The titan we are voting for

Imagine criticizing people who are getting extra packs while you construct a false moral high ground.

Would you rather have 3 free packs or nothing, in this digital card game with no stakes? Don’t make Eonar a core identity for yourself, goodness.


I don’t vote for my favorite titan, but for the titan i think will win the vote (for the extra park).
Why does that sound eerily accurate to how every primary works?


Following the masses to vote for a specific thing to ensure you get included in the reward is not plain stupid.

This meme fits for people like you who don’t understand Online Voting :

It’s like creating an online poll to “Name the first X” and getting surprised when BoatyMcBoatFace wins.

You have a choice - get the extra rewards or not. If you choose to go rogue, then congrats on being left out of the reward.


If I vote Sargeras: I get extra packs and extra chances to get Golganneth and Argus.

If I don’t vote Sargeras: I get nothing.

Real dilemma here. Yeah…if you don’t vote Sargeras you’re just passing on the free cards. That’s all there is to it.


I mean Sargaras is the OG of the Pantheon in WoW lore.

That, among other things, is why the worst part of any multiplayer game will probably be its players.

I absolutely love how A.F. Kay is done in the dungeon run: you could almost hate this character, since it’s a fine, lifelike parody of whatever dimwit, boob or moron you could have in your ‘friends’ list. :grinning: Or, come to think of it, the whole bunch of idiots by Tirion’s side in the Icecrown prologue depicts none others than the players.

I’ve said it once, and I guess I could repeat it:

These forums do seem a bit special, though. Sometimes I think that a prison full of recidivists, convicted for the heaviest of crimes, would appear like a civilised, cultured and upstanding mini-society in comparison to this particular… community, let alone things such as basic literacy and reading skills, some common sense and logic or even the most rudimentary of manners. Every uncooth boor has an OPINION and a great penchant for swaggering, though.

There is a rational explanation for it, however: you mostly notice those who practically live on these forums and are dysfunctional in some way, e.g. have mental issues, abuse substances and so on, while actually decent people are ‘lurking’. Not to sound narcissistic, but lemme quote myself again to avoid yet another repetition:

In this light, the passage above is probably more relevant to the more ‘hard-core’ and… vocal part and obviously not to any random ordinary guy who just wanted to report some bug, ask a normal question or such.

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Dude, you are the biggest troll here. You refuse to provide actual evidence of your claims, instead using “big words” in a feeble attempt to look intellectual.

For example, you are yet to provide ACTUAL evidence of riggery occurring, yet you believe it to be happening. You provide nothing other than words to substantiate your stance, only… WORDS.

Keep living with your delusions, I am sure they get you through the day. But you are wrong 90% of the time.

Or, more likely, a troll.

It is YOU that is “special”. Not the forums!
Prove me wrong.

:sheep: said that it will vote for surgerus and all other :sheep: followed?

They are. They never will be able to create their own deck for Hearthstone in their lifetime. They just thoughtlessly follow.

Imagine following :sheep: leader and expecting to get extra pack?

Ensure what? You do not know if Sargeras will make it. Just assumptions now.

I really would like to see sargeras NOT going through next round and forums flooded with " WE ALL VOTED FOR HIM" WTH?? :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

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We definitely have two troll accounts under this post.

Do not feed them though :point_up:


Can confirm, even as a wow player, Sarg was the only one I recognized other than the not Voltron one. +1 for Sarg, are were on the 1st week vote or 2nd?

Should still be first week. I think we’ll have a new vote every week up until the expansion launches. Here’s hoping that enough people work together (and catch on) that we can all get maximum packs and play with our unpacked Titans.

  • Round 1: Voting July 7-10
  • Round 2: Voting July 12-17
  • Round 3: Voting July 19-24



Oh, so it’s not “weeks” at all. Thanks for posting!


Everything is an assumption until it happens. A sunset existing tomorrow is just an assumption. You can call things an assumption so that you don’t have to face reality if it makes you feel better.

Fact is, all social media platforms for HS have vocal majorities on voting Sargeras so as many people as possible can get the reward. The dev team even made a sly comment about how everyone is voting Sargeras.

It’s in every player’s best interest to vote for the same Titan every single time so that the maximum amount of people get rewards. Players banding together to vote the same way is exactly what should happen in a reward system like this to maximize benefits for everyone.

But you go ahead and be stubborn and try to fight it all you want.

If the roulette wheel is 37 numbers that are black and 1 number that is red, you can vote for red because it makes you feel better and because you want to be stubborn. I’m going with the odds to maximize my chances at winning. If you care about winning, you’d know what the right vote is.


it’s weekends that voting is open. so weeks is fine

I think its all red and black with 1 green number


WTS stupid Titan Vote, pst.

I wander why they did it that way.
The same result would have been - if you open this forum, VS, reddit, HSreplay you get 3 packs.

Round 2 is open! Sargeras survived the first round; let’s keep it up!

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