Mercenaries Gets a Mythic Update

Mythic Update (GOOD BYE SUCKERS)


I completely forgot this game mode existed lol. Surely no one is playing this outside of some higher up that refuses to restart development?

If you think their decision to sunset this mode is based on anything other than its not bringing in revenue, I have a bridge to sell you.

There are probably HS devs who would really want to develop this into a playable mode. But since it hasn’t shown profitability, its getting axed. Its the same reason they’re putting more into BGs now that they’ve monetized components of it.


Oh nice, another off brand game mode to add hours worked on, aside r&d towards the actual card game that made hearthstone what it is.

Absolutely idiotic direction to go.

No wonder MTG rails hearthstone in terms of quality control.

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I enjoy Mercenaries & will continue to play it. I like doing the daily quests during the day, & playing Standard in the evening.


Wow, that’s actually some great news for Mercs, which is currently one of the few things in the game worth playing!

First of all, about the plans for new content. Actually, I’ve already written about it before, how the ‘quantity over quality’ approach just doesn’t cut it. ‘Once these Mercs join the fray, we’ll have over 120 total Mercenaries for players to collect, add to their Parties, level-up, and max out. That’s one bustling Village!’ — exactly. Besides, as I’ve also said already, I’d very much prefer at this point that they’d work on fixing the many bugs and issues present, rather than drown it all in waves on new mercs and zones, as they have done before. Thus, I actually think it’s a right direction for them to have taken. Of course, there’s a long-term question of what happens if, or when, the Mythic mode gets ‘old’ — but we’ll see about it. If it’s just endless new puzzles to solve, then why would it? That’s exactly what Mercs fans are looking for — but, once again, time will tell how it’ll work in practice.

As for the factions, dual-type mercs and all this — I like it! That’s exactly what’s been somewhat missing and worked in a strange manner: the Alliance and Horde, some pirates missing their base races and so on.

Interesting thing about the ‘Mythic Boss Rush’: I’ve been thinking how I would implement the PvE end-game system, and a gauntlet of bosses with some buffs, extras etc was more or less the first idea that immediately came to mind. So, it seems they’ve taken the most logical direction in this regard. Oh, same thing with excess coins, or ‘renown’, by the way.

A couple of other remarks and ‘disclaimers’. First, I’m writing this review based on what has been announced — the actual implementation has not always delivered everything that’s been promised, especially bug fixes, so it remains to be seen how it works. Second, I’ve avoided discussions about potential leaks from data-mining and such, since it’s apparently against the forum rules.

Oh, one last thing: I know there’s a marginal group of dedicated Mercs haters or clueless bypassers with an irresistible urge to inform everyone of their ignorance on this forum, but to every one of those I’ve got this to say: ‘You’d make a cute puppet.’ :stuck_out_tongue: :grinning: Oh, and to the hyperactive types who invested a lot, then got FRUSTRATED and joined that bunch: thanks for you money :grinning: , your opinion… is very important to us. :grinning:

(A few minor edits made.)


Well, Mercenaries has ended up pretty much where I predicted it would, back in 2021.

A quote from DarkArchon21 on Hearthpwn:

“Even releasing Mercs for Hearthstone just shows the bad decision making some of these guys over at Blizzard make. It was a complete failure when they did this in Warlords of Draenor. In fact, it was a catastrophic failure. Maybe the biggest flop in the history of the game. Anything that had to do with merc missions and player housing fell straight on it’s face. No surprise it did the exact same thing in Hearthstone. Honestly, what are they thinking?”

I spent some time in January arguing with some diehard advocates for Mercenaries about whether Mercenaries was as big of a “failure of a dumpster mode” that I claimed it was.

I feel vindicated about the stance I took to caution other players to not waste their time, money, or other resources on Mercenaries.

Mercenaries was the least played mode for a reason, and the devs have clearly realized that their efforts are best spent elsewhere to help generate more revenue for Hearthstone.

“…as we align our goals and focus on continuing to make Hearthstone the best digital card game in the world.”

This ^ aligns with my opinion that the devs are way overdue to address many of the issues, which are negatively impacting the fun that can be had while playing other constructed modes (and now Battlegrounds). I look forward to seeing changes, improvements, and what gets done over the next two years.

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Another game/mode that Blizz made promises for and never lived up to and never will. I hope they ACTUALLY move the Devs for this mode elsewhere in HS and don’t just chop the team to save the payroll.

Mercs launching is when I started playing HS and it brought me into the game. Cutting it a year and a half after launch is a Bad Look and shows, to me, that they don’t have faith in the own products or the willingness to see through their own promises. D4 will probably be the last game I buy and I doubt I’ll get the next rewards track.


Don’t buy D4. They’ve already stated it will have a battlepass and in-game shop. :confused:


Veteran players of mercenaries give you some advice. Instead of releasing new mercenaries all the time, it is better to optimize the program. Every time you play a game, you have to freeze to get out. The revision has not been solved for several times


I won’t be buying it right at launch, but as far as I know the in game shop and pass are only for cosmetics not power. If it’s $$$ for Power, I’ll likely be passing. Either way I won’t be getting anything from Blizz past that point until/unless the Microsoft purchase changes things. It’s a shame, I’ve been playing since Humans v Orcs but the company has no soul anymore.

Heh… :smirk: Many developers from that team, judging by some posts I’ve seen, are apparently amazing :clap: : very ‘diverse’, ‘inclusive’, ‘politically correct’, waving the right flags, not at all ‘binary’, ‘ternary’, ‘quaternary’ or anything like it — in other words, there’s absolutely nothing bad to be said about such a transcendent crew. This awesomeness, however, has not always translated into effectiveness when it comes to fixing bugs, implementing features, especially in a timely manner, and so on, so I wonder what kind of addition they’d make as a workforce. On the other hand… With the state in which the rest of the game, such as Standard and so on, is, you’d think you can’t possibly spoil it any further :grinning: , so maybe it serves them right.

It looks like this sale will not take place.

One more thing. Some people tend to take this point about ‘new content’ as befits this age of overconsumption, cultivated hyperactivity and short attention spans, planned obsolescence and so on, with ‘more content’ being a fetish of sorts, no matter how quickly consumed, discarded and forgotten. However, to my previous argument about quaility vs quantity, another example of an old game called chess (anyone heard of it? I bet so many here would dislike it: BO-O-ORING, requires thinking, which is RIDICULOUS, no ‘New_Content™’ released, ‘the meta doesn’t change’, as they put it :rofl:, and so on) — and the advances in its theory are made not by making new pieces (and selling them frequently and regularly) and not even by failed attempts such as Chess 960, about which I wrote a little. In fact, the success and longevity of chess signify how refined it is.

Mercenaries could go in this direction, which, once again, would be the right move, however, as said, how the new mode and the rest turns out practically, remains to be seen.

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This is just the beginning, and there will be more depressing news to come.:fearful:

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The Mercenaries mode will forever be known as a cautionary tale to other developers that you can’t release a half-baked game mode and expect people to stay for the long haul, especially if it takes ages to address and fix issues. It’s a shame, really, because the mode itself had a lot of potential.


Just do like sc2 … Balance the dam game instead of throwing random merci our way.

You could add nonjew content and just focus on trying to balance as many merci possible and it would already make most of the Merc player happy.

Was very happy with new mercs added as ive still got like 80 unopened packs.
Was very sad to hear that the mercs mode is ending as i had much more fun with that than with the standard card game, mercenaries was the only thing that kept me coming back to hearthstone.

I was really on the fence of dropping the game entirely after the lich king set, but the new hero made me wanna play just a bit more.
Most likely wont be buying the mini-set as i cant remember the last time i actually had fun on casual as my meme decks would get facerolled by ranked decks.


I hope They will focus on balancing the Standard mode better instead… there is much to do… the more randomness and hand manipulation they create, the more I become dissapointed really… Since they are creating these insane mechanics… I feel it harder and harder to reach my already earned rank by hard work of months… I just meet more and more randomness in this game which are making us failed instant… and I don’t like that diraction at all… This is killing the game slowly… :frowning:

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Speaking of which: yeah, now we can finally open those packs for portraits. :grinning:

That conclusion is a bit… premature, isn’t it? See also above.

One more thing: they could still do those time-limited events, since they were really successful and fun, as far as I can tell. Sure, nowadays, with four visitors at the camprife each day, it’s almost like a small event occasionally [1-3]… almost.

[1] (Mercs) Ah, those random Visitor tasks
[2] Rend Normal with Eudora and Vanessa In Party
[3] Onyxia (Heroic) with Tyrande, Cairne and Varden

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