Mercenary Renown

So have you basically dropped in to tell everybody how you’ve got nothing to say on the topic? :grinning: What a valuable and insightful contribution!

Next time I suggest buying a ticket to a football match, then telling all those spectators around you how you can’t imagine why people would watch something as stupid as 22 grown-up men chasing after one ball and rolling it on the lawn, as if their life depends on it — let alone do it oneselves. You might also add a story from your troubled — or not, it’s up to you — childhood how you once tried it, but fell on your bum, got bruised and ended up crying, and you attempted it in the first place just because a neighbour boy promised you a candy for participating. I’m sure all the other fans will understand and appreciate your input, and this insight would be invaluable — just like your contribution to this topic, which it obviously resembles. :grinning:

Or, you know, you could go to a restaurant just to announce your distaste for their particular cuisine… or drop into someone else’s church and say how you don’t get their religion… I could go on. The question is: what’s the point?