Honestly, I am in no mood to rewrite it all. It would take hours. I am happy to show it to you in person, should you ever visit Prague though. I’ll even throw in a private tour of the interesting historic places of the Old town.
First, I was trying to do this in detail, but I quickly realised it is not neccesery. Just who’s minion survives, or, in one sided brawls, if one of the better ones survives.
If I remember correctly, the reason he did his small test was because someone claimed you would face different decks after slotting in anti weapon tech, thus making the vipers useless.
So he played a small amount of games and actually faced more weapon decks with the vipers than without. While the sample size is obviously small and basically irrelevant to gain any actual data from, it’s more than enough to counter the claim he did it for.
The guy then claimed he was lying about those 20 games, which I found hilarious.
My point being that a lot of people make some very specific rigging claims, stuff that can be disproven in an hour. And by disproven, I mean that their claim can’t be replicated. So while a thousand games with a viper and a 1000 more without would be great and could potentially reveal something useful, there could still be a ton of variables to explain away the results, regardless of whose side it favored.
If you believe the game might be rigged, it sounds like you believe they rig MM in addition to aspects of the games while actually playing (Card draw and such).
So my question would be
-Why would they bother rigging MM if they are already rigging your draws to determine the winner? If they can ensure you never draw your viper, what’s the point of changing what decks you face to make the Viper useless?
That implies people are oblivious, and can’t tell when the system is being manipulated. Some might not notice, others will.
The company seems to think so, see their patent.
Unless you read their own information.
Depends on the advertising, the devs’ posting about randomness, etc. That’s for someone and lawyers, courts, etc to hash out. As well as governments who are taking a more keen interest in companies doing shady things with games that kids play.
Let’s be honest, it is really hard and near impossible to provide any concrete evidences against a multibillion company on shady business.
We can have a sample size of 100K games and that still won’t hold against them in court.
They have more lawyers, more technologies, more time and money than any of us here.
Look at Diablo Immortal, they openly and shamelessly denied any pay-to-win allegations. When one fell this low, there is nothing else we can do about it honestly.
The only thing that we can do is quietly walk away. It’s sad but it’s the reality.
they claim there is a pattern and when told to make livestream predicting every outcome with 100% accuracy…they cant
they always been unable to explain why would they need to rig it?
what can they acomplish by doing it they cant do with just mmr matchmaking
is as if they are unable to understand it exists the chance to be matched vs deck they have lower chance to win agaisnt !
oh they keep bringing up the patent made for games with cash only items in a game without them
There’s a reason why there isn’t any official statement about the game not being rigged.
In fact, we have several official statements about a few ways the game IS rigged (pity timers for example).
You do realise that to prove that, 100% accuracy isn’t required, right? Anything that meaningfully diverges from random averages in a long run is enough.
Either you are really bad at statistical analysys, or you are, once again, being a liar.
I am not making money off of HS because I can predict 100%. I do it because I can predict way more, than is statistically probable.
But nobody is showing the “meaningfully diverges from random averages” either.
Everytime someone here ask if people can provide prove of what they claim or at least provide the data they tell us, they have, nobody provides this data.
You yourself dodged the question “Can you post that data in a google doc” by telling autosquelch that you are “in no mood to rewrite it all”
But of course if we come to Prague you would show us. We both know, that is not a real offer. Nobody is traveling to Prague to get the data.
To quote myself:
Well everybody can come here and say “i did that and it proved the game is rigged/not rigged” and nobody can know, if you are lying or not.
And we both know transcribibng years worth of pen and paper data into google doc isn’t a real offer either.
Just my offer is more reasonable, because regardless of where in the world you are, coming here, read it, and go back would take way less time than me rewriting it all. You don’t want to spend a day? I don’t want to spend few days either.
You want to see the proof? You make the effort. I don’t care whether you believe me or not.
I’m fairly new to Hearthstone but based on the little amount I’ve been playing. (400 games) The matchmaking is definitely coded to put you in disadvantages to give you the mindset to spend money. Experience and skill can definitely carry you past part of it but the end result is the system is rigged.
Why do you think so many people rush to copy and paste Meta Decks. They all experience the same problems at one point in their playing.
It is what it is, it’s annoying but all card games are like this now. They have to make money somewhere.
Just to clear it up I enjoy the game. Just my thoughts based on my personal experience on the matter.
There’s a third problem: There is no evidence that the proposed system is effective or works as intended. None.
Only because the rigged people don’t know how to have a rational discussion. This idea that people should prove the game is not rigged is absurd and impossible.
Don’t look for logic where there isn’t any.
I am currently playing a list that blizzard made for “core demon hunter” in bronze on a free account.
I have seen all sorts of decks this morning. Meta, not meta, fast, slow, and even midrange. Decks I haven’t seen in diamond or legend. Decks no one would even attempt to play at that level.
People tend to fail to recognize that the meta shifts at different ranks.
LOL so true…anytime you try to switch up on the algorithms…it’s like here is your hard counter over and over. Yeah Confirmation Bias. These staunch defenders need this game to be considered Skillful at all costs.
I understand. You results about the mulligan are interesting, though. I wonder if HSReplay or VS has looked at the randomness of the mulligan. It’s curious because I’ve been playing a lot of Quest Priest (yep… rode that T4 deck to D10) and it’s all about hitting the curve and I don’t feel like I’ve gotten hosed regularly with my mulligans. My mulligans are simple, if it’s not a 2, 3, or 4 cost (of it it’s a second 2, 3, or 4) it gets mulliganed. And of course I’m not tracking it and my personal experience isn’t statistically relevant, but it felt like the replacement cards came consistently based on the deck distribution. So I’m quite curious about your conclusion. If anyone knows if HSReplay or VS has done an analysis of the randomness of the mulligan, please share it.
Lol… thanks, but that’s not in the budget. My wife and I are in our 50s and have two big trips planned for now… Spain and Machu Picchu.
Well, my explanation of how the system works did come directly from a Blizzard rep. Including how it works (i.e. MMR and Rank) and how it doesn’t work (i.e. deck construction). They did not mention the part about clean underwear; that was entirely mine. And no, I’ve not tested it.
You could take a photo of it and post it on imgur and link it. But I’m not sure how clear that would come out.
I would SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO set up a crowdfund to livestream the data (showing that I was in prague and filming the data parts with both our identities oscured) just to shove this in your face, but I’m pretty sure this would count as advertising. If I get the funds myself to do this, I’ll take him up on his offer.
I’m that determined to throw this nonsense in your face.
Thanks for the upvote. Love to shove smug “would never happen” in your face with that vid too with that upload. Because all’s you and your ilk can do is flame, harass, and I’d just love to see the stammering and copium that would come when that happened.
Thus far both you and Horatio provided nothing but empty words, and continue to do so. Actually contribute some data. Learn the guy how to take a photo or set-up a livestream. It shouldn’t be difficult with the current technology. It would save you a trip to prague.
man, everytime you answer my posts, you act extremely angry, someday i will find out why i am pushing your buttons so much.
If I get the funds myself to do this, I’ll take him up on his offer.
I’m that determined to throw this nonsense in your face.
Normaly I would say “do it, have fun” but this is not necessary here. Similar to what i told to Horatio, we both know you will never do this. Just empty words.
Oh and like last time you were getting more aggressive (and started some weird conspiracy that i am someones alt account) i will just stop replying to you.
Feel free to post the mandatory "ha i won, because you stoped replying " we both know you want to.