Mercenaries Gets a Mythic Update

One more thing. Some people tend to take this point about ‘new content’ as befits this age of overconsumption, cultivated hyperactivity and short attention spans, planned obsolescence and so on, with ‘more content’ being a fetish of sorts, no matter how quickly consumed, discarded and forgotten. However, to my previous argument about quaility vs quantity, another example of an old game called chess (anyone heard of it? I bet so many here would dislike it: BO-O-ORING, requires thinking, which is RIDICULOUS, no ‘New_Content™’ released, ‘the meta doesn’t change’, as they put it :rofl:, and so on) — and the advances in its theory are made not by making new pieces (and selling them frequently and regularly) and not even by failed attempts such as Chess 960, about which I wrote a little. In fact, the success and longevity of chess signify how refined it is.

Mercenaries could go in this direction, which, once again, would be the right move, however, as said, how the new mode and the rest turns out practically, remains to be seen.

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