Hate this game and hate playing it

The only reason i still logon is to do quest. Whatever fun there would be is long gone by now.

Shuffler is stupid and i keep getting people roping me. So i quit the matchup… What else should i do? Turtle a game, miserable every step of the way?


If you really hate the game this much, why do you still do the quests? Unless you hope for a better game experience later, there is no reason to. Maybe go on a break instead.


Which is one of those rather well-known tricks to keep you playing — check out the linked post, you might appreciate it, really, no trolling intended, no kidding.

If you hate it so much, go play something you like. Why play a game you hate.

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If you don’t have self control in your life; you’ll never resist the urge to break free from this game.

Try to prioritize having fun over ranking.
I find myself in your place when I get too focused on just winning.

I’ve even gotten upset after going 15 and 1 with a deck, and the next loss pushed me over the edge enough to delete the game, only to redownload it later.

Respect yourself and do something only if you enjoy it.

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They’re dailies. And mostly, sometimes the game can be a whole lot of fun. It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about having fun.

Sometimes i feel i’m just handed a loss because i make custom decks. They start out bad, then i work on them. But to do that, i need to play a real game. Not just getting crushed to tiny little bits.

I might still bounce from this, but the bottom of the barrel is near.

EDIT: I managed to win a few, thanks RNGesus.

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Free to play games aren’t really free - they introduce friction points until you either pay with your wallet or you quit.

It’s not really the P2W aspect that makes this game loathsome at times, if you ask me… Unless that rigging (see, e.g., Matchmaking does NOT seem Random to me (with explanation) - #13 by SparkyElf-2852 and so on) is indeed dependent on the amount of money spent, as some players suggest, but I have no personal experience to comment on that — never spent any :grinning: , so at least there’s that for me. Now, time wasted is a different matter…

Buy packs people, really buy packs…

Now seriously buying anything in anything Blizzard makes lately is like throwing money in the dumpster. Also it supports infantile autism since you are giving money to this kind of developers.

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I’m feeling you tbh. Basically every single game is someone roping every turn on purpose. The new expansion theory crafting session yesterday was really concerning to watch. No one was playing past turn 8 and everyone looked like they weren’t having very much fun at all. Announcers sounding dull and bashing the power of the cards. This game is going downhill quick and all the greed going along with it by blizzard is disgusting, this may be the last time I play hearthstone . Been playing since launch and I’m just feeling the same as you. Not enjoying it at all and it’s getting worse. Not worth the anger and frustration . There’s better games and better things to do with my time. Rip hearthstone

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This is ridiculous and delusional.


Seems pretty sad to be so addicted that you keep doing quests without any enjoyment. Just go play something else or do something else besides playing…


Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous!

Doing quests is like the most chore thing to do. If you hate the game you should stop playing instead of telling yourself you have to do these quests that you don’t even want to do and play something else.

Honestly it’s not that hard. There’s only like a million different games you can play. There’s even things outside of video games you could do too. Learn to rollerblade.

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See, this word right here :point_up_2:
This word is the reason OP doesn’t want to quit playing Hearthstone

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When you hate a game but feels compelled to continue playing because of fomo elements like the daily quests, that is a bad position to be in.

In other words, the game is enslaving you and playing you, not the other way around.

It is crucial and imperative for your well-being that you break out of this vicious trap and overcome it, but the decision, self-control and will power to do so belongs to you alone.

If it resonates with you, try diablo 2 resurrected:

  1. PvE not PvP, no tilting or feeling of frustration or discouragement of losing to another player

  2. no fomo grinding, there are no daily quests or other time limited mechanism to grind for resources, so you play the game whenever you truly want and feel like it, the only grind in the game is mainly loot drop which is not fomo based

  3. no pay to win elements since there are no in game micro transactions to begin with

  4. no game swinging rng like

  • what your starting hand is
  • what you mulligan into
  • what you draw / top deck for the rest of the match
  • random spell target
  • what are the options available in discover cards (both you and your opponent and whether perfect answers are found among those options)
  • what cards are given in “add a random card to your hand / summon a random minion on the battlefield or those that concerned the deck”
  • what minions are rolled for evolve / devolve effects
  • probably a lot more rng factors that I overlooked

Sure there are rng like chance to proc amplify damage or crushing blow or skills like chain lightning, but they aren’t game swinging or game deciding like the ones mentioned above.

  1. no time commitment required. Ever trapped in a long drawn out game in hearthstone that took 15 to 20 minutes or even more and you are in a hurry to do something else and don’t feel incline to concede to give away the hard earned stars or ranking? In Diablo you play and quit whenever you want with no repercussions.

  2. meta / min maxing does not matter as much since you are not competing against another player but fighting monsters whereas in hearthstone and other PvP games if you don’t play the meta / min maxing your build you will most likely not able to compete head to head with the players that do. And losing all the time is not fun in any games.

And lastly chess shared many of the attributes mentioned above (point 2, 3 and 4 to be precise) which are among some attributes of a healthy game in my personal opinion.

You can also pick up any activities outside of gaming that enrich and nurture you and that you find enjoyable, it does not have to be limited to gaming only.

Hope this helps and have a lovely day to you!