Pls fing stop giving us weeklies to play the other modes

Just read the original post thoroughly — give it a try.

Or are you more of a ‘Just use more’ guy?

The question is, then: are you still playing the game or is it playing you, in this case with its… ‘quests’?

Discussed many times, for example: I might have problems - #7 by SparkyElf-2852, Hate this game and hate playing it - #3 by SparkyElf-2852, Introducing Hearthstone’s New Mode: Twist! - #39 by SparkyElf-2852, Deceptively Simple, Insanely Fun - #7 by SparkyElf-2852 , For those that keep playing this game - #16 by SparkyElf-2852, Only really get on to do dailies - #14 by SparkyElf-2852 etc…

By the way, for me personally, this (and the last-linked post in particular) pertains to the latest event, too. I’ve been considering just letting it go…

Some personal perspective from a slightly long post I wrote recently (deleted, of course)

Before we start: yes, I suppose you could say it’s my topic for ‘venting’, as they often call it here, of a sort. You have been warned, so you’re expected to react accordingly — or move along, that is, you don’t really need to try to convince me of anything or whatnot. Thank you for your attention.

So, first, some background, I suppose. I haven’t been much into HS lately, in fact, it was the appearance of Elise (hero) in the shop that interrupted my complete break from the game. Even Mercs, my ‘chillout’ mode, lost their appeal back then — it felt like I’d played enough of it, and it’s been the case recently, too. So, after coming back prematurely, it’s been some occasional events, perhaps (although I let golden Bob go — didn’t wanna grind that last few hundred of event XP just for some ‘carrot’ and play something I normally wouldn’t this time; I’ve been doing those events mostly ‘along the way’, rather than grinding them on purpose, unless it was really easy in some tavern brawl or the like), and tavern brawls, but mostly Twist that have kept me here still — in fact, I was looking forward to these two seasons specifically (might have planned my return after 90 days to catch a free deck, just because why not, and that format of Twist, but apparently not; ah, well, no matter).

So, the previous season went even better than expected (C'Thun Druid in Twist — yes, I wanted to play that specifically in an otherwise horrible format), but this one… Even though it’s one of the best formats in the game which I’ve seen for a long time (XL and all that), climbing the ladder (with a much more competitive deck at that, I must say) has been… quite something. As per the title, it’s like playing against some ‘Zephrys’ bot, solving puzzles like ‘discover the only improbable way to screw the opponent’ consistently just in order to give you yet another suspicious losing streak, and it is tiresome, to the point of my thinking: this time around, I might not even want to bother with rank-grinding all the way to ‘Legend’ — and usually it’s a matter of grinding casually while waiting for something or just mucking about, not any kind feat or accomplishment, — and for a whopping extra pack :rofl: at that; there are a few levels left to finish that reward track (yeah, I know…), then I might finally go on that complete break — in fact, that idea seems like the most appealing one when it comes to HS right now, maybe it’d indeed be an ‘At long last!’ kind of moment. Perhaps I could check out the game again after a while, probably in the next expansion, perhaps not — who knows, we’ll see.

Oh, I’ve almost forgotten to write down one more small bit: you don’t win anything by playing in a rigged casino, you can only lose your time, nerves, so to speak, and possibly money. I suppose that’s it.

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