Giving everyone 235 Golden Cards is a Mistake

Not only will it massively devalue our collected golden cards, it will increase the prevalence of golden cards in play considerably, which further devalues golden cards in general.


those tears , sorry for you


Been playing since beta and never cared about golden cards. I still don’t care about them other than they give more dust.


Still need to earn 500 wins (10x for Neutral) to get all the Golden core cards though.

And here I was, thinking that the value of golden cards was that they are pretty to look at. Not because of some sort of inflated sense of self importance from spending a lot of money on something with no resale value.


Gold cards are worth more dust, are harder to come by, have a considerable development cost and are aesthetically classified higher.

If they were just prettier to look at, all cards would be golden/animated.

The biggest problem, however, is that there is no chance of winning this argument because the majority benefit from this gift, do not want to give up this privilege and you are powerless against majorities on the Internet.

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You can’t dust Core cards. So that part doesn’t matter. You don’t even get to keep them after they rotate out, to the best of my knowledge.

But you go ahead and paint yourself a martyr. I honestly couldn’t care less about golden or non-golden.


If you don’t care about golden cards you should not participate in this conversation.


Agree with the OP. They should, at least, refund Golden Classic set cards that rotate out of Standard.


If indifferent people don’t analyze a situation, you just have two polar opposite beliefs shouting at each other.


Anyone knows do I have to have 500 wins on demon hunter to get all neutrals golden? Or is it enough if I have multiple 1000 win classes

Before it was about levels. I would assume level 35ish gets you half, 60 gets you all.

At least in duels you won’t have to worry about people having a ton of goldens because cards added to your deck are never golden even if they are in your collection.

Levels were for normal versions

I dont get it, so you have to have a 500 win hero to get all golden core set for that class, and all 10 classes at 500 wins to get all golden core standard cards?

If so, I am at 7/10 golden heroes.

No, from the announcement of the Core Set:

Golden versions of Core Set cards can be unlocked by completing Achievements associated with winning games as each class.

So what? You need tons of wins to get all the gold Core Set cards. Not everyone has that many wins to get all of it when it releases.

Plus even now I have bunch of golden Basic cards and honestly they’re not as “shiny” as for example expansion legendary or other card. Because it’s basic and everyone has it.

Got my answer, this is from Celestalon HS Dev

You need 500 wins in ranked/arena for each class to get golden core set cards

To get all of the golden neutral core cards you need 5000 ranked wins, 500 for each class Ă— 10

bcz of this i couldnt care less about this
i dont think its worth to post a thread on this.Its hard to even consider it as a problem

bcz of this i couldnt care less about this
i dont think its worth to post a thread on this.Its hard to even consider it as a problem

Because neither of you understand what the issue is about. A non existing dust value is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

If you opened a golden card today you’d be happy. For several reasons.

Tomorrow everyone gets the same golden card, and a lot of other golden cards for free. Well? Now you ask yourself why you cared in the first place.

The day after you open one of those other golden cards in a pack. Whatever. Maybe you’ll dust it. Cause what else is it good for.

Where exactly in this does it matter that you can’t dust the golden cards you are given access to? It doesn’t. It’s a far more complex issue than dust value.

Seeing something for the first time is special.

I do not get the point of this thread. Spending a fortune on a digital card game does not in any way make you a more valuable human being than others. I for one appreciate equality.