Reason I don't want to quit Hearthstone

What have we got there, a forum telepath and clairvoyant knowing what’s in another guy’s head? :grinning:

As far as I know or remember, that’s not how the brain is working, but that’s probably a big digression.

Why ever not? :grinning: And do you truly think someone’s gonna change their habits just because of some post on some forum… especially given that reading skills are extremely low here?

Its not easy to understand what op wants from his post. I made an effort since i did interprit his post as a call for help.
Maybe my interpretation is completely wrong i dunno.

I was afraid a response like yours would come. Its just the way things are.
Which is why i was planning to remove my post shortly after.

Apparently i was to late with this o well it happens.
So i will remove it now and hope that satisfies you.

It was actually pretty good advice for attempting to change an unhealthy addictive habit. Not sure why there was a need to remove it.

Because i dont enjoy nasty responses nor want to pretend i know every answer,wich i definitely don,t.

Why post it so hastily, then? There’s no rope burning, even drafts are saved on the server, so one can take their time and choose words carefully.

Questions were raised about a short passage or two from a rather lengthy post. In response, you decide to remove it entirely. Are you certain it’s not overreacting a bit here? :grinning:

Indeed, I find this kind of ‘all-or-nothing’ approach not easy to motivate, although it does not surprise me in these times — but that’s an entirely different matter, not sure if I want to go into it now.

In my opinion, there was generally nothing wrong with the post in question, but some formulations could have been a little bit more accurate or careful, that’s it. Of course, an author decides what to do with their writing in the first place.

I have these thoughts too, not really ready to take anyones opinion, I can only really make my own.

I already semi quit and came back, so I am playing catchups, I am about half a year off catching up. I used to play wild and it lost all interest from me in the last few years. I am now playing classic now and some days I log in and all I play against is bots, last month I got a good run and didn’t play against hardly any, today on the other hand I played against like 5 in a row from diamond 9-7 approx. I think that is largely adding to the pointlessness I feel, especially given how pointless the current tavern brawl is. There are about 5 more classic decks I want to try and then it probably has no enjoyment left for me and I don’t really know if I’ll enjoy standard any more, but it is the grass is greener on the other side for now.

Then on the other hand I started gwent back up, I own every card in that game, yet I have hardly explored different decks. If I stop gwent it feels like there is no consequence because I can always come back to it. Playing both feels like too much, but I don’t have that toxic relationship with gwent and feeling like I need to keep playing on.

Consider this a friendly warning about Gwent — it might turn out the same in terms of ‘toxicity’.

Well its up to you to decide if you wanna continue or not.

If playing mercs and leveling them is what keeps you entertained, keep doing it. If you get frustrated after being mauled by player or boss or whatever - take a break or avoid it.

You do not need to abandon HS. Just focus on things you like.

Or take a break for few months / year, like me and return when you feel like it.

Sure, some people might give you subjective or even objective reasons why you should play/not to play. But in the end, its always up to you.

You wanna level mercs? You want to collect some gold cards? You want to combo tavern keeper to death with some insane OTK? You feel like pushing for legend? Or you prefer to leave for a week/moth/year? Just do what makes you happy.

Thanks all for the advice.

For me it’s becoming why continue when I’ve played since day 1 and although I have always been prone to becoming angry at how I got beat back in the day the game was new and so it was always fun regardless.

They haven’t, outside of mercs or bg’s, really added anything to the game in years. At least what they have added has had less of an impact as a new expansion did years ago.

What’s worse about what they add seems to give players the ability to win in an what feels like an unfair way. Yeah, I know there’s an argument to be made for mecha’thun, reno jackson, etc. but when you’re going along having a good game and boom in one turn, you’re dead from a gimmick that your opponent used then it’s WTF? Really!

And because they haven’t in my mind been keeping the game fresh and new as much as back in the day it feels more frustrating to play than it was in the past.

So, then it becomes well keep playing to collect all the cards, level up all the mercs, maybe this season I will miraculously get to 7k MMR in bg’s, but then for what?

I understand do what makes you happy because in the end probably nothing matters other than your own happiness and how you treated others. That might be the ultimate solution to the meaning of life other than 42.

I am having the same conversation with myself about Hearthstone as I had with myself about WoW from probably 2015 until I quit Dec 2017. And it’s the same conversation I had with myself about Diablo 3 from Dec 2017 until I think I quit in 2020, although that was easier as the end goal for me was much clearer. Once you get to the point where you would only benefit from grinding paragon and trying to get ancient legendaries which were a 1% drop rate then maybe then it’s worth it to just quit as the returns would become instantaneously diminishing once you had all the regular legendaries for all your characters. One more greater rift has about a 0% chance of making my characters more powerful unlike when I still needed 1 more just regular legendary for X character which had a very real chance of dropping.

And then not to mention how in the past (1?) year they’ve started throwing more stuff at us for them to make money. A new battleground board background. A new battleground hero skin. It costs $15 now to play battlegrounds. And that’s got me going back to WoW, which in some ways for me at least became just one more pet, or one more mount to collect.

Golden Whizbang the wonderful joins chat. :sunglasses:

It has it’s own downsides, currently there are only about 50,000 people in the global leaderboard, so that is not without its risks. However what I describe with Hearthstone being toxic is the feel of needing to log in every so many days to complete quests and brawls just to keep it so I can play, I end up grinding more than I do playing normally. Whereas with gwent I already have one copy of each standard card including all legendaries and there will be no new cards, the meta will just gradually cycle around with balance updates, also the premium cards artwork is brilliant, I can turn a few full decks completely premium. I can also ignore the quests.

So it makes me curious if it is only the collection aspect of hearthstone that keeps me coming back to it and in that sense I should be careful not to fall into some cycle. At least for now, I have some time to kill and I don’t have a lot of ways to entertain myself when the weather is bad or so, there is nothing lost as long as I can just limit myself to playing when there is nothing better I could be doing.

That would probably be a reason to rethink it, if you ask me.

Oh, I’ve got more than four hundred thousand scraps from open beta, if I remember correctly, and all of the cards, except for some recent ones which I could craft — for a long, long time, if you think about it, but I’m still not playing it.

How so? Have I missed something?

Sadly, there’s been a tendency towards catering to… people with unusual tastes, let’s put it that way, and drawing just outright ‘squicky’ cards, while the original style was more ‘epic’, athough ‘gritty’. A premium animation of a literal ‘(something dirty and unpleasant)-eater’ or something like that doesn’t make it visually appealing to me.

I understand, but there could be other games or modes you could enjoy more.

Premium Villentretenmerth, now that thing looks so cool I have not seen anything come close to it in terms of dragon art.

So can I ask you what ultimately makes hearthstone the better game than gwent for you? Because I am a bit out of touch with gwent in recent times, I just have logged in, crafted up the top rated Nilfguard deck and gone 6-3 in ranked play.

I also am abroad now so I don’t really have a strong laptop and I am miles away from the servers so a turn based card game isn’t very punishing even if I disconnect it is generally fine. I was just getting back into runescape when I left to go abroad, but I don’t think this laptop is capable of even that, I actually bought a bond and just did fishing and woodcut, basically too hard to pve anything worth while with the lag, especially since I am almost maxed out so I should be getting into bossing and dungeon raids.

Returned back to HS for Classic, nostalgia playing a big role in it, but nowadays I’m mostly into Mercenaries (it’s relaxing, no rush or stress with it, and it provides challenges, which many liken to puzzles — and I find solving these fun, besides, there are possibilities to be creative). As for Classic again, it has also been a chance to try things I couldn’t afford back in the day, besides, building my own deck my way in order to reach Legend regularly, for example, hasn’t been that bad, either. One more thing: I think detrimental changes have happened both in HS in Gwent, when it comes to game design, product quality, attitude towards the community, greed, etc, so going back to Classic was more about the days when ‘the grass was greener’.

I quit it a while ago, too, so I don’t even know about the very latest changes, if any.

That’s actually one of the ‘original’ cards, and yes, I know what you’re talking about.

Does it have to be a card game? I’d probably consider something like good old HOMM 3 (with the community HD mod, of course) or similar in such conditions.

You really don’t have much to lose.

When you have thousands of dollars and hours invested like me for 8 years, then quitting truly is near impossible.

Yeah, and how sow, the aptly mentioned sunk-cost fallacy notwithstanding? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you could always take breaks, it can be refreshing, I have done it a several times though sometimes I come back to find the game in an even worse state than it was when I left.

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:grinning: Exactly. And some are wondering why certain players prefer Classic at this point…

Oh I played Lords of Magic, so I know this kind of game, that might be on my agenda for another time.

Well for me gwent is still pretty decent, actually the current community seem to enjoy the game more so than the hearthstone community do judging by the energy you get from forum posts.

I agree that classic is still probably the best mode to play, it’s just it is fixed and I believe the amount of time you can enjoy the mode for is finite. Whereas with Gwent there will be some balance changes and that will shake up the meta, there are so many cards that it would take me years at this point to get familiar with them all. Yet it’s not quite like how cards are being dumped on you all the time in standard and only hardcore players can keep on top of this, just minor point shifts that might bring Syndicate decks back in flavour for instance. I think blizzard are so out of touch with their average gamer, if for example the average player is playing 3 times a month, they basically play a new set of 150 or so new cards every 12th time they log in and I personally hate that. Wild seemed like a happy medium because adjustments were a little slower, but they have basically let it die, they don’t think about it at all when they bring new cards in.

TLDR: Overall I think the average hearthstone player should be playing classic mode, wild is dead and standard brings out new cards too quickly.

You know, I keep ‘hearing’ (or actually, reading) this kind of argument quite often. The thing is: there’s a certain old game called chess (of course, you can’t even begin to compare its depth to HS, but still… Even some grandmasters actually played HS in their leisure time, although spending time this way is probably questionable in terms of helping their career), and even a while ago a certain guy called Bobby Fisher, who actually knew something about chess theory, unkile your typical forum ‘expert’ — in fact, he developed substantial parts of it during his era, raised concerns that chess would be ‘dying’ or so due to how well-known the opening theory is and such, so he invented something called Chess 960 with randomised strarting positions, with the idea of avoiding this problem. The thing is, many, if not most, strong players seem to hate it, and even if you see them occasionally do it just for the sake of big money (they’ve got bills to pay, too), they tend to quickly converge to structures and positions similar to those from classical chess, if possible — which is not surprising, given how balanced and harmonious the original position is, unlike many of those random ones. Oh, and speaking of theory — despite phenomenal advances in computer chess (I’m not even talking how far chess theory has advanced since the era of Fisher), there are still breakthroughs happening occasionally.

This may be too big of an analogy, but still something to consider. Besides, I’ve written what I think about those who think they ‘solved the meta’, don’t feel like repeating it now.

Melitele forbid, with the course they seem to have taken…

That is true.

Ha, how much of the Gwent community has remained, I wonder, and what kind of players are left? I’m no expert in WoW or even a player, but I’ve read and heard about all that Shadowlands stuff and so-called ‘simps’ — this could be a fitting analogy with current happy gwenters.

PS I’m a bit tired at the moment, sorry if this post has turned out less clearly written than it could have been.