Giving everyone 235 Golden Cards is a Mistake

“If you opened a golden card today you’d be happy. For several reasons.”

If I opened a golden card today I’d be happy for exactly one reason. I have more dust.

I returned recently after many months away and was surprised to see the collection changes…what’s even weirder is cards I crafted, are no longer allowed to be disenchanted…I get that I must have missed some update of something, but I don’t recall getting refunded for all of my classic legendary collection, half of which I can’t even disenchant anymore, after crafting them years ago. What gives? What exactly did I miss?

Those aren’t your cards. That’s the Core Set which is free. The cards you’re looking for are in the Legacy Set.


Oh ok ty…question, if I disenchant my non golden legacy Bloodmage Thalnos, do I still keep the golden core set one or whatever?

Gold cards only have an aesthetic value aside dusting, the argument is up there with the ability to craft card backs which would otherwise be obtainable through efforts.

Sadly your beating a dead horse like many were, blizzard cares not for your efforts only your pocket, isn’t that obvious at this stage?

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So, I’m no longer on my phone and have more time to explain. So, now there is a Core Set available for everyone (cards can rotate in or out at the start of each Year). This core set can’t be crafted or disenchanted since it’s free for everyone. There’s also now a Classic mode which allows you to play Hearthstone like it was before Naxxramas came out. To play this, you need to have the cards, though. So, if you disenchant your Legacy Thalnos, you will still have the Core set one to play in Standard and Wild, but you will no longer have Thalnos in Classic.

To read it all in more detail:


So you are an enemy of fun I get it ?

And if you disenchant Thalnos and he leaves the core set, you won’t have the card anymore.

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That’s actually a pretty complicated question. I’m not sure I have it all straight, but this is how I understand it. If you disenchant your Classic Thalnos, you of course lose your ability to use it in Classic, since Classic can’t use core cards, but the Thalnos you have in core means you can still use him in Standard and Wild. If Thalnos leaves core, you can’t use him in Standard any more regardless of whether you still have the Classic Thalnos, but whether you can use him in Classic remains dependent on whether you have the Classic card. Wild, it’ll depend on whether Thalnos gets moved to Legacy. Legacy cards that are in the Classic set are twinned; whether you have the Legacy card depends on whether you have the Classic card, so whether you can use Thalnos in Wild depends on whether you have the Classic Thalnos. But if it’s not moved to Legacy, you can’t use it in Wild, period. So if you dust your Classic Thalnos, and he leaves the core set and moves to Legacy, you lose an ability to use him in Wild that you could have kept.

Here is my guide to the Core Set, it explains nearly all that you need to know, including disenchanting your Classic cards that happen to be in this year’s Core Set.

If at next rotation, they move the uncraftable (formerly Core) version of Thalnos to Legacy, or they make a new set to put the rotated Core cards in.

Blizzard screwed so many long time loyal fans over when they moved the classic set out of Standard play. There is a good thread here from other unhappy players:

As someone who invested a lot of money into the game, and collected every pack, expansion, portrait set etc - I had a complete golden classic set. That investment was made worthless. I have no desire to play ‘Classic Mode’ - which was a lame attempt for Acti-Blizz to wriggle out of trying to provide any kind of compensation to us.

As many of you have said - I have now lost all interest in collecting and crafting gold cards. Since that decision was made I have boycotted Act-Blizz products and refuse to spend any more money on any of their content. Since February when I decided to quit paid play - I have saved nearly £300 in purchases. I still play - I love Hearthstone - but I will always be free-to-play from here on out.

The developers have proven over and over again that they care only about one thing: profit. They have no loyalty to their customers, and simply want to milk as much out of them as possible. They have become more and more greedy over time - and the new ‘Mercenary’ Mode was just the icing on the cake. Another mode I will not be spending a single £ on.

I think Acti-Blizz lost a lot of loyal customers when they made that decision - and then went on to lose what little respect they did have with the revelation of how the management team treat their employees. That has to speak volumes about the type of people that run this company now and where their morals and values stand.

Are these cards only cosmetic or have disenchant golden value as well?
If is only cosmetic and only for standard i don’t see why you guys are rampaging about it, is barely a reward for a veteran who are willing to spend so much time for all that wins.

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Not really, some people just dont care whether card is golden or not. Well, they do - it is more dust for them, that is it. Personally I dusted every golden card I received. Not anymore, as I am waiting for nerfs, but hey, doesnt matter.

The cards I received from that big change - I dont really even know, if I put golden or not in my deck, it doesnt affect me winning or losing.