Mobile app doesnt work after new patch

On android, lg g stylo 3, app crashes every time on start up, never makes it to the main menu


It’s not just you. I am having the same problem on my tablet. Stuck on load screen.


Same my android phone just crashes wont load the game


Also happening with me. Tried clearing the cache, clearing the data, restarting my phone, uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing works. Game continues to crash before getting to the menu. Small indie company I guess


Same on iPad. Downloaded from App Store, open the game and end up in circular “let’s go to the store to start the download.” Another quality mobile batch from Blizzrd.


LG has same issue…lets get it going


For me game begins to open main menu screen, then shuts down! Is there going to be a patch to fix this patch? Or somehow blizzard will fix things on their end and it will magically work?


Exactly same on my samsung


Guys, make sure you’re posting these (or at least contributing to a thread) in the Bug Forum as well, that one seems to be more directly perused by their support staff.

I’m having no problems on my Note 10+, but the troubleshooter in me keeps wondering what the difference is since we have other Android users having the issue. What versions of Android are you guys using?

Anyone reading this on iOS that isn’t having trouble with it?


Was actually literally about to ask the same thing regarding Android users. Three different devices here are suffering the same error. Are ANY mobile users playing right now?

Edit: Also, that’s Android 8.1.0 and 7.1.1


Me at least. I think there are a few on our discord who’re predominantly mobile and are playing in 16.4 as well.

I’m gonna put it on my work phone (iPhone 8) and see how it does.

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Currently, every time I try and hop in on mobile it keeps asking me to download the update. Which is an odd bug considering I already downloaded and updated the app for the new battlegrounds content. And it’s just a continued loop. I get it, it takes me to the App Store, I open it from there, repeat.

I’m on an iPhone 7 with no known issues with the app before have, been playing a little over 2 years.


Xiaomi redmi note 7 and since I updated the game I can’t not play, the game crash immediately after show the main menu


That’s interesting. Only one other android user has come forth with a functioning Hearthstone and it was a Pixel XL user. I wonder what a Note and a Pixel have in common that, most other Android devices do not have.?


Xiaomi redmi note 7 running Android 9.0 and unable to play after the update

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I’m on Android 10. I wonder if 16.4 has compatibility issues with 9.0 and below? Someone in another thread mentioned horrible lag on their device, maybe it’s some kind of uber resource-eating bug for certain devices? Some lag hard, some crash and some can’t even muster up the resources to fully load it? Just spitballing ideas (like it really matters).

Waa it just an original Pixel XL or 2/3/4?

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Me and my bro are both having the same issues without being able to load the app. We have galaxy sky pro phones and have never had issues with hearthstone before been playing for past 4 years. I tried clearing cache, data, uninstalling, and reinstalling. Updating everything and as soon as it almost loads it instantly cuts off and goes back through the process again. Never let’s me on and the exact same thing is happening to my brother.


We need a blue post on this and some sort of a update regarding it being unplayable.


They did not say. They referred to it as an older thing.

I can only speak for a Samsung Galaxy Tab A running 7.1.1 which smoothly brings me through the login doors and then shunts me back to my device home screen halfway through that panning motion,

and a LG Rebel 4 running 8.1.0 that seems to lag so fiercely upon successful login (the moment the options gear appears). One in about 20 tries will take me to the playing board and one in about fifty tries actually gets me all the way to the menu where it suffers extreme lag (small particles in motion and changes in shadows/lights indicating whether the game has crashed/frozen) locks the game down entirely.

It’s interesting that the bad device can actually get to main menu before FREEZING but the far superior device simply CRASHES the game entirely and sends you away.

I also lack the skill to fully interpret the post, but someone is at least posting some solid stuff for Blizz to scratch their heads at over here:

My Galaxy Tab A is running Android 9.0, and I freeze on the loading screen.