Giving everyone 235 Golden Cards is a Mistake

I do not get the point of this thread. Spending a fortune on a digital card game does not in any way make you a more valuable human being than others. I for one appreciate equality.

This topic is not about that. It’s about everyones experience. Someone who has a couple golden cards and maybe crafted some of his/her favorites in gold.

It’s about how golden cards should be treated as something special, because they are awesome.

It’s about respecting effort.

Will golden heroes still be a thing?

Will golden heroes still be a thing?

Of course. Nothing changes about that.

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This goldifying scheme is in response to people asking for dust for their standard set. Its a low ball solution, and yes - it makes your current Golden crafted cards feel less important. The result will be that people will put less emphases on crafting Golden meaning HS gets less money.

The right solution would have been to refund in dust the standard packs purchased in the last 365 days to the announcement. Golden cards have become vanilla resulting in a tarnished shine.


Maybe make them copper color!

I’m pretty sure they had the golden core cards part planned out before the move from classic to legacy was announced

They did:

“Like the Basic Set, you’ll earn Core Set cards by leveling up each class. All Core Set class cards are rewarded between levels 1-10 for each class, and Neutral Core Set cards will unlock based the sum of all your class levels combined, up to the combined level of 60. Golden versions of Core Set cards can be unlocked by completing Achievements associated with winning games as each class.“

for me golden cards = dust
why would i care someone else gets the same golden card that i did?I am getting dust i need thats all that matters.Idu how others getting the same golden card that i did matters here.

so in other words if you saved up money for a burger and if while eating it,you see someone else getting it to eat too,you dont want to eat it anymore?what the heck?

if you want “Only made for you stuff” to stimulate your brain that much then go learn genetics and start spending your time in lab…i suggest you to leave hearthstone it will dmg your mind.

i dont have time for 12 yo mindset bullcrap.

No, it’s more like he paid $10 for a burger but someone else got it for free.


how come? you cant disenchant golden cards added from completing amount of victories from a class?you can disenchant those from cards packs.I dont understand how someone else got it for free?conditions for both of them are the same.

You’re thinking in terms of potential dust gains but you’re not understanding the perspective of a card collector.
OP and others spent actual real money in order to craft those golden cards, which by the way are worth much less when disenchanted.
So they invested real money in order to have flashy cards in-game. But now others will have those exact same cards in gold without having invested any real money.
This feels unfair to them.


lol does that mean he is crying over animations?

He’s upset because he invested real money to buy a product but now others are getting that same product for free.


only thing players get from free golden cards is animations.if he invested real money…then yes it will be his loss bcz others will get to enjoy animations for free while he paid for it.
hmmm probably he dont care about animations but bcz of their this move his money got wasted and hence the post.
ok now i get it.


i apologize for writing offensive stuff above OP

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He’s upset because he invested real money to buy a product but now others are getting that same product for free.

No. I did not spend money to collect golden cards. In fact i am rather resistant to buying cosmetics. The problem is that no one gets what gold cards mean.

for me golden cards = dust

You are all focused on the dust value. I hope people who care, raise their voice, not those who don’t care.

Gold cards are desirable, rare and exciting. It’s about the actual play experience. The more golden cards in play, the less special they are. I will not craft or get excited about any golden card that is in the core set anymore. Or golden cards from other sets. They are no longer desirable.

But yea, our collected golden cards (that are part of the core set) are now unnecessary for standard. They have no value for the most popular mode anymore. I think that sucks.

I don’t see why the developers think that’s ok. They have the majority on their side, who benefit from this or don’t care. But that argument is won by power, not reason.

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OK, sorry for misunderstanding you. I’m f2p and yeah, I used to try and collect golden cards but I later realized how foolish that was so I stopped. Now I actively try to find the non-golden version of golden commons I find so I can safely disenchant them.
I still have a couple golden Ancients of War and assorted other golden cards that I wish were not golden (so I would have more dust to craft other cards I want.) I used to disenchant the regular copies of cards and keep the golden versions. Very foolish of me.

HS is a card collector game and what makes a collector’s collection impressive…RARE cards like golden cards. It improves your experience when playing (something that poor would never understand).

So now every collector is playing with golden cards, and now golden cards are not impressive anymore. Its like every bum on the street has the same rolex watch you do and now a rolex is not cool anymore.

You can’t say that playing an opponent with all golden cards doesn’t second guess your chances of winning. All thats gone now.


playing someone with golden cards never made me second guess my chances of winning. spending money doesn’t increase someone’s chance to win.

golden basic cards have always been available for free and were tied to achievements, just like the new core golden cards will be.

the golden cards are ugly. i wish they were like silver or something