Matchmaking system rigged


Truly, one of the last resorts of those with no substantive reply. One of these days, I’ll find out why the lack of meaningful rebuttal…oh wait, I already do: it’s because you can’t argue the point. Just like last time, and probably the next time you’ll wander in and after failing to argue the point throw a “SOOOOOO MAD!” and leave in a huff.

Of course, the copium is flowing way in advance. Anyone, everyone, and all in between: bookmark my post where I said:

I’m 100% serious. If and when I get the funds to do so, I’ll do it. I’m no actiblizz dev, or poster who acts as a spokesperson or promoter for the company. When that day comes, I will ask if Horatio is down for it, and I’ll meet him at somewhere and go over everything. First round is on me!

And naturally the “I’m sooooo done posting, and if you reply I’m somehow right.” Might as well get my “infinite I win” in now.

Don’t let the door hit you where the Holy Light split you!

Oh, and infinite I win.

Also, send me a camera or a smartphone + streaming equipment, and I’ll do it. But “we both know that’s not gonna happen”.

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Don’t be so petty to judge others based on their choice of words, not everyone is a native speaker. The meaning should be clear.

Asking others for money or other items is really prone to being a scam, I shouldn’t have to tell you not to do this. Furthermore, I am not responsible for your incompetence.

It all really sounds like you’ve got nothing of any value to back-up your claim. Neither does this reply add to anything. Both you and the forum vandal Bobafett can spend your time better.


But tossing out baseless insults and harassment comes naturally to those who act as spokespersons or promoters for the company…because the company themselves has fostered a culture of harassment and toxicity for decades. It’s only natural their most avid supporters do the same, in spite of it violating coc…and that the mods ignore it, also in violation of official company policy (but probably in line with the toxic culture of harassment still going on there, as evidenced by the rampant harassment of people on these forums).

I’m interested in seeing any data, hence my involvement in this topic. While that doesn’t happen and receive just empty words and well irrelevant chatter then yes, you both sabotaged the post into becoming spam.

Nothing of this is relevant to the current discussion. If you have any issues, take them elsewhere or start a new thread about it.

I have same experience!
My deck determine enemy deck pool.

But it has one advantage you know what will play against you, enemy decks is limited. Learn to beat the strong deck vs. you and use that you know what deck they are playing against you…

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that according to the back of the card?

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Note the pro company poster will once again try to minimize his harassment and insults, as is done by them in every single thread.

As always they post the

they seem to be so interested in avoiding.

Post on your blue id, or retract the statement. No one appointed you with any authority to tell ANYONE who gets to post in a thread or who doesn’t. What if I do keep posting here? Once again, a pro company poster threatens posters in clear violation of coc.


This is what you support, mods, team5, actiblizz, and microsoft: the lawless mob of pro company posters harassing, posting hate speech and threatening, with impunity on your forums. Pretty sure this isn’t legal in some parts of the world.

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The cardback states the account got Legend status at least once during it’s lifetime.

It doesn’t tell anything about

  • Who played the account when it got legend
  • Which mode it got legend in
  • During which meta it happened
  • Whether the account got to legend before the rework
  • How often the account made it to legend
  • If the account is currently legend rank.

There’s probably more I forgot to list, furthermore the definition “Legend player” is also open for interpretation. I find the legend cardback not as telling as it used to back during the earliest months/years.

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The person with the account, as account selling is banned by TOS. I get you and your gang violates it with abandon, but don’t tell us you do account sell and trading also?

Irrelevant, still got to legend.

And? They still got legend.

The salt is definitely flowing here. If you guessed I’m about to type some variation of “they got legend” you win the internet for 2 seconds! Not the pro company gun though. They are banned from winning internets.

Interesting that this somehow matters, when he literally admits…they MADE LEGEND!

Ask anyone wearing a championships ring if it matters if they are currently champion. The fact they actually made it to the top players in the world is a feat that is commemorated, and what matters. Of course, if you’re a pro player, you want to keep winning, and professional hearthstoners like the streamers we hear about in tourneys are ranking every month (or not, even THEY don’t obsess that much over legend at times).

And there it is: one player’s interpretation. Not the official definition (negative social credit score!) but a subjective take. Big surprise: they will literally move the goalposts as it suits them, even when it goes against their precious corporate overlords.

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Note the pro company poster

Wrong, I’d rather consider myself pro decency and common sense to whom deserve it.

once again try to minimize his harassment and insults

Wrong, see thread above or look up what harassment means. You keep falsely accusing me of such which does not deserve any style points and doesn’t work in your favour.

as is done by them in every single thread.

Wrong, my profile is public unlike yours. I’ve got nothing to hide.

Post on your blue id, or retract the statement. No one appointed you with any authority to tell ANYONE who gets to post in a thread or who doesn’t. What if I do keep posting here? Once again, a pro company poster threatens posters in clear violation of coc.

Do keep posting, I’m just calling you out on your nonsense and will leave it at that after this message. Others can make up theirs minds what to think of the situation.


If they would, you’d probably not be here.

This is what you support, mods, team5, actiblizz, and microsoft: the lawless mob of pro company posters harassing, posting hate speech and threatening, with impunity on your forums. Pretty sure this isn’t legal in some parts of the world.

Which leads me to believe you’re simply unhinged. Don’t let me stop you from keep calling kettles black. :wink:

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Spamming this doesn’t change your posts here.

It’s not up to you: which is my point. No one appointed you arbiter of who gets to post in a thread or not.

I’m not the one harassing, threatening, and regularly posting threats: that’s you and your gang of friends.

And more flaming.

This is what you support, mods, team5, actiblizz, and microsoft. Outright flaming and abusive posting by your pro company posters.

All because people point out your matchmaking system is more than a little suspect.

So you do have internet, but nether a smartphone, or a camera?

That is what i mean with “we both know that’s not gonna happen”

Everytime someone tries to get your “data” you find new excuses, why you can not share them.

The fact that people still believe this storys, despite how obvious fake it is does amaze me.
But than again we come back to that quote:

Well everybody can come here and say “i did that and it proved the game is rigged/not rigged” and nobody can know, if you are lying or not.

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It really matters what is on the board and on which side. If my board is full and the opponent is empty, I am losing six minions and that’s not in my favor - but I won the brawl because I was the only player with minions, which is in my favor.

But there are also times when there are two minions on one side and three on the other, and that’s not a 50-50 split either.

As you suggested, there would need to be serious details and conditions to draw any conclusions from the data.

The whole rigged crowd has been at that level in nearly every competitive game ever since the advent of the intarweb toobs.

It doesn’t matter what game at this point, I can show you their community alleging they are losing because the company hates them and rigs the game.

It’s why I just stopped engaging with them. It’s literally impossible to have a productive discussion with someone who believes their position based on faith and anecdote.

My main account hasn’t lost in over a year because I took notes on how the al gore rhythm works in HS and added all the correct tech cards that prevents my deck from being matched to any other deck so the al gore rhythm just awards me wins every time I queue with my Al Gore tech deck.

Every time I post the list I get a forum ban and they will cancel all my accounts if I share it again.

This is another reason why I win because I can’t be matched to anyone that has what I want because my deck is perfect to fool the blizzard algorerhythm.

It took you waaaay too long to get here, lol. It was clear from the beginning, tbh.


My main account hasn’t lost in over a year because I took notes on how the al gore rhythm works in HS and added all the correct tech cards that prevents my deck from being matched to any other deck so the al gore rhythm just awards me wins every time I queue with my Al Gore tech deck.

Every time I post the list I get a forum ban and they will cancel all my accounts if I share it again.

Wait, you have a deck, that if you queue, automatic gives you a win, because the game can not find an opponent? does the game just load without finding an opponent and than you get a message “we cant find an opponent, have a free win”?

Or do you mean the deck is so good, that it always counters everything, so you have a 100% winrate?

Or maybe you have not played the game for over a year, so technically you have not lost in over a year?

So the company faked the patent. How interesting, considering they would get in serious legal trouble for doing so.

Obvious lie is obvious

Also, you and you pro company friends really need to learn how to properly use the quote function.

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thats odd
i followed the post you are answering to

from thatos the post he responds horatio s then to the one he responded to donimbatron s

not a single one of them mentioned the patent …

you are seeing things that nobody wrote !!
how often does this happen ?
arent you worried about it??

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Once again, lying bot is lying. I literally discussed the patent with thatos upthread, along with a bunch of other posters. Set programming for “truthfulness” next time. Your dishonesty program is getting so bad, you should consider deleting it…and think about replacing it with an empathy module!

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i read the post you quoted what you are seeing isnt there !

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First, lying bot says:

Then does a goalpost shift to:

when faulty dishonesty subroutine is called out. Bad lying and goalpost shifting is bad. But note how desperate those who act as spokespersons or promoters for the company get when the company’s matchmaking funny business is called out.

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