Returning player here. Never really posted anything in the blizzard forums but this time I really had the need to comment many things. Have been playing the game since the beta with some small breaks after some very bad expansions (witchwood,boomsday,ashes of outland,united in stormwind), have been playing mtg on and off since the early 2000s and some yu gi oh from time to time. It might seem that I am over exaggerating but this is the worst experience I had from playing a card game EVER and thus this is by far the worst period of the game in its whole existence. (the expansion is actually really interesting and promising but it gets shadowed by many factors). First of all the the architecture and the mechanics of the game and everything we loved about it is gone. Controlling the board by making decisions of smart trades and face push damage in order to put yourself in a winning condition is absent. Mana cheat mechanics are too many and in almost every class. Drawing is excessive and kind of comical (to the point by turn 5 you can draw your entire deck). Another thing that could distunguish good players from bad players was how well informed one was. Now that doesnt really matter as well. Too many archertypes that there is no real counterplay, since they arent played on the board but straight from hand or drawn from deck, giving you no possibility to answer or counterplay. Despite being perfectly informed about the meta, the decks, their favorable matchups, their playstyles and turn sequences the gameplay is reduced to simply luck. Well before somebody comments “Thats how card games work. Its all about luck”. Well yes, but to a point. Every card has its place, time and use. Stuff like asteroid shaman where you play 3-4 cards and then just draw and wait if luck is on your side or not is neither interactive, fun or satisfying. Stuff like elemental mage where you play a card buff your whole deck and just bomb your opponent out of nowhere letting your opponent with no room to react or stall the the procedure are completely inadmissable. Aggro decks have been present since forever in every card game and this the way it is, its not wrong. The game is becoming dangerously stale. Hearthstone was always a fact paced game but games getting decided by turn 4 or even mulligan and ending right after turn 5 is not a great and memorable experience. Screw it i barely call it an experience. Aggro decks doesnt mean if I dont kill by turn 5 then I just forfeit and control doesnt mean if I manage to reach 10 mana I win. Balance team and developers really need to reconsider their views or maybe just open the dictionary of what these words even mean. And at last its great that there are cards that fit in different decks but the criterion should be how flexible they are and not just straight out broken value. Anyways sorry for the long post. I assure you it is not a nostalgia product but a simple concern and my personal opinion. If you enjoy it thats ok. But it doesnt take much but a couple of bad consecutive expansions for everything to go to hell. Game is not going to get more popular all of a sudden or at all at this point.
All that is fluff. Give 1 example. Give me 1 specific deck VS another 1 specific deck being bad for the game.
Gave 2 examples on my post but ok. In its entire existence there have been overwhelming decks that left no room to develop your plan simply because they had unlimited recourses (jade druid, quest rogue etc) but there was always answer and counterplay. And if you lost well damn you lost. There was INTERACTION. I cant say the same nowadays where the most broken decks are things like ele mage, cycle rogue, weapon rogue, asteroid shaman where you just spectate your enemy and just wait to die. Its like saying lets play some poker and you keep reshuffling over and over your deck until finding what suits you better and. If i wanted to spectate the game i could just hop into a stream or watch video. I actually want to play the game, have equal fights that will reach to fatigue cause both played it perfectly and the one who won was flawless. Where decisions actually had impact. You know have fun?
When all the decks have sprinkles of problematic mechanics, it’s not about the decks vs decks anymore. It’s that these mechanics are engrained in most classes.
HS used to be about making smart board decisions almost every turn. Now it’s can I overwhelm the opponent before one of the 14 board clears he has delays enough until he gets 3x battclecries… or can I fill my deck with enough asteroids and incindius things to draw them all one turn to do 82 face damage before the opponent does his combo. It’s a lot less interactive these days. I don’t consider full board wipes interactive in the same sense as deciding trades, face damage, etc.
I still have fun with HS but I don’t take it as serious anymore as it’s all just ridiculous. It used to be a lot more compelling. Now it’s more gen z explosions and brain rot mana cheats every turn. My fun comes from trying to pull off non meta combos and dreams and get legend with those decks.
Decks. Specific archetypes. E.g. say “Mech Warrior” or “Handbuff Paladin” or “Big Spell Mage” etc.
At least you read through my comment. Cheers mate. Its about interaction and decisions. If not whats the point. Launch solo mode do your ventriloquist kind of clown combos and finish off the bots. Its unhealthy and unappealing. Dont wanna spectate you while you jerk off dont want to spectate playing your game by yourself simple as that.
has some weird complains
he complains about aggro decks winning by turn 5 which is normal for aggro
and he complains about control decks having a late game win condition ( the bit about control winning by 10 mana)
do you know which deck aims to draw all its cards by turn 5 ? he complained about it but i dont understand why someone would run so much card draw
The way you counterplay in Hearthstone is by pressuring the opponent to answer by making the plays that get you ahead and let you stay ahead not play the game to bring the game back to the starting line with the opponent always getting the initiative. Just playing the wait and see counter plan all the time is an endless game of getting nowhere.
This isn’t a game like MTG where you can act on your opponents turn with instant answers to create the gotcha moment. In Hearthstone you have to be active. Hearthstone is not about chasing what the opponent does. It’s about taking the lead and making the opponent chase you.
This isn’t the game for you anymore.
It will never return to that, and most people are super happy about it.
Fatigue games are awful.
Since I guess you are new or didnt read half of the things I wrote (since you jumped in a conclusion that doesnt make sense on what I said), for example pirate hunter is acceptable. Classic aggro archetype. Mulligan and draw favorable? He wins. Opponent doent have an answer? He wins(Taunt, ramp quick, removal). I dont know how many times I have to state it but I clearly mention the lack of INTERACTION. Getting bombed 100-0 belongs to otk decks/combo decks where you have to make a plan and execute it. Cycle rogue, ele mage, asteroid shaman do not belong to these. Toxic gameplay where your win condition is not I played it better had the timing right and answered properly but pray he doesnt get the 1-2 cards he needs to finish you off out of 30 in 5 turns.
Just because the game aligned with the tastes of players who only play hs in the toilet does not give you the right to silence all the suggestions that could return hs to his golden age…
Releasing cards like starships, kiljaeden or literally almost every card of this expansion says the complete opposite. They just dont nerf anything and the game is the same for 2 years now. I am just waiting for the miniset or even the rotation.
You can be a donkey if that makes you feel better, but the plain fact is you aren’t getting fatigue games regularly in modern hearthstone. If that’s your jam, this is no longer your game.
There’s nothing wrong with telling plain facts.
There are people that like it and people that don’t.
Starships cost five mana to activate. If you’re waiting for fatigue, you’re doing it wrong.
Sure, asteroids and pirates really scream fatigue control death matches to me, too…
You say this is the worst experience in a card game when you have played Yu Gi Oh in the past???
Most the issues you have bellow were created in that game, its not by chance that we have Exodia decks on all cards games and they go by that name.
A game that can get you a loss on a single turn before you have the chance to play anything.
And that goes for the OG archetypes in Yu Gi Oh as well(Dark Magician Deck), so the excuse that the game became like that later isnt valid, it just got worse.
Look Hearthstone isnt perfect far from it, but i find it ridiculous to call this the worst meta of all cards games and use Yu Gi Oh as an example to validate that point ,yikes.
I pass, that’s your thing, telling others if the game is theirs or not…
I prefer to listen to a random with 10 posts than leave hs in the hands of a guy who hates highlander decks because they are full of vanity but who plays demon seed and announces it without a trace of blush…
You told us the game isn’t what you want, I told you it won’t ever be what you want again.
Yep, because these highlander trashpile control decks are the height of big brain despite getting curb stomped repeatedly by better lists. Tell us again why the game should go back to barrens control priest… lol.
It doesn’t have to be one or the other. I’d be delighted if they had games with more board interaction and decisions. Not exactly how it was but not as ridiculous as it is now. There’s middle ground somewhere. It didn’t become this overnight.
The fact of the matter is they have been putting out neutral wincons and even class wincons for control for several years, moving us away from fatigue as the goal of a control deck.
Infinite value is useless in the face of, for example a purified shard or boomboss.
Fatigue has nothing to do with anything I suggested.
Theres a new rogue shipbdeck out that aims to fizzle with a hand of shadowstep ceaseless and exodar. It aims to draw your deck quick so ya can pull off the infinite combo. Is it good, no, easily disrupted but can be fun if they cant disrupt the infinite