Shouldnt have mentioned yu gi oh at all because this is about hearthstone and everybody freaks out over the sentence “played yu gi oh from time to time”. But lets get this straight. I guess you talk about duel links and not about the physical game or master duel. Well duel links is trash, konami just doesnt want to have complexity for business purposes in order to attract new players without overwhelming them. Game was actually really complex in the early 2010s and discouraged many with a large playerbase quitting. Reason mentioned was not to pepperidge farm you. When I said that this current state of the game feels worse than anything I played these past 20 years I really meant it. Banana for scale simply.
Cheers man. Not what I was going for. Not looking to boycott anything just wanted to post my thoughts and see if any people actually feel the same. Far from being a snowflake over a video game. The point is to make the game fun. Its a video game after all. I guess this culture has gone through peoples lives more than it should. Being competitive and being a sociopath over a number or a rank color is 2 different things. Throwing dust into your own eyes and neglecting obvious issues is either lack of critical thinking or complete absense of it. I mean thats not just in hearthstone or a card game it goes far beyond that. Dont have the time to bother with this. I love the game and the warcraft theme and I dont think thats the case for most nowadays. The answer you get is get over it and go somewhere else noone told you play. When someone doesnt want to listen no reason to keep trying.
100% Yu Gi Oh should never be used as an example when i comes to interactivity or healthy power creep.
You dont seem to understand why you are getting push back from other users here, no one cares if you trash the game/devs everyone does that here on a regular basis.
“Its the worst meta ever” might be the most posted thing on this forums, the problem with your argument is that you used Yu Gi Oh the undisputed king of all kinds of BS in card games as an example of better pratices and thats just ludicrous.
And that part bellow about Duel Links…
No one is talking about that game ,i even posted a Master Duel video here with a Dark Magician Deck.
That BS that lets me wipe the floor with my opponent in 2 turns with a vanilla crap deck is impossible in Hearthstone…
Nevertheless, you still grow the intuition for those odds with time spent playing a deck
It just takes a bit more than it used to because the game is far more complex/contains many more layers of RNG.
But contrary to the popular notion, more RNG makes the game more balanced/less revolving around luck in the long term, rather than more.
Well it isnt about powercreep alone. Its a bit of this and that. In yu gi oh despite being able to pull of these things there is still that thing we mentioned about decks v decks. This beats that and that beats the other. In hearthstone the point is who gets to run the most broken stuff available and who gets favorable draws. And my original sentence was that I played from time to time. I really dont remember having worse time in yu gi oh ever than this right now. Stick to that. Its not about comparing which one has the worst powercreep but that right now is the less fun a card game has ever been. At least to me. And as you said to many others aswell since this is the most popular topic. Never used yu gi oh as the undisputed king of bull crap. Dont misinterpret my words. I hear what you say. Im not master of all kinds. Mtg and hearthstone were the ones I have spent more time in.
Rng is generally a positive factor, otherwise it would get boring… really quick. Having actually thought whats the actual problems of these decks and their similarity is excessive card draw. In a game were the hp is on 30 and deck is on 30 cards. Shaman draws 2 cards asteroids should behave like ones. Ele mage draw 3 cost minion shouldnt exist or at least have more limitation. Rogue should not be able to shadowstep more than once per turn. Or at last just make it more expensive. Breakdancing should just be deleted from the face of earth. Priest should not draw with overheal but heal instead. Sleeping under the stars should have been hit much more. 1 mana doesnt make a difference in a ramp class.
I know what you find good in randomness, but you expressed what happens very incorrectly. More randomness by definition makes …more randomness no matter what; what you mean is that if there was no randomness: then cookie cutter decks would be extremely brutal against the decks they counter; basically one could just hold a script and win 100% of the time by following the script against a specific opponent.
At the end of the day you need to still balance it; you can’t have no randomness at all but you also can’t have everything feel like spinning the roulette; the roulette is spun a lot the more the power creep because a single spin can lose or win games out of nowhere in various cases and especially at late rounds.
It’s very obvious if you didn’t play a lot of games per day; if you play 10 games: at least 3 of them may feel like their outcomes were affected by random luck; if you play 50 games in a single day then yes: RNG becomes a zero sum game very obviously but how many players play 50 games per day?
Great, go play a game that caters to that. This one decided it doesn’t.
Hey hey hey you are not in charge to develop a game, shadowstep, break dance, funnel cake and crimson clergy is fine. Shadowstep is evergreen rogue card team 5 spent long time to come up with flavorful card that translate the thematic playstyle of a class from mmorpg to a card game. For priest they really need card draw to make the engine run, I was pretty sure the devs didn’t overlook the possibility of a combo deck for priest hence they came up with card draw. Instead of blaming card design learn to play better and suck it up.
Only if you live long enough, and you won’t.
They are made to work faster and less greedy than most “late game” players want.
If they truly want it to be a midrange thing, I agree. It should shuffle into opponent decks like plagues and it should cancel reno effects… but I doubt we get that back.
So I play lots of different things, but the easiest games are against people who don’t plan to play the first several turns. They pass, they draw, they hero power, but they aren’t immediately contesting the board or starting towards trying to win the game. When players do this, it’s too easy to “nuke them in turn 6 or 7” because they’re already too behind to catch up.
When you play against someone also trying to win the game, it becomes much more complicated as you have to respect their threats, pick your spots for chip damage, manage your hand, and … play hearthstone.
It isn’t so much what they are doing as much as what many people who loved old control decks are not doing to adapt to the current game.
I have lots of these… while playing many of the decks you decry.
Yeah post reached to an end. Literally too many of you that dont want to have conversation and just answer suck it up and leave if you dont want to. Literally said that in a couple comments above. You are telling me just because its someones work I shouldnt state the problems? Im free to post and say a couple of things, not gonna fire the dev team. Many core and classic cards rotated over the years because they were not good enough or interacted as they were not supposed to anymore. Its not a crime it had its time. Can argue the same way on why did they rotated malygos. At least back up yourself, its funny at this point how many people just beg to differ and have
no critical thinking to distinguish things that are good and bad or at least justify themselves. Just play the irony card here and there. All you people think that its about a skill issue that I cannot overcome. And for the 100th time no its not its more serious. Game is not fun this way we discussed it thoroughly on this pos. Getting repetitive and answering to the same comment over ane over again just get your answer above, you didnt even bother to finish half of the original one. Never said im charge of anything I just made a post about my thoughts, majority seems to agree. This one will go down the well in a couple of days. It doesnt make any difference whatsoever.
2nd post here ever. Never again. Screw it, it gets frustrating after a while. Let em do their thing. Pointless and repetitive. Never insulted anyone and they fume.
It’s not obvious to everyone
In fact, most people still don’t get it
You express almost everything you write incorrectly
Even now, you didn’t manage to correct me, at least not with the correct phrasing of what I really meant (it’s got something to do with variance)
Sure thats valid as a personal experience, but on a general way its just not true.
Yu Gi Oh despite my love for the game will always be the King of Games in BS, 2nd place is miles away not even up for discussion.
We all have our personal preferences ,i think Demon Hunter is the worst thing that ever happened on ANY card game.
Does that make it true???
Hell no , but you better belive i made my fair share of posts trashing this game,the devs and the people that play that stupid class,yes i think people that play Demon Hunter deserve to step on a lego piece daily .
May they live very long lives doing so.
What i never did was to try veil my opinion on any sense of logic, its pure personal irrational bias.
I don’t think anybody on the forums play Demon Seed in wild . Surely this forum does not attract degenerates of that magnitude!
You would be surprised how many vile people there are here, and the worst thing is that they spend their time perverting things, passing off honest control and highlander players as the undesirables…
It doesn’t really get any more honest than pure aggro
Control and highlander couldn’t be more dishonest than they are
I didn’t until all the complaints started, but I have recently.
I’ve come to the conclusion that demonseed is fine if they ban healthstone from wild and then never let it in the mode when it rotates.
Demonseed decks were around T2 in wild prior to healthstone because they were pretty flimsy to good aggro. Healthstone takes away any weakness they might have, making their bad match ups neutral or even favored with the stone.
I know everyone wants to go after darkglare, but honestly, darkglare is about the most warlock card out there - you are literally gambling with your health to regen mana. The problem isn’t that you can take 25 self damage in a turn and swing a game - it’s that you can zero (literally free, not even after discounts, just plain free) cost heal ALL the damage you did to yourself.
Slow decks will always lose to demonseed. It’s designed to beat slow decks.
But it needs to fold to fast decks to keep it honest, and healthstone makes it so that doesn’t happen.
Absolutely true.
Also true.
cope harder man… l0l
A little addition or correction: and they added Sif in his place.
Yes, the forum’s resident troll will keep telling you that (that’s the way these forums are, I suppose you might be new here and haven’t figured it out yet ). Dunno if they are even ‘people’, though.
That passage wasn’t even targeted at you, what’s wrong?
Oh, I’ve actually found yet another of my old posts where I said it (had difficulties at first), so I guess I’ll quote it:
Some more details and clarifications are in the full version of the post.
You guys should relax, HS has turned to mobile mode since it has infinitly more users / paying customers than destkop PCs.
It’s a matter of profit. Having medium / long games just isn’t profitable when the player goes for a fast game in a … lets say smoke break or his lunch hour.
Today, either you adapt to the current status quo or you fade into history, and thats what the developers did, adapt HS to the current requirements.
Since the population keeps growing, the chances to get gen Z customers are much higher than attracting older customers … so … relax, have your nostalgia moments cause … nothing lasts.
I have a proposal for you, maybe try play wow classic. Try to do little pvp, will you rant on forum for getting stunlocked by rogue, or getting Perma slowed by a mage, or maybe getting 100-0 by shaman in a second. Embrace the class differences this is what hearthstone and warcraft all about.