early rounds; but they are important decisions sometimes; since I’m relatively new to the game I was mainly playing cheap fast decks (mainly paladin) and I quickly reached a point of seeing cards on round 2 or 3 and knowing it’s very complex to figure out what’s the best option especially if I don’t know the opponent well.
Dude, you’re playing Handbuff pally… it’s not an aggro deck, it’s broken and it’s incredibly easy to play xD
You can’t use that as a counter-argument for Schyla’s post
Yes, aggro decks do have some tough, important decisions to make, and sometimes it’s a gamble, because you just lack the information
Also, you shouldn’t really be putting your matchup experience as an argument against anything Schyla says, because he plays in higher ranks
In his ranks, for example, Spell Mage would never bother clearing a 2/4 Enforcer, lol
You’re never going to kill her with a 2 attack minion hitting face
She would either be discovering cards to prepare lethal or discovering cards to prepare for big guns you’re holding
Not sure why you had to vomit your elitism again without any argument to justify it. I didn’t say that deck specifically is aggro; I implied round 3 is very early; it can turn the game around both on aggro and semi-aggro decks like that.
Also you have no clue what you’re talking about that deck; it can BOARD-buff as well; those early enforcers board-buffed to 10 health and above are devastating to decks that are mostly generated cards / cards that didn’t start in their deck.
Excuse me? I’m telling you how the matchup is played in higher ranks. It’s not elitism, it’s teaching.
Also, this:
…is a blatant lie, due to this:
So it’s not without an argument. Maybe you just think that buffing a 2/4 enforcer on board is the real danger to Mage, but it really isn’t.
Alright bro, you do you
If you think playing 2x enforcer early is even possible, we have nothing to talk about. I don’t want to accidentally impose “my elitism” on you again, so I’ll let you learn on your own.
Maybe try to learn something for a change instead of always pretending you know everything. You are stuck at a certain Legend rank when you play for 8 hours a day.
Try to go top 100 for a change; a 16 year old went 1st; he was playing for less than 8 hours a day probably.
You should really be telling that to yourself, not me.
I have watched Maxie’s stream, trying to learn from him. I didn’t tell him that he’s an “elitist” because he’s higher rank than me and trying to teach others how to play.
Why are you continuously ignoring your own advices?
I strongly disagree. Knowledge of the opponent’s cards is an important element of skill for every deck, including an aggro deck knowing the board clears so that aggro knows what to play and not to play. Aggro is probably best going in guns blazing either way, but the choice of “which guns?” is important.
I learned there are 6 more DK decks on the ladder than I knew about, because I play aggro decks and my games are too short to realize I’m playing against different decks
I learned Insanity might be a better deck to play than sludgelock, but I’m resisting change, because, well, I like resisting change.
I learned that from Schyla.
I don’t have problems with that. I’m sorry, bro, it’s you. It’s always been you.
You keep talking to yourself in the mirror. You started vomiting elitism again without bringing any arguments other than “well you are dismissed because you don’t play at the same level as me”.
It’s a bit of a comedy that when you are told than the response is literally a “I came here to TEACH”; shutting down people isn’t teaching; teaching was only when you told us what you learned.