Questing Emote Suggestion

It would be nice if we had some kind of emote to indicate we’re working on a quest in casual so people don’t think we’re being stupid or jerks just because we have to do 100 shadow damage or whatever.

Just do your quest, who cares of what the random stranger that is online playing HS thinks of you :rofl:

Expecially in casual, who cares

(Moral of the story, try to not care about it because there is nothing to care about)


It’s not that I “care” so much. It would just be nice to be able to communicate intentions. I know we can’t have nice things in F2P games, but in WoW you can at least let someone know what you’re up to.

I’ve had several matches where people conceded on the first turn because they probably didn’t want to deal with a cancer priest deck, when all I was trying to do was get off 100 shadow damage.

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But sometimes it’s hard to squash your personal inegrity.

It was probably me :rofl:

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so they should deal with miserable stuff cause you are doing a quest? hell to the nah lol

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It’s not miserable stuff. You’re missing my point. My stupid quest deck was designed to lose. All I had in it was spells that did shadow damage to minions, to face, etc. Anyone who didn’t concede won.

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Incidentally, such quests are trivial to complete in Mercenaries, why even bother with such a cumbersome and unreliable way to do it against all those trolls, netdeckers and losers?


I didn’t know that. I actually forget that Mercenaries is even a thing.


so conceding make you a troll or a net decker or a loser? can you elaborate how?

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Well, glad to help, then. In fact, if it’s quests you’re after, Mercenaries are highly recommended for an easy way to complete many. There is also a video with detailed examples by one ‘Old Guardian’ on YouTube. PS I’ll even add a link:

Nothing simpler: by conceding, for instance, you lose — elementary, isn’t it? Or what kind of answer did you expect? :grinning:

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okay what about netdecker and troll? point is conceding dont make you a troll or a netdecker as you call it…you simply wanted to insult people. so you are the actual troll here!

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Logically speaking, ‘A or B’ means ‘either A, or B, or both’, so I’ve actually answered your original question adequately. However, I’ll not nitpick and will gladly indulge your request for more examples of the phenomena described above, since it can actually provide some insight into the aforementioned players’ mentality and be very relevant to the topic.

In Mercenaries, for instance (it’s one of the game modes, apart from also Classic, that I actually care about at this juncture, so perhaps I should speak of what I know best), there is an achievement which requires to do a quest of a sort (Elise’s quest for the Golden Monkey, comprising a sequence of abilities to use) in the PvP mode (the so-called fighting pit), giving a cosmetic reward, namely a portrait for Elise as a mercenary, desired by many players. While it can be done in a perfectly competitive and viable party (I’ve done it many times), some players would just attempt to do it for the achievement (by the way, so did I initially), since you don’t even need to win or anything to fulfil the requirement for the reward, with a hampered party focused solely on this objective. I’d say it’s often quite obvious what your opponent is trying to do in this case… meaning you could just let them do their quest for the achievement, then win your match… right? Well, wrong: not only will you highly likely meet zero cooperation with such strategy, in fact, some of these netdeckers and their ilk (speaking of which, although this part is pretty self-explanatory — especially in modes that are supposed to be for fun only… I remember having touched Casual years ago) would concede just to prevent you from doing this quest, even though they would actually win without much trouble and get their farming objective. Losing intentionally (and thus forfeiting one’s own rewards for the win) just to meddle with someone’s doing their quest — this is definitely not trolling… or is it? Of course, I’m not even talking about attempts by some people to go with Elise solo instead of a full party of six mercenaries, which would send a clear signal about what they’re up to — but no, netdeckuhs smell blood, netdeckuhs smash!

You know, I’ve been in this game since open beta, having quit somewhere after Un’Goro’s launch, returned for Classic when I learned that it was a thing and subsequently stayed for Mercenaries. If all my experience with the bulk of players with some — rather rare, I must say — exceptions has taught me, it’s that you’ll sooner find a chaste person walking the streets or a vegetarian white shark than a decent person as your ‘worthy opponent’, especially when it comes to the subject (trolls, losers and netdeckers, among others, however — that’s an entirely different story). Before you ask: yes, most of the time one can tell by the deck etc, yes, I’m that good at behavioural analysis :grinning:, and no, I don’t care about feeble objections of the aforementioned categories. :grinning:


If memory serves, this part was not present when I started replying to that post, or at least I don’t remember having seen it. This is a prime example of rather crude argumentum ad hominem… And perhaps even a fitting illustration of the points raised about certain player categories.

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You could have saved yourself a lot of typing and just said “I don’t know +6” rather than rambling your way through whatever you are attempting to say here.

Holy run-on sentence, Batman.


yah im not reading that when my question was pretty simple! he wasted his time lol


I mean, you don’t like the way someone answers, so you grief him over it. That sounds more like a you problem than him.

To be fair, it’s long winded…but not quite a run on. The problem with the age of 180 characters is no one wants to read anything that is longer than a short paragrapgh. Which makes people think that whoever sound bytes best is somehow right.

His post may be wordy, but he does explain what he’s getting at mostly well.

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Getting a bit off topic, but still…

How’s that possibly griefing the other person? If he or she does a bit of writing on a public board in the first place, I would think that’s probably because they please so (and not because the whole world is revolving around some anonymous character whose post is being referred to), isn’t it?

Indeed, if someone doesn’t read much in general, for instance, that seems more like their own problem.

I wouldn’t over-generalise about ‘no one’ (not to mention the small matter that it’s a logical mistake), but yes, there’s that, plus something referred to as reverse Flynn effect, plus extreme mental laziness going mainstream, as they say, — another post above is a prime illustration how a person cannot possibly imagine performing even a slightest intellectual exertion, which is required to produce a piece of somewhat meaningful text, at will.