Enlighten me. And please don’t say Legend card back which could have been earned 4 years ago.
I’m sharing what Blizzard has said.
Lol… of course!
Enlighten me. And please don’t say Legend card back which could have been earned 4 years ago.
I’m sharing what Blizzard has said.
Lol… of course!
Are you saying a skill is something that disappear after 4 years?
Ah… so it is the card back. I wouldn’t put too much stock in a player’s skill based on that card back. Also, it’s not their skill level that drives the matching; it’s their MMR. Your opponent’s MMR has likely decayed to the point that they are being matched up with you. Generally, the MMR will correlate with skill level, but not always.
But you really think they can’t track your purchases (we know they can (diamond loatheb is one example), and match you based on that? The obvious answer is yes. The “weapon” example from the patent is one from a non card game, and clearly they could sub in cosmetics, more legendaries, player with higher purchases, etc in order to encourage spending.
If you think the same company that just dropped diablow payportal isn’t using this algorithm, I have a bridge to sell you.
Of course they could. I never said they could not. And of course they could manipulate matchmaking and even card draw. Zephyrs proves that.
There is a huge difference between selling Items/Weapons/Buffs or selling card packs in a card game. You need a different kind of manipulation, the one outlined in the patent does not work for that kind of game.
Of course that does not mean, there is no manipulation.
My question is: Why would they make it as obvious, as people think they do.
Quote from OP:
the matchmaking system however 90% of the time sets me up against exactly the types of decks that are impossible for me to win ever.
It does not make any sense.
So many people seem to believe, that Blizzard makes them lose 90% of the games, because losing games make people spend money. Thats not how it works.
“They match me against paying players, and force me to lose, so that the paying players feel better” is another one, you hear.
Again, if OP (or anyone, who claims, that Blizzard makes them lose 90% of all games) is always matched against paying player, than that means that 90% of HS Players are paying players or Blizzard is only matching the paying players against the same f2p players again and again.
Both seem unlikely to me.
Edit- I was wrong and this information is incorrect. The last part is still relevant to this conversation though and is just my opinion.
I thought you were matched against people with the same star Multiplier. I realize it’s basically the same thing (and possibly what you said anyway), but it’s easier to explain it this way.
I have made it to legend a few times, but often take long breaks from ranked play if I don’t find anything interesting to climb with. Afaik, you lose a star each month if you don’t climb back to the point your multiplier runs out (or maybe it’s the rank just prior to running out). So while I’ve frequently had a Star Multiplier of 10, which runs out at Diamond 5 I think, right now it’s only 7.
So despite having the legend card back, I’ll be paired against other players with a 7x Multiplier (If I’m correct on how we are told MM works of course).
I get noticeably worse after a week of not playing lol. To play optimally you really do need to be playing often. Now more then ever with the frequent nerfs and buffs, the meta is constantly changing with popular decks adapting daily. Having out dated information means you could be playing around cards that your opponents aren’t playing and taken by surprise from a card you didn’t even know anyone played.
That’s not how I saw Blizzard describe it. If you still have the multiplier, it matches by MMR. Once it decays out, the system switches to Rank. I’m told that there are some cases where you might still get matched by MMR without a multiplier left. If you are at D3, for example, you could potentially get matched with a low Legend opponent, since the system will try to get matches put together as quickly as possible, and in a case like that, MMR might come into play.
Just looked it up and I was indeed wrong
Good to know though
I didn’t say that. Perhaps I make friends after the match, and can actually see the real rank, you know. Nice try though.
Is that what happened? Is that the “basic” thing you were referring too? Doing a friend request and asking their rank? You say you are constantly playing against Legend players, so do they all really accept your friend request? Sorry, but I’m a little skeptical. I’m still thinking you saw the card back.
Which Brawl was it that we picked the cards and the AI played the game? And, the priest AI buffed its opponent’s cards and destroyed its own? Basically, the AI was losing on purpose. Does anyone else remember that one?
If Blizzard can program the priest AI to lose on purpose, they can certainly program other factors to hinder a player’s performance. I don’t think they’re targetting players, but they can certainly target classes (priests come to mind for some reason) or specific cards.
People can point to matchmaking, algorithms, patents, or whatever they want, but none of that explains away the bugs (they leave in on purpose) or whatever other code is in the game.
Naturally. And I don’t hold it against you.
Is this game rigged? I am unable to provide any concrete evidences.
However, ask yourself the following questions:
So what is this “basic” thing that I don’t know that shows you that you’ve been “constantly playing against Legend players”? How is it that you are aware of the rank of all those opponents? Surely you’re not suggesting that the “basic” thing you referred to is that you friend requested all of them, and they all accepted, and they all showed you that they were Legend?
Better yet, why don’t you do the following:
1: Use HSReplay to track all your mulligans over 1000 games and see what the data shows.
2: Use HSReplay to track your early round draws over 1000 game and see what the data shows.
3: Use a spreadsheet to track this over 1000 games and see what the data shows.
I actually did #3 on a smaller scale. I played 10 games with no Vipers in my deck and then 10 games with 2 Vipers in my deck. I actually faced more weapon decks after I added the Vipers, which is the opposite of what you suggest should be happening.
Please get back to us after you have played 990 games with vipers and 990 more games without vipers. Thank you. We’re eager to hear the result.
I did something similar with pen and papaer specifically to avoid confirmation bias. Between 2014 and 2018 with way more than 1000 games.
The results were very interesting. In a deck with two 8+ mana cards, and eight 1mana/2mana cards, the appearance rates of the former in the opening hand were more than double of the latter. Statistically, it should be the opposite.
Another thing I was keeping track of was results of “random” effects like brawl, mind control tech, etc. Marking whether it was favoreble for me, or my opponent. The results were even more shocking, haveing less than 10% “luck”, closer to 5%, actually. The average being 50% of course.
What started as a curious data gathering ended as a schocking revelation about what actually goes on. And thanks to that, I started to make some nice side money off of HS. When something is rigged, there is always a way to make money.
Let us be honest here. It does not matter who did what test, because at the end of the day, people will believe, what they want. Nobody here can “prove” that the game is rigged and nobody can “prove” that it is not rigged.
“Do 1000 Test games and show us the results”
Well everybody can come here and say “i did that and it proved the game is rigged/not rigged” and nobody can know, if you are lying or not.
Even if you show Spreadsheets or whatever, someone will always say “you just faked that”
or “you are reading the data wrong”.
For example:
Horatio says he cracked the code and is even making money out of it. Do i believe him?
Does that matter? Also no, because nether of us can prove the other wrong.
(And why would Horatio (or anyone) care, if a random guy on the internet believes him or not)
An excellent point! 20 games is not a sufficient sample size to draw a valid conclusion. Just like an individual who thinks he’s getting unfavored matchups does not have enough of a sample size to conclude that the matching system is rigged against him.
I agree. These are very unexpected results. Can you post that data in a google doc? I’d love to take a look. And I know there are definitely some stat guys here that would also like to review it. If the results are as you describe them and your methodology is sound (you’d probably need to provide a little more detail on that), then this is a very interesting result which would indicate that the mulligan is not completely random. I’m sure VS and HSReplay have a lot of data on mulligans and I’d be curious if they’ve done a similar analysis.
This is a little more vague, especially for a card like Brawl. If it’s one minion on each side, you’d expect a 50-50 result. But in many cases, it can be difficult to determine if it’s a “favorable” outcome. If your opponent has an 8/8 and you have an 8/8 and a 1/1 and the 1/1 survives, is that a “favorable” outcome? I think you’d need to provide quite a bit more context with this data set. But go ahead and put that data up as well; I’d still be curious to check it out.
Ok. But it would seem counter productive to spend all that effort creating a fake spreadsheet of data points and all the effort to craft a detailed methodology for testing, unless you know your claim is false and you have some stake in perpetuating that falsehood. But then you’re getting into the territory of that crazy Mr. Pillow dude and his wacky nonsense about the voting machines.
They payd you to shut the f up? Or who ever pays for such info, everybody knows it’s rigged!
Riggity riggity rii
The earth is flat, now you go walk 40.000km to prove me wrong.