Current state of the game

This one is a well-known pro-company forum ‘white knight’, actually… Thus:

‘No surprise here.’ :grinning:

You tell 'em. :grinning:

‘Deck trackers’ have replaced their common sense and critical or rational thinking.

PS Haven’t really read the posts by the other known resident forum… types, since I know better. :grinning:

Alright, I suppose I’ll dig up something in reply to your original post: The game needs more 'disruption', OTKs and solitaires , also Im so ready for 2025 core set - #19 by SparkyElf-2852 (as for why they are doing it and also regarding the short-sightedness of being too focused on specific decks, by the way, etc) and so on… I suppose it’ll do for now.


he wants to bring back fatigue decks the most boring decks HS ever had

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I know a few, yes

  • cycle rogue
  • bunch of different Druids
  • Wheel warlock
  • Insanitylock

… or more or less, any control deck which could benefit from rushing their win con against faster decks with inevitable win cons (such as any shaman, any mage or any hunter really)

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And that, right there, represents the single biggest problem with Hearthstone. The way they limited interaction and design space by not allowing any play on your opponent’s turn still, over a decade later, BAFFLES me.


There have been stale metas there too. Chaos emperor dragons or these pillars were annoying as hell but still for the 100th time there was interaction!!! Cycle rogue is far beyond that.

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Unreal that you talk about interaction when Yu Gi Oh invented Exodia decks…
Yu Gi Oh is the KING of uninteractive card games, by all means dislike the meta in Hearthstone but dont use games like Yu Gi Oh to validade your point lmao.

Hearthstone is the punching game of card games lol, other games getting away with murder and it gets all the blame and infamy…

When Hearthstone gets a vanilla deck that does this hit me up, theres plenty to criticise in this game and also the devs.
But is it too much to ask not to make stuff up???

Guess not.


Say what you want about yugioh, but it has far less power creep than hearthstone. A card or deck in yugioh that sees play on release will often still have some relevance 3 years (at 4-6 expansions per year, so 12-18 expansions) later. In hearthstone it’d often lose all relevance 1 year (4 expansions) later.

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Memes are not a counterargument. If yugioh had more power creep than hearthstone, at least 1 of the numbers I presented above would have to be false. No ifs, ands, or buts about it: if those numbers are accurate (and they are), then hearthstone objectively has more power creep than yugioh.

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Exodia deck is a fun archetype. You actually have to work through to make this happen. It usually doesnt. Not a legit competive viable exodia deck has seen play. Like antonidas and mechathun in heartstone in the past. Cycle rogue doesnt fall into this category.

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Since you don’t post, I’ll tell you it’s just the same couple of people that reply every time totally disregarding anything you say and the game is perfect. I thought they were bots and blizzard. I guess got butt hurt and removed my comments.

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Caught me there fam. I guess Im not that informed after all. Thay doesnt change my opinion on exodia decks though.

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Well number of posts made by them kind of making this crystal clear. Im down to differ and exchange opinions, but the answers were straight out empty defences without justification. Cant argue with these kind of people :person_shrugging: One of them literally commented couple days back trying to make me look crazy when i posted about an obvious solo adventures bug.

Well in the examples I gave for problematic decks and mechanics you never really feel you have the lead till you get them down to 0. (Cycle rogue, ele mage, asteroid shaman, dungar druid, zarimi priest)Opponent can be 1 hp no board 2 cards in hand then suddenly they draw 10 cards, clear the board, heal full hp and bomb you. The mage just drop revenants drop 2 spells on your face and youre down. Shaman drops an oracle suddenly nukes you and your whole board. Rogues just doing their things. Dungar druid just ramps 2 turns when you are on 4 mana and next turn you face an eonar refresh mana drop the horse bring couple more steroid dudes. They can turn the tables so much when you supposedly have the “lead”.

You have to build them though in order to be usefull. This literally screams late game win condition.

Talking about the expansions cards. Draenei is keep buffing and bringing bigger men to the board as times goes on. Velen aswell. Outscaling the opponent is the point here. Asteroid shaman is being problematic and shouldnt work the way it does. It is supposed to be a control mid range tool not an otk nuke thing. Have commented about it several times above. In my opinion it shouldnt go face or interact with spell damage. Or maybe hit friendly and enemy minions too so the playstyle is kind of shifted.(incidious as well) This kind of style suited cthun in the past but you had to buff him and put a timer on your enemy. Not nuke enemy in turn 6 or 7. Maybe you dont enjoy slow games but imo hearthstone always was kind of fast paced. Maybe you want to rush legend in the firsr day who knows. Legend is not even an accomllishment these days and that pace is one of the reasons. When i talked about fatigue games i didnt mean that cringe boomsdays dr boom warrior or mill decks with the murloc that burned your cards to fatigue. That made me quit the game in the first place in the past. Talking about playing games that would take a 10 minute time. Knights of the frozen throne and ungoro did it the best. Aggro was always a playstyle and it has its place anyhow. Decks nowadays dont feel a deck anymore. Where each card has its place, time and purpose. Its just a mixture of broken value, discover unpreventable random things and damage damage damage. The tradable card next turn enemy spell cost 2 more is a healthy well designed card fossil of a better time.

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You should get that feeling once you play enough games on a deck you’re playing

Chipping away 1 by 1 dmg or OTK-ing you, doesn’t make much difference, you should always keep in mind the odds your opponent has to have “it” at any point in the game


For you, plenty of people love the long-burn archetype.

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Hey, fixed that for you.

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Drawing 10 cards per turn and playing 15 on turns 6-8 doesnt scream “you should expect them to have it”. It just says the odds are 1/3, 1/2. It says he either gets it or he doesnt.

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Most games of the most recent Yu-gi-oh online game are ended in about 2-4 turns.

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